Sunday, January 31, 2010

January 31st ALREADY!

Today's declutter: I recycled a piece of foil.

Results: I am getting better, and I'm thinking it might be because I cleaned up that roachy cupboard! I have heard many times that asthma rates are higher in poor neighborhoods because of roaches, and I swear that my lungs are doing MUCH better since...Friday, was it? I had not put that together before, but if roaches can cause asthma, it makes sense that they could cause other respiratory problems like a cough that won't go away.

Or maybe it's the decluttering. :)

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Friday additional declutter: I threw away a potholder that had been losing its cotton batting until I washed it, at which point the loose cotton became a gaping hole of possible second-degree burns. The thing was destroyed so I chucked it. There was something else but I've forgotten what.

Today's (Saturday's) declutter: I recycled a teabag jacket, and an insert from a piece of mail. I also recycled a grater which I broke. How did I do that? Well, the metal was encased in plastic, and the plastic broke apart, thus exposing the metal edge. It wasn't sharp so I could have kept it, but it was really junky - got it at the 99c store. And if anyone knows how to make the cent sign through keyboard commands on a Mac, I'd love to know!

Haha, found it: ¢

Results: Just had a real estate friend offer me his program for improving various aspects of life through communication with the subconscious! How cool is that?

Friday, January 29, 2010


Today I recycled a paper stamp envelope from the post office, an envelope and insert from a bill I paid, and eight paper bags (I still have about 15 of them).

I then emptied a roach-ridden dish cabinet and cleaned it with hot water and borax. Even took the doors off. It's clean, no roach speck, no food anywhere on it to attract them. I laid down a row of borax behind it as a further deterrent. Roaches supposedly don't like borax. Next I'll wash ALL the dishes and put them back once I've reassembled the cabinet. Hoping the cat doesn't decide to take a nap in there while the shelves and doors are drying...

Pretty icky. I don't know why they took up residence in this particular cabinet.

Oh, yeah, I threw away one of my rubber gloves after the cleaning cuz it had a hole in it. I'm keeping the other one until I can get a new pair. It's so cold here today I'm not willing to go outside. Wind chill zero? No thanks, I can wait a couple days!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Today's Declutter: I took a new refrigerator magnet down to the lobby. I also ripped up and recycled a receipt I got today which was not mine - picked up the wrong one.

I might also declutter my cell phone. The display on it died awhile back, and now the thing won't charge anymore, so I'm considering not buying another. I can get a new one for under $50, but wonder if I really need it. I could be spending $20 less each month on the phone if I put long distance back on my landline.

Meanwhile, I just bought a data cable to see if I can get my photos off the phone. Hope I can get it to charge long enough to accomplish that... :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tuesday Never Ends...

This should be the last item from Tuesday! When I took out the recycling, I also took out some recipe cards that came with a subscription renewal notice (I renewed the subscription today on the phone for about half the price in the mailer).

My kitty is sitting on my lap with her paws up on the table, letting me pet her, purring like crazy. She just put her head and paws down on my lap as I wrote that. So CUTE!

Wednesday, and Still More Tuesday

Tuesday: I threw away a couple of empty cat treat packages, tossed a rag that was beyond cleaning, recycled a tin can, and took a magazine down to the lobby on my way out the door. Busy declutter day!

Today's declutter: I dumped some very old butternut squash in the trash. Hopefully the containers will still be usable once I wash them and throw boiling water over them. Yuck. Then I recycled a subscription renewal from 2007 that I found in a drawer (why I kept it I can't imagine!), and two order inserts from a magazine.

I also did laundry early this morning.

Results: I have a full-on cold, which I'm hoping means this cough/sore throat combination that's been bugging me for months will finally run its course. I also sold the options I bought yesterday for a small profit. They were going back and forth all day so when they hit a previous point of resistance I got out as they turned back down. Small profits add up too, so I'm happy!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

More Tuesday

After today's earlier post, I took out all the recycling, then opened the mail and recycled four envelopes, one piece of mail, and a bunch of bill inserts. I then did another hour of Quicken catch-up, and recycled four receipts. Finally, I recycled two sticky notes and a box. I filed most of the mail - I'm not sure where the last one goes, have to refresh my memory.

All in all, a productive declutter day!

Tuesday's Declutter

Today I got on a roll with decluttering. I went through about ten pieces of mail, recycling envelopes and inserts, and filing what needed to be kept. I recycled about 10 post-its (did one of those yesterday or Sunday too, don't remember). And I filed a bunch of stuff that was lying around: product manuals, paid bills, account statements.

