Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saturday's Clutter

Saturday's clutter removal: I took an egg shaker down to the lobby. This is a musical instrument.

Friday the 27th

Friday's clutter removal: A gold nylon lanyard went to the lobby.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday the 26th

This morning's clutter: An earplug carrying case. It went to the lobby.

Results: This afternoon I went to get a free screening for mouth, neck, and throat cancers. No reason to think I needed it, just saw the ad and thought I may as well get it checked out. I was looked at by a very funny, charming doctor a little older than me, who I found adorable. He said everything looked good and sent me on my way. Through the entire screening I was thinking, "Are you married?" So I asked the nurses about him downstairs. They weren't sure who he was, so I figured it was a missed chance and left. Then I went right back in and asked if there was a way to leave him a message. The nurse gave me a pad of paper and said to go for it. She even said she'd put in a good word for me.

I felt a little silly, but also recognized that opportunity doesn't knock every day and if I think someone is cute, why not tell him? He'll call me or not - that isn't the point. The point is to go for what I want in life. Otherwise, who am I kidding? If I want to be married and have kids, I have to put myself out there. I've been saying I want this my entire adult life, but what I've been committed to since living in New York is being alone. It's easy to know what you're committed to - it's where you spend most of your time and energy. We all tell ourselves that certain things are priorities, but the truth is, if we don't spend time on those things, they aren't really priorities.

What I've seen this week is that my whole identity is wrapped up in my wanting to be married and have kids. It's like I don't know who I am outside of this desire. AND, it's preventing me from actually having what I want, because the identity is not in the having, but in the wanting. Letting go of the wanting means letting go of who I am. Convoluted? Yeah. And I suspect very common - that is, the overall issue of identifying with certain beliefs or characteristics and then being unable to let them go due to the fear of losing one's identity.

In noticing what's going on, I get the option to choose to be committed to what I want instead of just wanting it. We'll see what happens!

Wednesday the 25th

Yesterday I threw away an unused 2008 daily planner, and the cover it was in, which was embossed with my employer's name. I didn't think it a good idea to give it away with that on it. Now I'm thinking maybe the advertising wouldn't be a bad thing! Oh well...

Don't know yet what's going out today.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesday the 24th

Today I took down: A fabric sample received at a party in Atlanta, and a Spirit magazine from 2005. They went to the lobby.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Today's clutter: I took a can of spray starch down to the lobby. I've been hauling this can around for years - I think I brought it here from OREGON! And I don't remember if I've ever starched anything. Maybe once. Gone!

I'm noticing a side effect result from clearing clutter: I'm more motivated to get my household chores done. Yesterday, after posting, I did not get out my knitting. Instead, I entered info from a bunch of business cards into a database and recycled the cards. I also cleaned out my kitchen sink's pipes, did the dishes, did some filing, and changed the cat litter.

Another result: It struck me a couple times yesterday how silly it was to hang on to some of the stuff I've got. For example, while going through the business cards, I realized that I didn't remember where I met half of these folks, and wouldn't recognize them if I saw them on the street. I was putting the info into a database because some real estate guru said it was a good idea. But once it goes in, it almost never gets used! SILLY! So that's more clutter to watch out for.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday At Two

Today I went through my files and recycled some old prospectuses (prospecti?) and annual meeting notices for companies I own in my IRA. I also recycled a stack of inserts for some investing newsletters I have. The newsletters may follow. They are mostly outdated and cover types of companies I don't invest in, like oil. There might be some good info about picking companies so I haven't tossed them yet. Anyway, there is more room in my file cabinet as a result of this purge.

I also went through a box of misc. papers and found a few things to recycle, and some biz cards to add to my database and then recycle.

What I took out today: A miniature Chiclets box was recycled (I was thinking Barbie when I kept it, but I don't have any Barbies), and a couple of wristbands and a carabiner keyring went to the lobby.

I'm feeling lazy so a round or ten of knitting is in the works this afternoon. Need my downtime!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday Afternoon

Forgot earlier that I did do some clutter already. I had a dead sage plant that had been sitting in my kitchen for months, so I stripped off the dried sage and put it in my cabinet to use in cooking, then dumped out the dirt so I could toss it into the empty lot next door.

I had to look for actual stuff to toss today. I got into what might be considered my junk drawer, and found an OLD pair of sunglasses - one I thought I had pitched long ago - with one arm broken off. I took the glasses and the arm down to the lobby, along with a lock that has no key. Also dumped the dirt while down there, and pitched an old glass jar into the recycling bins.

