Thursday, April 28, 2011

Weds - Thurs

Wednesday's declutter: I took an extra checkbook cover down to the lobby. I think there was more but I don't remember what :)

Thursday's declutter: I shredded 121 pieces of paper at work. Also took my cell phones to be repaired, since the battery wasn't working anyway. And I cleaned the catbox.

Results: Last night I felt really disappointed and a little angry that I wasn't able to qualify for the first bonus in my business. But when I woke up today and thought a little bit about it, I thought, anything is possible and the Universe can make this happen. It came through for me once with the extension I got, so who knows? Maybe I DO have customers and I just didn't get an email about it. Maybe a clerical error happened and it will get sorted out. Maybe two people signed up at 1:01am today, and some customer service person will feel that's close enough and count them. Or maybe the company will decide to extend the qualifying period for people who don't have the service in their state.

That was my first thought, actually, and my favorite - it felt really fun to think about it! They'd make it retroactive so that any of those out-of-state folks who missed their 30-day mark but made the cut within, say, six months, would now get their bonus for the customers. I had a blast thinking about that and it set the tone for my day.

I got a lot of necessary filing stuff done at work, so that was good. Also got paid today. And I missed all the rain! I saw an amazing sky walking home from the subway - so beautiful I had to stop and just enjoy it. It conjured up good memories of summer in Illinois when I was a kid.

It's a beautiful breezy night and half my windows are open to let in the fresh air. I feel good, my kitty is curled up on her favorite box, and all is well. Have a good night, world!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday Additional

I got a stair climber from a neighbor last year, and after trying it out a couple times and finding it too mushy to really work for me, I began using it as a coat rack. Literally. So late this afternoon I took the coats off it and took it out into the hall. I put a sign saying "FREE" on it. I'll have to get it down to the lobby somehow but in the meantime I might take a picture and post it down there.

I also did the dishes tonight - every bleedin' one except a pan that has to soak.

Results: I'm feeling so good tonight :) Everything is working out.

Monday - Tuesday

Monday's declutter: I recycled six newspapers and a paper bag. I put my relationship on hold till something changes. And I got to the bottom of ALL my issues in my EFT session. Everything that's missing stems back to one issue, and we healed it!

Tuesday: So far, I've taken out the recycling.

Results: Holy healing therapy, Batman! When that EFT session was over yesterday, I felt like a whole person for the first time in God knows when. I swear it was a soul retrieval as well as EFT. I am SO excited to see what happens now! My focus has turned from what's missing, the lack in my life, to the plenty that I see all around me. I feel secure in myself and who I am, and I am sure that the things I want are easily had. I've been repeating my past for 30 years, and now that's over. I get to live my life, instead of reacting to long-ago events. Woohoo!

I would like to recommend my EFT practitioner to anyone who wants to give this a try. Her website is: And of course, you can always find info at and

Let's see, other results...shucks, isn't feeling good enough? Yeah, I think it is!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Saturday - Sunday

Saturday Additional: I swept the kitchen floor.

Sunday: Did dishes, cleaned the catbox, put away clothes, put away shoes, put clothes in the laundry basket.

Results: The Facebook birthday posts kept coming in even after I went to bed last night! I got four birthday phone calls, and another today. And I got a card from my dad with a sweet note and a birthday check :)

Today I made some calls for the business, with some positive response. Did some more tapping on success in the business because my belief is still low. I got through some resistance, and am having another EFT session tomorrow. I'm doing what I can to trust that the Universe knows what it's doing and will come through for me, or that there's a good reason if it doesn't.

Got to see a good movie today, and am watching The Simpsons Movie now, and getting some good laughs out of it! It was a sunny afternoon, which was nice after all the rain yesterday.

Finally, I'm getting some resolution tonight of the issues that were bothering me all week. Yay!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!

Friday's declutter: I took a container to the lobby. Didn't need it. Got a few more I think I'll get rid of.