The biggest thing I did today was an hour and 20 minutes of Quicken catch-up! Getting all the last details in a bit at a time. I even kept going into 2010 on one of the accounts I was working on. I know this is not decluttering, but it is organizing/cleaning.

I bought options today. They went up a bit, and then they went back to where I bought them. It's not a big deal cuz the stock is pretty much in an uptrend, so I'll just hold them till it's up significantly or till I have to sell at a loss. It was a cheap option so not a lot of money at stake.

Results: I've had energy surges - or maybe you could call them surges of a desire to get things done - two days in a row now. I used to be a very energetic person, so it is nice to feel a little like my old self!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday's Declutter

Today I signed a petition to save wolves and recycled the envelope it came in along with the inserts. I also recycled an egg container and a paper candy wrapper.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Saturday, Take Three

I totally forgot that I threw out some old sour cream last night!


Today I decluttered a forgotten tortilla. It had been in the fridge since I ordered fajitas delivered some weeks ago. It was stale and went in the trash.

I'm getting ready to declutter some real estate programs I bought. Gonna list them on craigslist for a bargain price. They are not doing me any good and there's no point in hanging on to them because I spent a lot on them. Any money I can get from selling them is worth it for the space I'll create!

Results: Today has been a good day. I'm in this weird sort of mental space where I feel like I'm back in the 1980s - 90s. It's like I feel the possibility of that time, when I was just starting out and hadn't had so many disappointments to dwell on. That's not to say I wasn't negative - I am more positive today than I was back then. But that's what's so cool about it; I feel the potential of those days, of being in my 20s, but have the advantage of years of experience and a new, positive perspective on it all. The upshot is, anything can happen because I'm in a clear space.

Saturday, Take Two

I found stuff to declutter! Rather, it happened as a side benefit of other things that had to be done, such as paying bills. Saturday's declutter:

Paid two bills and balanced my checkbook, and recycled the envelopes and inserts. Also recycled two metal takeout containers and a tin can.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Friday - Saturday

I didn't declutter anything on Friday that I can recall. I was preoccupied with some family problems. Thankfully, everything is fine now.

Today I have not decluttered, nor have I done anything else all day! I slept in and since getting up have been on the computer all day looking for a cheap used cell phone and trying to figure out why my browser is eating up all my memory and still running slowly. But the day isn't over and I will look for something to declutter!

Friday, January 22, 2010

More Wednesday, and Thursday

Wednesday: And a post-it!

Thursday: I was gone all day and all night, and did no physical decluttering. My mental space, however, was definitely decluttered of old negative thoughts, and felt fresh and new all day :)

Results: I ran into a friend on the subway that I hadn't seen in awhile. Got my money back for a phone battery - my cell isn't charging and it's not the battery or the charger. Time for a new phone! Anyway, it was cool that they allowed me to return the battery, cuz some places won't.

Also had a great time with another good friend last night. And I hung out with my guy for a bit after that talking about trades. On the way to meeting him, I walked by this crazy cool wall of people's bucket list items, the one thing they want to do before dying. It had a screen to add your own, so I did! I didn't see it show up on the wall, but that wasn't really the point for me. It was a FUN day!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I forgot that on Monday I also swept up the cat bowl area in the kitchen (translation: lots of dry cat food nibbles).

Today's declutter: I recycled a menu that got left under my door, a receipt, a jar, and a paper bag, and one plastic bag at the grocery store.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Today's declutter was a teabag packet - you know, the sealed paper they come in - a sticky note, a paper bag, and an envelope, all of which went into the recycling. I think there was a receipt too, but I don't remember what for.

Results: I got a rebate check today for some supplements I ordered in December! Also had a really nice dinner with a friend, who treated me, and a fun time bopping to '80s music at the grocery store :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday, MLK Day

Today I spent six hours entering info into Quicken for 2009. It's almost all done, just have a few credit card entries to do and I'm done and ready for taxes!

I decluttered 10 receipts in the process, eight that I thought were debits and not cash but wasn't sure about, and two cash receipts that I'd already entered.

Resuts: I found that I underreported some real estate expenses on last year's taxes, so I'll look into amending them! It's only worth it if I get a decent amount of money back. I also got a message from a friend yesterday that I haven't talked to in awhile. Nice! I'll call her back tomorrow.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Today I recycled 20 plastic bags at the grocery store.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Forgot to mention yesterday that I also recycled two or three newspapers.

Today's declutter: Recycled a plastic mustard bottle.