Friday, and Saturday morning

On Friday morning I took 8 shower curtain loops down to the lobby. They had been hanging in my closet holding up "decorations" like the silver mask I took out a week or two back. I finally realized this was not the kind of decorating that really reflected ME. I was saving these loops for the yard sale in April, but changed my mind.

I also took some old, old checks to work to shred. I don't know why I even bothered to shred them - not only is the account closed, the bank was bought out! Call me paranoid. But shredding is a satisfying thing to do, so it was fun.

I haven't taken anything out yet today, but I did remove a different kind of clutter. I was looking for ways to save money, and thought of my land line. I have a cell phone that I can use for long distance. I rarely use up my minutes each month, so my LD is going to be free forever. So I thought why not remove the calling plan from my landline. Turns out, I could even eliminate the long distance capability. So I did and I'm going to save $20 - $30 a month, depending on how many local calls I have.

As I do this clutter clearing, I'm finding it interesting to notice the myriad forms clutter can take. I don't think I'd have considered long distance service clutter if it weren't for this project. There's mental clutter to get rid of too.

Ultimately, the project is about getting the physical clutter out of the way so I can see what the real obstacles are to my success in various areas of life. I think physical clutter keeps me comfortably separated from the mental clutter that's holding me back. That's why I've never been able to get past a certain point with it. No one enjoys taking responsibility for their limitations. This time, though, I'm inspired to keep with it and see what happens when there's nothing to hide behind. Who knows? Maybe there is a fabulous woman under all the junk!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wednesday and Thursday

Wow, what an interesting couple of days. First, though, I forgot that on Tuesday I took a bunch of stuff to work to shred in addition to throwing stuff out.

OK. Yesterday I took out an extra cork remover that I didn't need, and a small ladle that I never used cuz I didn't know what it was for! Also, I seem to be inspiring one or more of my neighbors (a very tall neighbor) because there was a small tin of perfume or balm left in the lobby, as well as a pretty fuschia party decoration hanging on the mirror - the cat mask was gone Tuesday night when I got home.

Today I took out a circular grater. By circular, I mean that it had round blades that you insert into a holder and then turn the crank to shred cheese or whatever. It had three different blades so you could get slices of cheese, shredded cheese, or tiny grated cheese. For me, the kind that you hold flat over a bowl works better than this contraption. I was saving it for the yard sale but decided to take it out today.

So when I got off the subway at work today, I was told I was beautiful by a complete stranger, and asked for my phone number! Talk about results! I wasn't even wearing makeup. I didn't give him my number, because I don't do that. I start with email. But he said maybe he'd run into me again and change my mind! This hasn't happened to me in quite awhile and it just felt great.

What's really cool about this is that I was thinking last night about how I have said for years and years that I want to get married and have kids, but then I don't go out, don't usually say yes when asked out, and have been in multiple relationships with men who don't want to get married. So although I want it, I'm not committed to having it. I may not even really want it. In looking at that I asked myself what commitment to marriage would look like. The biggest thing I saw was that if I'd been committed to getting married, I would never have let shyness stop me from approaching men I liked - especially when I already knew they liked me. So it's pretty amazing that I saw this last night, and then got hit on today.

What's gonna happen when I REALLY start throwing stuff out? :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Today's Clutter

I had an interesting experience of my own...selfishness? I suppose, tonight. I was going down the stairs from the subway on the right side (walk right, pass left is the rule I always knew) and a young woman or girl was walking up. When we met, I stopped and we just looked at each other for a minute. Eventually, with something of reproach in her eyes, she went around me.

I spent the next few minutes justifying my actions to myself. In fact, there were good reasons for me not to go around her, chiefly the fact that it's more dangerous to go down than up and I feel safer holding the handrail. But reason didn't come into it. I stood and waited for her to go around me out of stubbornness, the desire to be right, and a need to dominate. And then I spent quite a few minutes judging myself for it.

What's interesting is that there's nothing inherently wrong in what I did. I decided it was wrong because of rules I was taught about polite behavior, and because of what I was taught about acceptable and unacceptable motivations for behavior. To my mind, my actions indicated weakness of character, based on what I was taught. If our positions had been reversed, though, I would not have thought that about HER.

I wonder if our rules and judgments about ourselves are clutter.

