Monday, May 31, 2010

Monday - Memorial Day

Today I paid three bills and recycled two of the envelopes and the inserts. I have something important written on the back of third envelope so it's going into my info file. I also recycled an outdated coupon. I returned a library book, and put two boxes of books in the closet to get them out of the way till the next yard sale. My neighbor did the sale again this weekend, but I opted not to cuz the entire month of June will be filled with rehearsals and show, so I wanted to take my time off while I could! When the show is over, if my neighbor wants to do another sale, I'll join him. If he doesn't, I'll just take the books to the lobby. For now the closet works. At least the clutter is out of the way for the time being.

It amazes me that I get down to a certain level of clutter and stop the process. It's like my comfort zone or something. I either don't know where to begin when I get to that point, or if I do it always seems to be on a Sunday or a holiday when it's more difficult to get certain things done, like mail, going to a hardware store, and so on. For example, I was going to pay those bills Saturday and take them to the post office, where I could have obtained some flat rate boxes for stuff I want to send to various family members. That would have been half a declutter. But I didn't do it till today, when the P.O. is closed. So now I've got to wait, next Saturday, I guess, since I'm working every other day this week.

The self-sabotage interests me. I wonder what it's about?

I forgot that yesterday I recycled an Adsense offer. They keep sending me these coupons that I'm not interested in using, and they don't include a phone number or any way to reach them to opt out. So Google, if you're seeing this, please stop sending me Adsense offers! Thanks!

Off to do more mental decluttering. I'm already getting hits about the areas of my life that aren't working and my patterns in relation to them. Maybe the clutter pattern will get an answer soon too.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Saturday Continued, and Sunday

Well, I didn't get a lot of additional stuff done yesterday, but I did hang up one of the pictures I got from my neighbor who is moving out after the yard sale a couple weeks ago! I also took those four boxes down to the recycle bin. Then I worked on this blanket I'm knitting for charity while I watched PBS all night - My Man Godfrey was on. What a fun movie!

Today I did a lot more knitting and I'm almost done. Got to watch The Godfather for the first time ever too! Finally - one channel has had Godfather II and III on for two weekends straight, and I was like "What about the original???" Well, it was on another channel, so they must have bought the rights.

As for decluttering, I did my filing, which included recycling four or five envelopes and some old bank paperwork, and setting one or two shreddables aside. I also recycled 13 (!) newspapers that had been lying around since mid-May (maybe even EARLY May). And I cleaned the catbox - needs to be done every and sometimes I get lazy. My sweet kitty doesn't deserve a messy box so I'm turning over a new leaf.

I also started on a mental declutter program I bought from an online radio show.

Results: My mommy called right when I started writing this! We had a great talk. And I'm feeling energized from all the time off!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Oh, My. I'm Way Behind.

Wow, I let a week and a half go by before revisiting this site. I have been working so much, and rehearsing, and the declutter effort has ground to a halt. I'm still recycling envelopes and stuff, but that's about it. I got into a do-nothing mode last weekend and have been there all week till today, when I finally got sick of looking at the mess!

So let's see. I balanced my checkbook on Monday and recycled the envelope and inserts that came with the statement. Other than that...all the bills were paid by the last post...I recycled a catalog yesterday after calling to request removal from the mailing list. I can't recall any other decluttering.

As for cleaning, like I said, do-nothing mode. I've done dishes a few times just to try to keep ahead of them. I did laundry on Thursday at my bf's. That's it.

Today, however, I decided I wanted an organized life and a clean house. And I decided I could pretend I knew how to be organized and at least get started on the clutter part of cleaning - cuz as we all know, clutter is what makes cleaning hard.

So I scrubbed the toilet with the brush, and swiped off the rim. Then I swept up the catbox area and threw the litter in the toilet. I cleaned the cat box and left it open for a bit while I tried to remember how long it had been since I changed the litter. In the meantime I used a rag to clean off all the cat hair from the outside of the tub while I was waiting for the shower water to heat up. Then I cleaned the hair off the inside of the tub and the shower curtain while in the shower. I cleaned the vanity after I got out.

Then I dumped out my laundry (yes, it was still in the bag from Thursday), folded it, and put it away. Next I put away all the clothes on the chair except what I wanted to wear - I have a papasan in my room, so there were quite a few clothes to put away or put in the laundry basket. I also had a blanket there that I'd been waiting to put away till the weather decided what it was going to do (it has been a remarkably fluctuating spring). I folded it and a bedspread I'd just washed, and put them in the cedar chest where my blankets live. Took out the spring bedspread cuz they won't all fit. I put away a sheet that had been sitting on my dresser for a couple weeks, and then put away some gloves, a scarf, and a ribbon that were sitting on the dresser under the sheet. Lastly, I picked up the pile of socks that my bf dubbed my "sock farm," and put all but one pair in the laundry. My room was now done.