Results: I might be getting better. Finally. Crossing my fingers, cuz this has happened before and then the cough came back.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday January 15th

It's my nephew's second birthday! I haven't met him yet, hope I get to before he's grown up :)

Today's declutter: I did quite a few things today, not all of which qualify as decluttering OR cleaning. I bought tulips last week that died pretty fast, but that had a lot of buds, so I pruned off the dead ones and stripped some of the leaves, and put the buds in a smaller vase. I took the tree down and took it out to the curb, along with the flowers, which went over the fence into the vacant lot for fertilizer. I did dishes while waiting for 20 minutes or so for Unemployment to answer the phone. I also swept up all the pine needles and a bunch of dust bunnies for good measure, and put away the decorations.

THEN I started decluttering! I had gotten interested in figuring out a rough estimate of my taxes earlier in the day, and from that decided it was time to get back to my Quicken receipts. I logged 31 cash receipts and then got out my checkbook and started plugging in those transactions. In the end I recycled 35 receipts - five were receipts I'd held cuz I thought they might be debits, and they were, and one was kept for taxes. And I got through a month and a half of checkbook transactions. Spent about an hour on this. I'm leaving the bank recs out so I can continue with this tomorrow.

Results: OMG, I heard from a very old family friend today! It was such a pleasure to read all the news after being out of touch for so long. Some of it was sad news of people I loved passing, but there was also happy news of weddings and new babies. This family had been part of my life since my birth, so I was excited to pass the email along to my mom.

The other good result is, I realized yesterday that I had overreported my earnings to Unemployment last week, so I got on the phone - long wait to get through - and told the lady about the situation, and she corrected my report so that I will get paid for two days! Comes at a very good time, and I'm grateful!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Today I took 24 pieces of paper with sensitive information to work and shredded them. Always feels so good! I also took out the garbage. After work I went to get my cell phone looked at in the Back of Beyond (waaaay out on the end of one of the subway lines). The guy thought it was probably the battery causing problems, so I got a new one. He also said they could fix the display (I broke it some months back) for $40 or $45. Might do that down the road. It's cheaper than a new phone, and I don't like any of the new phones anyway so I'd just go on Amazon and buy my phone again.

Results: I watched my option this morning, setting a stop just below a line of support that would still give me a nice profit. The stock went down all day, so I was stopped out around 10am. I netted $230! That's a return of around 26%, in just under two days. Annualized it's over 4000%. Beats the heck out of the bank!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Catchin' Up

Well, I did not declutter on Saturday. I forget why :) I did sleep in, in an effort to kill this bug I've had. It was freezing outside so I didn't budge from my apartment all day except maybe to check the mail.

Don't think I decluttered on Sunday either. Maybe a receipt or an envelope recycled...I did do some cleaning, but I don't remember what! DOH!

On Monday, though, I decluttered the ream of paper that was a photocopy of a tax lien book. Didn't need that. That was on my way to the acupuncturist, who I saw in the hopes of killing this bug as well. It had been three and a half years, and it was nice to see him. He gave me a bunch of stuff to use at home for the cough and throat thing, too. Then I went to get a few groceries, and get an overcharge refunded. And I bought some Vitamin B12 WITH a $2 off coupon. Deal of the century - the vitamins cost $3.39 and then I got two bucks off! Oh, my rent check arrived too!

Slept really well Monday night, got up early Tuesday to mail a bill, and decided to do laundry while I was at it. I got home and started to watch the option I'd bought on Friday that had gone down Monday after a spike up. It kept going down until I couldn't stand it anymore, even though it was at a point where it was likely to bounce up (support), and sold it. Of course it did bounce up at the end of the day, so I bought a different option on the same stock in my cash account thinking I could watch it Wednesday. I returned some library books and deposited the rent check, and I paid a couple of bills and recycled the envelopes and inserts. Then I headed upstate on the train to work Wednesday. On the way out the door I took six of the books my neighbor gave me to the lobby. I'm going through them slowly.

Today I worked and completely forgot to check how my option was doing. I had had an awesome dream this morning, and got to work feeling good. Got home around 7:30 and decluttered an advertisement, an envelope from a coupon I got, and a couple other pieces of paper.

Results: I got to see my man yesterday, which was lovely :) The option I bought yesterday and forgot to check was up $380 as of today's close! HOLY COW! And I got dinner last night and lunch today on the house. AND, I got to talk with my sister tonight for an hour and a half, which was great as always! What a terrific day!

Friday, January 8, 2010


Well, I keep forgetting stuff I've decluttered during the week. I think it was Wednesday that I recycled a Pottery Barn catalog (after pulling out two really NEAT photos) that I never signed up for. I called them first to get off their list.

Today I paid two bills and recycled the envelopes and inserts. I think there was more, but brain = sieve right now.