Anyway, today's clutter! Tonight when I got home I took my welcome mat out to the trash along with the garbage. This was a big one. My good friend Nicole gave me that welcome mat years ago in Oregon. It came with me to New York and I felt very fondly toward it because of who gave it to me. But at this point even washing it wouldn't make it look good. Over the years it has worn out and the once-beautiful picture of the rising sun was pretty much unrecognizable. Dirt was piling up underneath, as it had been years since I last washed it. So I took it out, and swept up the dirt. Goodbye, welcome mat! Thanks for holding my shoe dirt and reminding me of Nickle!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday - Presidents' Day

Today I threw away two Glad containers whose lids were cracked beyond being usable. They can't be recycled in NY. This is huge for me - I would have hung on to these or tried to give them away because someone could have used them without a lid.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday, and Late Saturday

In New York City, people throw out perfectly good furniture all the time. And other people frequently pick the stuff up before the garbage man gets there. I've found a few items this way myself.

One such item was a full-length mirror. I found it a few months back. It didn't have a scratch on it, just was missing a frame. So I took it home thinking it wouldn't be hard to find a frame given that mirrors are thrown out fairly often around here. I even thought about hanging it with just those corner pieces you can set a mirror into.

A few weeks ago I found a broken mirror with an intact frame. I brought it home and last night decided to switch out the broken glass for the mirror I already had. Everything went fine until I got the new mirror halfway down the frame. It hit a nail that was a little too tight for the mirror to slide by. So I started to remove the nail. After loosening it, I got the hammer to pull it out. I barely touched the mirror, and it broke! I was so mad at myself for not pulling the mirror out first. So, both mirrors got thrown out, and then I figured, why keep the frame? And I took that to the lobby.

After that I got into a dream scrapbook I had started and recycled a bunch of the pictures I had cut out. I even pulled off many of the pictures I'd already glued in - they just didn't inspire me anymore.

BTW, someone took the feather mask and hung it on the mirror in the lobby. It looks really cool hanging there - I have awesome neighbors!

Today, I took some ink cartridges to Staples for recycling. They weren't my junk, I was doing it for one of my employers, but they had been sitting at my place for awhile. I also took 18 plastic bags to the grocery store to recycle them. That's right, I had 18 extra bags hanging around this place. Mind-boggling.

It's slow going, clearing clutter one, or a few, pieces at a time. I'm impatient to get more done. But I've always quit before when I got too ambitious, so slow and easy does it this time.

The big result this week: A paradigm shift. I was working on a solar power project for a class I'm in. The project went through two incarnations and ground to a halt. I was out of ideas and didn't know how to proceed. This clutter project was in part created as a diversion from the solar project, as I knew I just needed to focus on something else for awhile.

This week, I began seeing the solar project in a way I'd never considered before. I began to see it as a business I could start, and the possible fulfillment of a dream I've had for several years with regard to solar power. What's amazing about this is that I didn't want to be a business owner. I had heard different money gurus talking about doing what you loved and making money at it, but identifying what I loved proved difficult for me, and I couldn't see how to make money at it. But as I thought this week about the form my solar project could take, it suddenly occurred to me that what I was thinking about was something I had had dreamed of doing if I ever got rich. I finally got it that this what the gurus were talking about. Do what you love, do what you dream, be passionate about something! I would want to do this project even if I made nothing doing it. THAT'S the kind of love they are talking about. I finally connected the dots and realized, I could make money at this.

Wow. I wonder what will happen when I really start to get rid of stuff!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Saturday Continued

As I was going out to the bodega across the street, I took out a black feathered eye mask, another Halloween relic that I haven't worn in years. This was something I actually might have used again and had a pang or two about. But it's gone!

I did take that bath around noon. Then I paid bills and did some filing. I found a bill that I thought never came - oops! It was between two folders I use for bills and donations. I should tell AT&T to add back the late I was telling them the bill didn't come and there it was, lost in stacks of paper the whole time.

Stuff I missed this week

I rehung a picture that I had taken down for Christmas because it would have been right behind the tree. I had forgotten about it till I went through the closet looking for yard sale stuff. Then I found it and thought "Doh!" and hung it back up. This might even have been last Saturday.

Then on Tuesday I was looking for some old journal writing I'd done. I have pages of it in a drawer. I started going through them and putting the oldest ones in a binder that was already half-filled with them. Got quite a few pages into the binder and organized most of the rest so they are at least in chronological order. While going through them I read a few here and there and noticed how limited my inner life has become. I felt a sense of loss about that. I've watched my life become more limited in recent years and it bugs me. This life of less and less is not me somehow. Yeah, I need my downtime, but I like being with people too. But more and more it's just work and home and not much else.

