Friday, February 18, 2011

Sunday - Thursday

On Sunday I don't think I decluttered anything. Wait, I might have recycled a bill envelope.

Monday: Shredded 26 papers at work, and did dishes.

Tuesday: I paid a bill and recycled the envelope and insert.

Wednesday: I did dishes and shredded 28 more papers. And I broke up with my boyfriend. That's a declutter because the relationship wasn't meeting my needs. Nothing wrong with it, it just wasn't right for me.

Thursday: Didn't declutter anything.

Results: I feel energized, and I know it's from letting go of a relationship that was stagnant and miserable for me. I was a little sad when I made the decision, but then he did something really over the line (sort of odd because I hadn't told him I was leaving yet) and I went straight to pissed off. That will pass too, but there's a lot of it, so I'm just dealing with it as it comes up. But I feel free and optimistic again about having my dreams come true. He finally said enough to remove all doubts I had about the right decision and I'm happy to be done with waiting for it to change. Like I said, nothing wrong with how he wanted it to be, but it wasn't right for me.

I also got paid Thursday, and am getting paid Friday, so hopefully I can pay off a bill this week!

After a few days of feeling yucky, I am doing better on the diet. Really loving the veggies - I've never eaten so healthily in my life! I must be eating six or eight cups of veggies a day, and it's working for me. I started some coconut water kefir this week, trying out making it with juice from the cultured veggies from the farmers' market near me, and it worked! I got some actual starter culture for the next batch, which I'll start this afternoon. All in all, after a week I am adjusting to the time it takes to cook all this stuff, and doing OK, though I was really late to work one day. I think I'll have it down solid by next week.

Finally, more work is coming in! It is nice to have this flow of abundance in my life again :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fri - Sat

Friday's declutter: I paid a bill and recycled the envelope and insert.

Saturday's declutter: I did the dishes. Then I pruned dead legs off a plant, cleaned out dead leftovers from the fridge, and took out the garbage. Also took out some of the recycling, and finally pitched dead flowers I'd had in the house for at least a month, and dead flowers from this week. I also gave some not-on-the-diet food to my friend so it wouldn't go to waste.

Results: I made a bunch of money yesterday and deposited it today. Still need more to cover the bills but I'll have that this week.

I'm feeling really tired and crappy. Definitely getting worse before I get better - detox proceeding according to plan :) I'm back on meat and eggs today, so that will at least help me be less hungry. Though as it turns out, I'm supposed to eat at least three to four meals a day, and I guess if I'm hungry I can have more. Kind of hard to do when I'm at work all day, so snacks are the other option.

Other than that I am feeling good. My thinking seems to be very clear this week in areas that I'm working on. I'm seeing what's really in my way and it's good. And I am finding that some disciplines are not difficult for me - it's been pretty easy to stay on the diet without cheating. I guess as long as exercise isn't involved I have willpower!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Today I shredded 20 papers at work. When I got home I changed the cat litter and took it out along with the bathroom garbage. After dinner, I did the dishes.

Results: I'm on the second day of my new diet and got some good help today from a local expert. Only one more all-vegetarian day to go and I get to eat meat, fish, and eggs again :) There's no rule that I can't eat them the first three days, but it's recommended. It's tough, but my sugar cravings are going away, so that's a plus.

I'm also feeling good generally. I've been practicing staying in the present and it just makes everything flow better. Yay!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sat - Weds.

Saturday: I did laundry on Saturday after mailing my bills.

Sunday: Recycled an envelope and did the dishes.

Monday: Recycled two envelopes and a newspaper. I also took out the garbage, cleaned a cabinet and drawer, and did some handwash.

Tuesday: I recycled a newspaper. Also did dishes.

Wednesday: I took two pairs of too-small tights to the lobby, and shredded 34 papers at work.

Finally, on one of these days, I recycled four newspapers.

Results: I had a great night with my guy Monday, and spent Tuesday in a flow of synchronicity that I couldn't believe. I got groceries before work, to get on this new diet in earnest. I asked about some products I'll need for that, and they suggested a health food store in the opposite direction from where I was going. So as I was heading to work, I passed a brand-new health food store, and went in to check if maybe they had what I needed. They didn't, but one of the employees had done the same diet! She told me it was amazing, and gave me the card of a woman who is a consultant on it, who she thought could tell me where to find the stuff!

Later Tuesday, I got a call I was waiting for that somehow came through while I was on the phone to someone else! I had ignored it when it came in, but the first call got dropped! Anyway, this call cleared up a mystery letter I received on Friday, as well as answering the question I'd been waiting to hear about. So that was awesome.

I have found significant change this week - 7 cents Monday, 26 cents Tuesday, and 8 cents today. Pretty fun.

Finally, I had the weirdest feeling I was going to be let go from one of my jobs this week, but the day came and went and it was a really good workday instead! And the work keeps coming in elsewhere as well, so I'm doing well.

All in all, things are going really well. I'm working on staying OK with the moment as it is, and it seems to really help the way I work and the flow of things. Even when things don't go as planned it seems to be for the best in the end. Yay!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Weds - Fri

Wednesday: I don't think I decluttered anything today. I did the dishes though. Keeping up with my goal! And I changed my paycheck withholdings so I'd have some taxes coming out this year - last year I worked so few hours that I think maybe two dollars was taken out in total.

Thursday: I shredded 20 pages of paper at work.

Friday: I paid bills and recycled eight envelopes along with inserts, and one cardboard backing from a book of checks. Also did dishes, cleaned the catbox, etc.

Results: I got paid a few times this week :) And it was good to pay so many bills. That reminds me, I have to take those to the mailbox or post office. Maybe I'll do laundry and combine tasks. Guess it's time to start!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sunday - Tuesday

Saturday additional: I recycled some light bulb packaging.

Sunday: I recycled 12 newspapers and a flour bag. Also continued deep-cleaning the kitchen, doing the insides of the food and dish cabinets. Pretty foul stuff - I had no idea they were so filthy. The roaches really love my kitchen. And I have a sonar thing that keeps them mostly gone. Can't imagine how many there would be without that thing. That's the joy of the big city - either exterminate (I can't deal with the smell of poison) or deal with roaches. Yuck! I'm going to start cleaning them regularly, on a rotating basis, so they never get that gross again.

Monday: Recycled two prospectuses (basically 100-page booklets) and a piece of junk mail that I'd had in a file for years. Who knows why. I did more of the kitchen, this time deep-cleaning the drawers where I keep utensils and stuff. Again, pretty gross but this time on the outside and in the empty drawers below. I'll be rotating the cleaning of these as well so they don't get out of control again and so I can actually use them for a change - three were empty cuz I couldn't keep the roaches out. I think if I clean one every week, though, they should be OK.

Tuesday: I took a Red Lobster "Typhoon" glass down to the lobby. Also returned a library book.

Results: I had a nice afternoon with my guy yesterday, and today my work got canceled so I hung out with him again for awhile. Did some work at home this afternoon and am now chilling out.

I'm trying more and more of the changes to my diet. It's going to take awhile, but so far I'm liking it.