I changed the cat litter next, and then got the garbage ready to go out. I did a pile of dishes, then took out the garbage and some dead flowers and a plastic sheet I'd used to cover one of my windows in winter. Then I put away several paper bags, broke down four boxes for recycling, and cut four more pieces off old credit cards and my old drivers' license. The last thing I did was take three jackets and a sweater off the chair back they'd been hanging on, and put them in my room or on the coat rack. Then I looked around at the disaster area that is my living room and decided to eat something and take a break to go to my neighbor's yard sale. The break has been much longer than I planned, and I never made it to my neighbor's cuz I remembered I had to do this catch-up post!

Results: I don't know how this happened. I must have decluttered some major mental garbage for this to happen. This week I got the incredible news that I am inheriting money! This is from a great-aunt by marriage, who took care of my great-uncle's family as well as her own. She died a year and a half ago, and I had no idea that I was a legatee, so I'm just a tiny bit excited at the news :) I just never expected anything like this to happen! and I'm very, very grateful.

Will be cleaning and decluttering all weekend. I have no rehearsals and the holiday is mine, so this place is getting fixed up!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sunday - Wednesday

Sunday declutter: I used a gift bag and some tissue paper I had for my friend's birthday gift. Also gave her the gifts, which I've had for some time!

Monday declutter: I donated almost a ream of card stock to the opera company - have had it for YEARS and no longer have a use for it. But they can use it for postcards and flyers and stuff :)

Tuesday declutter: I think I recycled an envelope or two when getting my shreddables ready to take to work Wednesday. Probably tossed a postcard too, sometime in the last few days. And some other random paper stuff. My main thing Tuesday was getting chores done when I got home: I made a list in the morning and did four items. I cleaned the catbox, copied a paper I needed (and changed the ink before that), did the dishes, and put away the laundry.

Wednesday declutter: I finally took my shred pile to work! I had about twenty pages of old bills and sensitive info. Also cut pieces off nine old credit cards and threw them away. And I recycled a postcard and a catalog. Also took out the recycling and did another of the items on my list, grinding oatmeal for a facial scrub.

Results: Today was payday! I have enough money to start saving to pay my unpaid taxes. I will get more money on Friday and possibly more tomorrow though I'm not counting on it. But at any rate the bills are taken care of and I've got 12 days before rent is due! There will be a few paydays by the 1st, so things are good!

I also had a great time with my guy last night. We watched TV on his computer, shows we'd missed, which we haven't done for ages as we've both been too busy. It was so nice :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Yard Sale/Saturday Addendum

I'm happy to report that the issue over the quarter has been resolved. The neighbor who bought the books thought I was overcharging him - it was a math misunderstanding, nothing more. So he now agrees that he owes me a quarter, haha! If he pays it I'll give it back, cuz I can let him have a freebie now that I know he wasn't trying to lowball me.

Saturday additional declutter: I paid two bills and recycled the envelopes and inserts.

Oh, yeah, and the Stairmaster really isn't, it's some other brand. Who cares? It'll be good to have exercise available when I don't feel like going to the gym.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Saturday and the 2nd Annual North American Declutter

Today my neighbor and I had our first yard sale of the year, and while we didn't sell much, it was just nice to be outside all day hanging with friends. He had an old friend stopping by, who just happened to be a past tenant of MY APARTMENT! So we all hung out from about 9-5. I sold several books and a tape set for a total of $5.50. It was supposed to be $5.75, but the guy who bought the books neglected to pay for the magazine he took. I may see him around though, and he knows I expect my quarter!

My neighbor sold a few more items than I, and made at least $12, and possibly $15.

Interestingly, when I came home, there was a bunch of stuff on the sidewalk next to the building, with a note that said "FREE." Inside the building was a sign saying someone was GIVING AWAY a Stairmaster! She's moving and can't take it. So I said I'd take it! My gym's been on the fritz and I need to WORK OUT! But anyway, the declutter spread to a third person. Oh, and the guy who bought my books also donated a kid's sled to the sale.