So. Just more of the crap underneath the crap, I guess! I have a feeling that I'll be uncovering a lot more as I go. My guess is this is why I've never succeeded at decluttering before. Clutter is a great way of avoiding what's bugging you. The trouble is, it also keeps out the things you really want in life.

Which reminds me, Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday and Saturday

On Friday this is what went to the lobby: a black ribbon that had been sitting on a shelf in my hall closet, and three emery boards (I use a nail file). I also took a sturdy medium-sized box to work so I could pack up some old payroll records for storage. Which I did!

Saturday: I took a fat skimmer to the lobby. It was a cheap tool and didn't do the job I needed. That's what I get for shopping at the 99 cent store.

Since it's Saturday, I slept in. I am looking at how I can declutter today...organize something, post something for sale on craigslist, toss some paper, put things away, clean house? Or I could work on a painting I've been finishing for a loooong time, or catch up on my expenses in Quicken, or declutter my body of tension with a nice hot bath.'s going to be a fun day!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday morning

This morning on my way to the gym, I took two books down to the lobby. I think I had picked them up there! People in my building leave books down there all the time. It's fun to trade with each other. Anyway, I read what I was going to read in them, so out they went. I'm also recycling a fancy brochure about Johnny Walker scotch. It was entertaining, but I don't really need it cuz no one I know drinks Johnny Walker! Isn't it crazy, though, that I kept it even knowing I'd never use it?

Re the gym: I just got back in there on Sunday after almost two months. By Tuesday - only two workouts - I could feel the difference in my energy level. It's amazing what exercise can do for ya! I never noticed it when I was younger, because I was just an energetic person. But now, after years of having my only exercise be the stairs and the walk to the subway, it is SO obvious to me that a little aerobics goes a long way!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday's Clutter

Today I took out an old Spirit magazine (Southwest Air's onboard mag). I kept it for some reason but didn't remember why. Don Aslett talks about that a lot in "Clutter's Last Stand," and after starting to look through the mag to see if I could find whatever I was saving it for, I said, "Nah," and took it down to the lobby.

I have no idea if this is related, but I had an amazingly productive day at work today. I got so much stuff done I couldn't believe it. It's audit/tax time, so I have had a lot of people needing things from me the past couple weeks, since I do the books. There have been auditors, companies needing 1099 info, insurance people, and consultants, all needing info or letters printed or this schedule or that backup...woof! So today I got a lot of it done. I was really focused - and not that stressed, surprisingly. Usually I don't have that much to do in one day, and if I do I'm a basket case cuz there's not enough time. Today, though, I was astonished. Maybe I have underestimated myself and my capabilities.

What I need now is sleep! That's one thing I will NOT be dejunking - in fact, I'm going to get more and more of it!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday's Clutter

Today I took out an ice-cream scoop with Chicago Title's logo on it. It went to the lobby.

This evening I purged some ooooolllllldddd resentments. I was a victim, and now I'm NOT! What happened is what happened. Doesn't say anything about who I am today.

The results for today are awesome: A friend and I were inspired to create a T-shirt after my emotional purge. I made a statement off the cuff, and she said, "That would make a great T-shirt." So we're gonna make one! She said it was a million-dollar idea - man, I've been waiting for one of those to hit for years now. WOOHOO!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday's Clutter

Today I left for an appointment and forgot to find a piece of clutter. So when I got home I threw out a weird electronic-looking disc. I think it's a piece from the receiver of a phone.

A bit later I was looking for some class notes and found a couple more magazines to toss: an old New York mag and an old People. They went down to the lobby a few minutes ago.

Today was not the best day. That could be the downside of throwing out clutter: sometimes you get hit in the face with the crap that's under the crap. Oh well. Guess it's all here to show us something about ourselves.

P.S. Many thanks to my friend Steph for listening and pointing me in a new direction!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Today's Clutter Take 2

In addition to the water bottle, I took out a name tag holder, a Starbucks holiday gift card holder, and a button advertising legal guardianship for one's children. These three landed in the lobby, and two of them are already gone!

Today's Clutter

Today was supposed to be a warm day - in the 50s - so I decided to have an impromptu sidewalk sale. Unfortunately, it's 11:00 am and after a morning rain the wind is very high. My original "plan" for this project was a sidewalk sale in March or April. It's looking like that's the best way to go after all. Sigh.

