Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tues - Weds

I forgot that over the weekend I recycled a glass jar and a plastic food container and lid. And on Monday I recycled an empty plastic spice jar.

Tuesday's Declutter: I took out the recycling and did another load of dishes - before going to work, I might add :) ALso put aside a muffin tin and a pie pan to sell/donate.

Wednesday's Declutter: I took a food container down to the lobby. I also put away most of the clean dishes while on the phone with the IRS. Good use of being on hold :)

Results: Wow. Last night I went to hear a friend sing, and it was really fun. She and her band were great and I met a lot of her friends, including someone who did some remote healing work on my kitty! So that was super fun.

On the way home I decided to walk all the way over to my usual train, and walked through a park where I saw fireflies! When I got to the train, there was a piano out on the street by a little park that's there. This is a program that the city does in the summer, putting pianos in various public areas for whoever wants to to play. So I sat down and played a little of the Bach I've been practicing, and then played Chopsticks :) When I got home I practiced for about 20 minutes - I'm really improving!

Also yesterday I worked an hour longer than had been planned, so got paid more. Woohoo!

This morning I called the IRS about money they said they sent me by mistake. Turns out they sent it to me AND credited it to my current tax bill. But the woman who helped me said that because I had a good record with them, she could remove ALL the penalties from last year's late payments, so that I would owe only about $4. She said the interest on the penalties would then adjust also, so I probably won't owe them anything! That was so nice of her and what a surprise for me!

Today was payday. It was a small one but every bit counts. I had a very short workday and got back home around 12:30! This means I will get to do more cleaning this afternoon!

Oh, yeah, on Monday night I did about an hour of remote work for my friend.

Finally, five weeks ago I did a transcription test for a company that has you work on transcription at home. I should have heard from them within two weeks but didn't. I emailed and called them - no reply. So I finally called a little while ago to ask about it. The woman checked into it - I was on hold for a few minutes - and told me it was a fail and they had sent an email and didn't know why I didn't get it. She said they'd send it again. I said I wondered what I did to fail and she asked if I'd done transcription before, and said most people fail. I said I had done it before, but oh, well, and then she said "Oh, hold on," and stopped to listen to someone, then came back and told me the person said my test WAS a pass! and they didn't know why it was marked as a fail, but they'd send me the info for passes! I laughed out loud and said that sounded more like me! So hurray that I never got the FAIL email, because I would never have followed up and found this error. Another job I can do from home, hurray! It will require a lot of time and won't pay much at first but as I get faster it will work out to more per hour so it's well worth my time to develop the skill.

And now I must get on some more cleaning and decluttering! My new friend that I met last night had interesting things to say about the roach problem, and I've taken her advice to heart so we will see what happens with my efforts going forward.

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