I had decided that this time I wasn't going to hang on to all the stuff that didn't sell. So when I got home I left the following in the lobby: A top and a nice shirt, two books, a package of elastic, some loose elastic, two packages of binding tape, a clothing label, an embroidered initial patch, a sewing pattern, two packages of craft feathers, three Irish whisky goblets, a Guinness paperweight, a spongy green apple, and a skein of peach colored baby yarn. The pattern went right away, the goblets ten minutes later. Who knows about the rest? I may put it out with the other girl's stuff.

Results: I made $5.50 and scored a Stairmaster! I also grabbed some picture frames the girl had left on the free pile. And I spent several hours knitting a blanket I'm making for a charity for babies with AIDS. I thought I'd get farther along with it, but I made dumb mistakes twice and had to unravel and the yarn is slippery so the unraveling was SLOW. I have lots of time tonight to knit, though, so I'll get much farther before the end of the day. Lastly, I got sun! My wrists are sunburned, haha!

If you had a yard sale today, or cleaned your garage, or just decluttered anything, please post about it here!


Friday's declutter: I took the dead flowers out - didn't get to it on Thursday. I did recycle a paper plate on Thursday. I also recycled a paper candy bar wrapper on Friday.

Results: Got two paydays Friday and deposited them! I paid one bill and looked over the rest to see about paying them and putting some money in my savings account to go toward my tax bill! I'll be getting more money next week so I'm in goooood shape!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Wednesday was a slammin' busy day. It's been that kind of week, actually. I recycled some stuff, I think maybe a couple of puzzle pages, and a box - no, that was Tuesday, two boxes actually. Anyway, it was some paper something that got recycled. I think I washed two plates and three glasses in the morning too, just so I'd have something to eat on later!

Thursday (today), I recycled another puzzle page and filed a bill. And I'm taking dead flowers out to the dirt lot next door. I also did most of the dishes. And for cleaning, I did laundry.

Results: Yesterday I had to run an errand for work, and got a couple drinks and cab fare bought for me in return! I also went out with a friend from my old job, and he bought me dinner. We caught each other up on our news.

I also got paid, so after tomorrow all my bills will be paid :) I love it when money flows easily!

This weekend is the 2nd Annual North American Declutter! Join in - have a yard sale, stoop sale, donate some clothes or books to a local charity or your library. Declutter something with us, and post it on the site!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Ha! I'm decluttering early today :)

Monday: I paid a bill and recycled the envelope and return envelope (I pay online). Also recycled two additional envelopes. One of these days I'm going to have to switch to paperless billing to avoid getting the envelopes at all, but I really like my paper copies.

Tuesday: I opened a piece of mail and recycled the envelope and insert.

Results: OMG, last night when I paid my MC bill, I noticed my VISA minimum payment had decreased. I was mystified as to how this could happen, so I called Citibank. The wonderful rep I spoke to, David, was puzzled at first also. Then I hit upon the answer and he verified it: I had gone over my credit limit and made a payment to get me back under. The minimum payment on my statement included the amount I was over the limit. When I got back under the limit, Citi took that amount OFF my minimum! Who knew? I told David he made my day, and he said actually that my making that payment made my day! He said I was the first person he'd ever known of to call and verify that my minimum payment went down, much less ask why! He was a delight to talk with, and I hope he has nice bosses and a decent paycheck cuz you don't get fun reps every day!

But anyway, I'm a freaking money magnet! I have bills due this weekend, and the whole universe appears to be conspiring to help me pay them on time, when only Sunday I was calculating how much I needed to do it! That minimum payment reduction along with the second rent check (which was earlier than it's been in MONTHS) puts me in the clear. So, THANKS UNIVERSE!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Weekend Decluttering

Well, I don't really remember what I decluttered on Friday. Probably a piece of junk mail or something like that, if anything. On Saturday I received a bunch of puzzles from my mom, which I proceeded to work on, and then I recycled four of them and their answer page - but I might have waited till Sunday to do that. I definitely recycled two more on Sunday and another answer page.

Today I was going to take my shreddables to work but forgot for the third week in a row! Grrrr. I haven't decluttered anything yet today.

I did file a couple bills and put laundry away over the weekend too.

Results: I got paid from one job Friday, got half the rent Friday, and got the other half of the rent today! This Friday I'll get paid for two jobs as well! My cash flow issues have dissolved :)

Oh yeah, I also received two packages I was expecting today!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Today I tossed a pair of home-made knee-highs (I cut the legs off a pair of pantyhose) that wouldn't stay up the day before. I also recycled an envelope. And I did dishes and laundry. Laundry is a cleaning chore, so I'm glad I got to cross one more off my weekend list.