The good thing about it is I found some things to sell that I would never have thought of before, like three pewter castles. They've been in a drawer since I moved here, never on display. I don't even remember how I started collecting them! They're pretty, and, I haven't missed having them out in all this time. That's exactly the kind of stuff that's gotta go.

Waiting till spring will give me time to find more of that kind of stuff. All I have now is tons of clothes and no real way to display them, so it's probably for the best. I think I'll enlist someone to help me with the sale, and maybe ask a neighbor to host it in his garage down the street.

Anyway, today I'm recycling an old "I Heart Oregon" water bottle.

This Week's Clutter

I began decluttering on Wednesday, February 4, 2009. Here's what I've tossed so far, and the results I've noticed:


I took out a pair of shoes that I wore for years. They were the most comfortable, nice shoes I have ever had. I had them reheeled several times, and even had the heels reset once or twice when they were loose. Finally, the stitching at the toes came loose and could not be repaired. I couldn't bear to part with these shoes - for at least three years I kept hoping I could find a shoe repairman who could mend the holes. But after reading "Clutter's Last Stand," I finally got the resolve to let them go. I said thank you to them and left them down in my building lobby in the hopes that someone's kids would take them for dress up shoes.

I also took three magazines to the lobby: Two New York Magazines that I had been intending to read since last year, and one other, I can't even remember now what it was! How's that for junk?


I took out an old umbrella with Mercer Mayer cats all over it, that had a couple of bent arms, that had been given to me by a friend when I needed an umbrella. I had kept it cuz I felt it was hers and it looked like a collector's item. Also took out a postcard or coupon or something that I can't remember! How silly. I can see it being propped up against the wall in the lobby, but not what it is! These two ended up in the lobby as well.

About half an hour after I took these out, I was on the train and a crazy man was hassling me a bit. A man in the seat next to me asked "Miss, would you like to sit down?" I gratefully accepted, and he got up and put himself between me and the slightly scary other guy. Here's a complete stranger, protecting a damsel in distress. I was touched as this is not something that happens to me often.

I think that my willingness to let go of the crap that's blocking the flow in my life contributed to having this experience of being protected by a man. It allowed the space for this to happen. I've been protecting myself for a loooongg time. Allowing someone to come to my aid requires vulnerability and I'm not good at that. But letting go of junk is also an act of vulnerability. So the space was there.


To the lobby: A broken silver eye mask like you would wear to a masquerade. The string was gone and I had this thing hanging up in my closet as a decoration. Also a can of fabric protectant. Might have been useful to someone.


I threw away the tassels from my graduation from Rogue Community College. They were hanging up in the closet with that mask. The one with the school colors of blue and green had faded to a weird mauve. I had no problem chucking these two.

I also acknowledged some old resentments that I've been pretending weren't there. Emotions can also be clutter, and old hurts or grievances. Just letting go of pretending it wasn't there was freeing.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

What Is The Clutter Project?

This week I read a book called "Clutter's Last Stand," by Don Aslett. Don Aslett has written several books on clutter and I've read a few, but this one struck me especially with what he had to say about how clutter takes up space in your mind as well as your home. As I read about this, I saw that it was true. I am always aware of my clutter; it's there in the back of my mind all the time. Reading about that inspired me to declutter my life. I couldn't help wondering if my increasingly poor memory was in part a result of the increasing stuff in my life.

A couple days after reading this, I was on a teleconference given by Raymond Aaron, who is a wonderful mentor and teacher. Raymond is a big believer in cleaning up the messes in your life, whether it's a messy closet or an overdue apology. One of the first things out of his mouth that night was this: "Each mess is a lock on the gate which keeps abundance out."

I got chills hearing this. It fit right in with Don Aslett's assertions about how clutter gets in the way of everything good in our lives, how it causes stagnation, how it crowds out energy, joy, money, health, and life. I found myself more determined to start the decluttering.

So, I have committed to tossing or giving away one item of clutter a day. Now, that doesn't sound like much, and you might think "It'll take forever to get rid of clutter one item at a time." That's true, but what's important here is not how long it takes. One item a day is a goal I can accomplish. It's a promise I can keep. And it's not limited to one item a day, that's just the minimum I've set for myself.

The Clutter Project is a place for me, and any others who care to join me, to post our results as we lighten our loads. It's an experiment - how does decluttering affect your life for the better? I'll be posting what I threw out, and what opens up for me as I get rid of stuff. I hope others will do the same.

Happy decluttering!