I also got something done that I've been wanting to do for about a week. I bought oats yesterday in bulk, and today I ground them into a fine powder which I am using to clean my face. I learned this as a teenager in the '70s, from a great book by Nona Aguilar called "Totally Natural Beauty." I never forgot it, but stopped doing it at some point. Wish I hadn't, it's the best skin care going. Started last night with a slightly less fine powder, and after only two washes my facial skin is softer and less dry. I have oily skin to begin with, but I get dry patches. They are gone. The other part of the skin care is bathing the face with a vinegar and water solution to close the pores after washing. So I'm excited about getting back to the cheapest and most effective routine EVAH!

Results: I did a trade today! It was going great, I was actually about to get out of it with a decent little profit, when the program froze. When that happens my computer also slows waaaaayyyyy down. So by the time I forced the program to close and got back in, the price had dropped way down from where it was. My profit was no longer as good, so I cursed my computer and gave up till Monday. I'm still profitable so I can't complain TOO much :) I'm just glad I had the gumption to get in - I missed out on a crazy good trade this week because I wasn't really sure about it on Wednesday. The stock opened $15 higher Thursday morning. An option on that would have made me $1200 overnight. HOLY COW! There will be others, I am sure :)

Thursday and More From Wednesday

I forgot that on Wednesday I also recycled the pieces of paper that came with my necklace :)

Thursday: I took about 20 pages/cards of recipes down to the lobby, along with a couple booklets of recipes, restaurant guides, and a guide to cooking meat (I had two). Also took a couple magazines back to work (I had borrowed them to read on the way home). And I recycled two expired coupons after I got home.

After work I went grocery shopping and later met with a friend from the opera who videotaped it for us, to get my DVD! My performance was pretty good, considering I was recovering from laryngitis! I noticed I sang a bit sharp a few times, though. That's not like me at all. I hope it was just from being sick. Oddly, it sounded less sharp on the computer than on the DVD player.

It looks like I might be doing more singing soon. The cough keeps coming back, though, so I feel really up in the air about it. Sigh. Singing makes me happy - I WANT to do more!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesday's Declutter

Today I got another energy surge, though I didn't really recognize it as such. Maybe you could call it a surge of intention or action. I was going to make lasagna, and grabbed the catch-all cookbook where I keep all my handwritten and cut out recipes and took it to the living room so I could look for the recipe while watching TV. I think I took the recipe into the kitchen, and then decided to grab all the loose recipes I had, as well as a box of recipe cards, and reorganize them. I ended up spending several hours putting loose recipes into the book and the box, and moving some of the smaller recipes from the book into the box. I also culled quite a few of them to take down to the lobby - which I forgot to do when I went down there. That'll be tomorrow's declutter! I finally quit a bit ago, as I was just too tired to do anything with the last few newspaper clippings. I need to go through them and see if I really want ALL the pages.

In the interim I made delicious low-carb organic spinach lasagna, and cleaned up the counter these recipes were on (right next to the stove and greasy). I also talked to and emailed a couple people about two more operas I might sing chorus in. I cleaned the catbox awhile ago, and just finished doing the dishes and cleaning up the stove and counter. And I'm not tired! This is very good, cuz that's two days this week that I've felt like getting things done. I usually don't have two days a MONTH where I feel like getting things done! I think now I'll put the laundry away (it wasn't quite dry on Monday so I put it on my drying rack and left it overnight while I worked).

Results: My friend paid me for two workdays in advance, and I got to deposit a nice big check today! Also got to watch a trading class last night and watched stocks today. Not much happened, but I know what to look for. And my guy and I finally got around to unwrapping our Christmas gifts to each other, which was fun :) I love my new necklace and he's going to take me out so I can wear it! It's been a great day.

Monday - Tuesday

Monday's declutter: I cleaned up three takeout bags by recycling the paper bags and putting the plastic bags aside for recycling at the store. Also did laundry, though I don't really count that as cleaning. But I did throw vinegar and baking soda down my kitchen sink to keep it running clear, so that counts.

Tuesday: I was upstate working, and didn't do a declutter. But I did quickly clean the hood over my stove when I got home. It's a goofy fake hood that isn't secure on one corner. There's no fan. I hate cleaning it, but I saw the greasy dirt just sitting there while I was on the phone, so I took a few swipes and got rid of it.

Today I had an inadvertent declutter. Rushed off the subway cuz the next stop was going to be the last, and I knew I didn't have everything, but couldn't figure out why I felt that way...until I was on the next train approaching my stop, and found my gloves were missing. Sigh. That's the second time I've dropped them on the train. First time this year though, and this time they were only $1 gloves! I have another $1 pair in a different color, so no biggie! Still feel dumb though, cuz I could have waited one stop and gotten everything together before getting off.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday's Declutter

Today I got back on the 15-minute wagon and entered cash receipts into Quicken - for 45 minutes. What can I say, I get on a roll and like to keep going! I did four months (sort of - there was only one receipt from the 4th month, heehee) and recycled probably 40 receipts. Only a few months left!