Results: I got a call about another long-term temp job today! It's actually closer to home than any of the others I have, so I said I'd be glad to interview for it. The gal didn't call me back as promised but they often don't if they don't hear back from the client, so I'll probably hear from her tomorrow. Hey, I don't really need it, but on the other hand why not work a bit extra for awhile? Cash flow isn't quite what it needs to be yet, so it would help.

In other news, my boyfriend fixed my new(est) computer! After I returned the $70 one that died, he found me one for $120. This one is a good one, but a cable came undone and he had to reconnnect it. Then I had to download a sound driver cuz the sound wasn't working. I did it with the help of the friendly people at Dell :) Computer is working, I have sound, I watched my trading class tonight (sort of - Bones was on), and I am a happy little camper!

Also heard from a friend I've been meaning to call for the last week. We're going to get together this weekend and catch up. :)

And I'm going to a concert tomorrow night with a good friend. So it's going to be a fun weekend!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I paid two bills today and recycled their envelopes and inserts. I also recycled a large index card that was in a book I'm reading.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Today I paid a bill and recycled the envelope. And I did some dishes before going to work! Then when I got home from work, I: Cleaned the catbox and swept up the area around it, swished the toilet and cleaned the edge and under the seat (so I'll clean the rest tomorrow), and did the dishes WHILE cooking my dinner! So dishes are decluttering, and the rest is cleaning. I am keeping up!

Results: New job started today and it went well. I'm learning a new invoicing program, which is actually fun!


On Monday I threw away a pair of pantyhose with too many runs to wear. I had them on, used nail polish to repair a run I had just created, and then noticed another run I couldn't hide. Now that I think of it I could have worn them under pants just to stay a little warmer when it's cold, but they're really meant for dresses so I pitched 'em.

Results: I got paid yesterday! :B

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sunday Late Edition

Last night I recycled three more newspapers. I'll be doing something when I get home from work tonight, don't know what yet. Gotta keep my foot in it :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Well, I did do more decluttering today, but at a slower pace as I was losing energy. I forgot that yesterday I recycled six newspapers and some other papers, which was part of one of my declutter items, "put away or recycle papers," so that was another incomplete one.

Today's declutter:

1. Continued with the putting away/recycling of papers: Several post-its, a few envelopes, some random pieces of paper. I was considering this part of the filing, but I think I am more or less done with that, and this goes with the paper put away instead. This is still incomplete.
2. Tossed some dead flowers.
3. Put away a box of books for the yard sale.

The papers actually took a lot of time - many went into the info file - so I accomplished more than it seems. I also put some books away, which was NOT on the list, and put more items in the boxes for the yard sale. And I took a recipe down to the lobby.

Today's cleaning:

1. Changed the cat litter.
2. Did what I could on the oven. It's such a mess I'm going to have to do it in sections. I got some grime off at least.
3. Cleaned the silverware drawer, which had a few roach bodies from winter (I haven't seen a roach in weeks so I think that huge cleanout and borax sprinkling has worked) so I could put away the can opener, measuring cups, and other stuff that belongs in there that has been sitting out. My hope was to get to all four drawers, but one at a time is better than none! So this is incomplete.
4. Dusted, vacuumed, and swept my bedroom. I also swept the hall near the catbox. The bedroom is clean, the chores are incomplete.
5. Watered plants (I actually did half of them yesterday).
6. Took out trash and all the recycling (second week in a row!).
7. Swished the toilet.

The place looks a bit better, but these papers! Argh. They are the biggest problem. I really don't know how they get to be so piled up. Probably cuz I don't know what to do with some of them. The info file will help.

Results: My room is clean!

Saturday, Barefoot In The Park

No, I didn't spend Saturday in the park. I went briefly to walk barefoot in the park after going to the Farmers' Market in the morning. I heard from an alternative health expert that walking barefoot on earth or cement is good for balancing the thyroid. So, since I like walking barefoot on grass anyway, I took a little detour on my way home. It was a beautiful morning and there was a cute little boy hanging with his dad, and later a couple of girls with their mom - one was just about a year old, toddling along, so cute. It was so lovely I started singing! And I sang all the way home. That almost never happens, only when I'm happy :)

ANYWAY. I got down to decluttering when I got home and really didn't stop except for a short email/Facebook break. And that might have been before I got started. As noted yesterday, I made a list of decluttering chores which included things like doing dishes and ironing as well as the more obvious filing. I came up with 17 items, and did seven, and part of three others. Filing is a huge job so it was not completed. Nor was ironing, as my wrist got tired after about ten pieces. And things like putting away stuff for my upcoming yard sale didn't happen at all, though I did collect items for the sale throughout the day.