Saturday's declutter (so far): I did another EFT session this morning. It was GREAT. I have been doing a bit of housework since as the session took us to my clutter and mess as part of my blocks to success in business. So far: Cleaned the catbox. Put a pile of recipes in a big binder, and put the binder and some more loose recipes and cooking magazines away in the kitchen cabinet where they live This gave me a ton of table space, and the awareness that I need to clean the table. Recycled four paper bags and a chopstick, and put some cold remedies and vitamins away. Stacked the dirty dishes, then opened a package of chicken breasts I bought Thursday and wrapped and froze two of them. The third is getting cooked for lunch and dinner. Oh yeah, and I took the two weeks' worth of compost stuff to the farmers' market early this morning.

Results: I was back on the down side of the roller coaster Friday. Finally took care of it by writing an email to the person I was bumming out over. I felt better once I wrote it, tweaked it some, and actually did send it. And now I feel free of all the angst and pain that was expressed in it.

The EFT obviously worked because I'm inspired to clean up the messes around here today.

Finally, it's my birthday! and I'm getting a ton of Facebook posts. I feel really loved and appreciated! It's truly a happy birthday!

Friday, April 22, 2011


Thursday's declutter: I shredded 94 papers at work. Also did dishes. And I had another EFT session.

Results: I focused on feeling good Thursday, and I did feel good most of the day. I got a lot done at work and communications went smoothly. I got work lined up for Monday. And it was a beautiful day, which always makes me feel good :)

Did another EFT session in the evening around the business standstill I'm experiencing. What came up the strongest was trusting the Universe. This has been so hard for me. There are clearly some really negative beliefs about it that have prevented me from feeling it's a friendly place. Trust has been an issue for me for a very long time. So I'm going to work with this guy again, hopefully on that issue. But in the meantime we got through some things and afterward I could feel my body releasing resistance - to what, I'm not sure, we did a lot. He gave me a way to think about the business that brought up feelings of excitement and I can practice that on my own - though I have found it more challenging to do by myself. Still, I feel less worried this morning and am seeing some possible solutions, so that's good.

Am still in a holding pattern with the other issue, but I'm feeling more like I know what to do. The EFT work from Tuesday started opening up solutions Thursday. I'm going back and forth but things will become clear and I'll know what to do when the time comes that I need to know. Till then, inaction is fine.

Today is another sunny day! Time to get ready for work.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Today's declutter: I took the cat litter out to the garbage.

Results: I forgot to say that I got my first birthday card on Monday, from my great-aunt, great-uncle, and cousin. I had sort of forgotten about birthday cards - it will be a fun week as they trickle in :)

Woke up to kitty cuddles for the third or fourth day in a row. There is really nothing that compares with a kitty purring in your ear as you're dozing in the morning. It's so nice to feel that warm furry creature snuggling up to you, pet the silky fur, and hear the happy LOUD purring. My cat makes me happy every day, no lie. She is the cutest boo and I adore her.

Today I got to work and through the window I saw a sign that said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUDY!" And when I got in I saw there was a bouquet of flowers waiting for me from my co-worker. Awww! My boss said happy birthday and gave me a hug, and when I looked at the sign up close it actually had a tiny "early" in between the happy and the birthday. So cute!

I had spent the morning looking for things to appreciate, because I have been having a tough time the past few days with a couple of things. So I am making a conscious effort to think of things that will make me feel happy. When I feel happy, people are nicer to me, and things seem to go more smoothly. The last could be that I'm just happy so things that might bother me don't, but the first is definitely true.

So anyway, I had a good day at work - the amount of time I am putting in these days continues to surprise me. Things are picking up there and there is just more to do. Then I went to work my second job of the day, and got what needed to get done completed. It was work for me though - it was creating files and that's not really my thing. But I needed it done in order to continue with the bookkeeping so it's good.

Went home, didn't have to wait long for trains and didn't feel crowded. I made a call earlier to another EFT practitioner who offers a trial session, who I had been drawn to from the website where I first found him. Turns out he's from here, living where I grew up! and he's also a performer. Anyway, when I got home I hadn't heard back, so I emailed him and got an immediate response! We spoke and I have an appointment with him tomorrow night! So glad to be dealing with this stuff. I know EFT works.