The sad thing about this is, I need to do the Quicken stuff, but only the cash receipts are clutter, so once they are done I'll have to find another declutter AND still work on updating Quicken. Well, I did resolve to let go of procrastination this year...given the dearth of TV programming on Sunday afternoons, it should be fairly easy!

Oh, update on the cheesecake: Wonder of wonders, it tastes like chocolate cheesecake! The fridge did the trick.


Whoops, I said on Friday that I'd get back to the 15 minute thing on Saturday, and then I completely FORGOT! I did declutter one tiny little butterfly clip - you know, those hair clips that pinch together like butterfly wings. I had a Barbie-sized one, which I took to the lobby. Not sure anyone will be able to see it despite its being neon green, cuz it's soooo small. Oh, well.

Funny New Year's disaster story. I decided I wanted cheesecake last night, but I didn't have all the ingredients for the only recipe that required only one package of cream cheese (all I had). So I thought, no problem, I'll just substitute. They want saltines and walnuts for the crust, I'll use the pistachios I got for Christmas. They ask for blocks of chocolate, I'll use hot chocolate powder. They say to put vanilla in the hot fudge sauce that I'm not making? No problem, I'll just put it in the cheesecake.

Made the "crust" and it had too much butter and didn't really bake, but oh well. Mixed up the cheese, chocolate, etc., poured it in and set it to bake. Noticed there was a bit of smokiness from the oven, but couldn't figure out why. I hadn't spilled anything in there lately. Oh well. Cooked the thing an hour, let it sit in the oven to cool. It still wasn't set. Still sloshing around in the middle. I said whatever, I'm starving (it was around 9pm), and put the broiler on to cook a steak before putting the cake back in the oven. Five minutes later my apartment is filled with smoke. I turn off the broiler and then I'm like, crap, I've got to cover the smoke alarm before it goes off cuz it's SO LOUD. But with all that smoke it should have gone off by the time I covered it, so now I'm worried that it doesn't work.

I open the window next to the stove - by the way, it's about 20 degrees outside and the wind is howling by this point in the evening - and then crack open the door for a minute. Then I realize I can't stay in this apartment because I can't breathe. So I go after the cat, who is hiding out in the bedroom, because I don't want her to die of smoke inhalation. I grab her and take her out in the hall just after the hall smoke alarm goes off. Cat freaks out trying to get away from that horrible noise, and I'm trying to calm her down while I run down the stairs trying not to go deaf. A neighbor comes out and I explain it's my stove that's smoking. I open the window at the landing hoping to clear out the smoke. Alarm stops, smoke goes, then the window won't close. I had to get my neighbor out there again to close it cuz the whole building would be freezing if it stayed open all night.

After 20 minutes or so and several forays back into the apartment to open more windows and open the top window in the kitchen, it was finally breathable in there again. The indoor temp had dropped about four degrees too. The cat went straight under the bed for awhile - her favorite place to hide from loud noises. And I went to cook the other side of my steak on top of the stove. I had to move the liquid cheesecake aside, and when I did, guess what I discovered? A puddle of butter under the pan. The too-buttery "crust" had been leaking butter out of the pan to the bottom of the stove, where it burned slowly. When I put on the broiler, POOF! And smoke everywhere. DOHHHHHHHH!!!!

I did put the cake back in eventually, for another hour or so, at a higher temp, with a cookie sheet on the lower rack to catch the butter. It STILL wasn't fully cooked at 11:20, but I was so over it by then that I took a scoop of chocolately mush and ate it, and stuck the rest in the fridge. It's probably set by now. This much is sure: I won't be making any more cheesecake substitutions again soon.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Wow, 2010 - How Did THAT Happen?!

Hey all, Happy New Year! My declutter for today was recycling four old post-it notes. I actually acquired a bunch of books from my neighbor who is moving out, so today was more like a reclutter day than a declutter day. Most of them will go to the lobby now that I've looked through them, but there are some keepers. There is a Harry Potter in there that I might sell on eBay or craigslist. I don't really think of books as clutter anyway - I reread my books frequently.

Tomorrow, though, it's back to the 15 minutes plan. Still got receipts to enter, and lots of cleaning to do. In my blue moon ritual yesterday I released procrastination among other things, so that will aid in the declutter effort in that I'll be dealing with stuff right away.

But today is New Year's Day so I'm goofing off!