Here's my list of completed chores, just to give an idea of what I'm considering decluttering this weekend:

1. Plant bulbs. I bought tulip and daffodil bulbs earlier this year and it said you could plant them outdoors when the last frost was done. I know nothing about planting these so they may be dead already. But I planted 'em and stuck 'em on my fire escape.
2. Put away shoes. My shoes tend to live under my coffee table in the living room, or spread out in front of my bedroom closet, so this is more important than it sounds. I had to dust out the closet floor before I organized them too.
3. Dishes.
4. Put away a box of notes/papers from my college days. This required a bit of closet organization as well, and I put away wrapping paper from the birthday weekend while I was there.
5. Put away clothes (that were lying around my bedroom).
6. Make the bed. I actually changed the sheets first. Then I folded the blankets cuz it was pretty warm yesterday and I figured I won't need all of them again. The dirty sheets had what looked like grass stains on them (I don't even want to guess), so I washed those out and hung them over the shower to dry. They went in the laundry basket this morning.
7. Put yarn away. I have a knitting project going on that screeched to a halt cuz I was using circular needles and now I need regular ones. I also have a ton of yarn I bought last fall at a BLOWOUT yarn sale. Wool yarn, $10 for 10 2 ounce skeins! And I also got some fun fun fun cotton and bamboo yarns for cheap. Anyway, I put the project yarn in the yarn drawer, and used a lined basket for the new stuff.
8. Putting baskets away: The yarn basket was one of them, so this was the first incomplete task.
9. Filing: Got the basic filing done, bills, paystubs, etc. Also made an info file for stuff I need to put into the computer so I can toss it. There are a million little pieces of paper floating about my apartment that need to go into that file. This was incomplete.
10. Ironing: Did ten shirts/tops and a dress. Two of the shirts are for the yard sale.

At the end of the day, my bedroom was neat and ready for cleaning. So if nothing else, I'll get that room completed today. Just dusting, sweeping, and vacuuming left in there, should take an hour at most.

Today I've started on the cleaning even though the decluttering isn't complete. It's pretty easy to clean the shower and tub when you're in it, so I did. And I got the oven started with some scrub sitting there on the grime so it can loosen things up and I won't have to kill my wrists trying to get it all off. For some reason my wrists just don't hold up anymore when it comes to scrubbing. Just part of getting older, I suppose! But who wants to scrub, anyway? In the midst of it I've also continued with the filing, and did another batch of dishes (my dish drainer isn't big enough for the pile that had accumulated. In fairness, it's not ALL dishes - there were some vases and recyclables as well.)

Time to get back to it!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Day and A Week of Catch-up

Whew! Another week gone and I don't believe I decluttered much of anything. Working so much that I don't have a life! But I'm finding the balance this weekend: Today I'm decluttering and tomorrow I'm cleaning. I wrote down all the declutters that need to be done before I can easily clean. It includes things like dishes and planting bulbs along with filing. Anything that's in the way of easy cleaning has to get done first.

So that's how I'm organizing the chores. It's really easy to clean when there's no clutter - takes only a couple hours to do the whole place. But with the junk in the way it just seems insurmountable.

Now, since clutter is my big problem, this is a challenge! But last night I just decided I had to do it. It will probably not be a complete declutter because I don't think I've ever done one of those. But if I get everything on my chore list done, I will have made a huge difference.

So this week. Wow. I have not been decluttering daily. I recycled one piece of junk mail yesterday, and I'm pretty sure that's it for the week. I did return the non-working computer and get my money back. Then my boyfriend brought me one, which also isn't working, haha! I don't think they told him there is no hard drive, DOH! I'm not worried cuz he can either fix it or go back to where he got it and ask where the boot disk is!

Anyway. No decluttering to speak of cuz work wears me out. There's a bright spot though. I'm REALLY loving one of my jobs, and that gives me energy rather than tiring me. And another job was put on hold, and it's one I feel may not be a good fit anyway. So things are going to work out fine.

Back to the decluttering!

Oh, yeah, I got some results! Great birthday presents Friday and Sunday from my parents and my friends. Lots of jewelry and lotions and fun stuff like that! And more birthday cake! And money!