This morning I also discovered recordings of Alison Armstrong on a radio show, and listened to one. Listened to a few more tonight. Very helpful in feeling out what I want to do in one of the situations I feel stuck in. In case I haven't mentioned her before, Alison is the founder of PAX, a company dedicated to helping women understand men, and vice versa. I've done many of her workshops, and have to say that what I learned has been so helpful in my understanding of men. Do I practice it all the time? No. But with these radio shows, hurray! I can have reminders handy.

Oh, yeah, almost forgot, today was payday! :) And the sun came out and warmed things up in the early evening. All in all, a good day!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Monday, Tuesday

Monday: I spent the morning looking for an EFT practitioner because I felt so stuck again. Found one, called, made an appointment for Tuesday. I don't think I actually decluttered anything...mmm, I guess taking out the garbage from Sunday counts. I AM collecting food scraps for the Farmers' Market compost project.

Tuesday: Today I had the EFT appointment and we worked on some stuff. I feel kind of numb but there was some progress in there. It was a free first appointment, which is pretty cool cuz not everyone will give more than a free consult. I'm doing another one on Saturday - my birthday present!

I also changed the cat litter.

Results: Last night I went to my friend's friend's comedy show. It was great to see my friend, and I got a lot of laughs out of the show, which put me in a much better mood. On the way home I decided to try focusing on things I appreciate about the people in my life (thank you, Abraham-Hicks!). By the time I got home I was feeling pretty happy, and I woke up and did more appreciating, and felt really happy by the time I left the house. They are doing the show again next Monday and are giving returnees half-price admission, so I might just go again!

I had a job interview, and the trains ran smoothly and got me there really early. The interview went well and I'm probably going to start in the next week or so. On the way home I met a musician and had a nice chat with him, and then met a dad and his son, who were heading to the airport and were very friendly. They were really nice interactions and I hold my good mood totally responsible for them :) I am going to keep doing this appreciation trick even as I do the EFT. I like feeling happy and having things so smoothly.

I had a couple more setbacks with my business and this will be what I work on in the next EFT session. There is really no reason for it to be this hard, so I know it's about my limits on my success. I actually decided yesterday to give up, which may not be such a bad thing. I've done a lot of legwork, and now it's time to trust that the Universe is a friendly place and will give me what I allow in. Time to allow.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fri - Sun

Friday: I don't remember if I decluttered anything. Probably did some dishes. I did decide that I was done with the sugar binge and ready to go back on the Body Ecology Diet, a week before my birthday. So no cake for me next week! I did have a talk that I needed to have, so that got some things off my chest.

Saturday: I did mental decluttering with tapping. Got into an unhappy head space and decided to tap on an issue I felt stuck about. This led to some other issues and a major bombshell about my blocks to receiving. I felt so calm after tapping it away I went straight to bed and slept like a baby.

Oh yeah, I started the diet all over again today. I made squash soup and ate most of it. It was yummy.

Sunday: Today I got a bit of the cleaning bug. Not much, just a bit :) I tapped some more this morning, and made a decision - maybe even last night - to focus on myself this week, my birthday week, and do what makes me happy. So far I have plans to go to a comedy show and meet up with a friend I haven't seen in a few years who just moved back here.

As for the cleaning, I did dishes, swept the living room, entry, and kitchen, and got the garbage ready to go out. I also got out in the sun for a bit to get salad greens.

Results: I think starting the diet on a weekend is easier because you have access to food all day long. The first three days they recommend vegetarian choices to quickly shift the body to a more alkaline state. Last time I was very hungry with no meat. This time I had plenty of food. I'm feeling a little sleepy but that's due to the high carb intake. Other than that, not feeling any detox effects this time.

The Universe is working on my behalf again. My friend who just moved back emailed me Friday to ask for job referrals for a friend. I had been thinking about how to contact him about my business so the synchronicity was not lost on me. I said I'd help if I could, and asked him to help me. I heard back today that his folks might be willing to be customers! I was wondering yesterday why I hadn't heard back about it. I think my tapping last night opened the door for me to finally have results with the business.

Finally, I'm finding money on the street practically every day. Today's was a nickel! I get excited when it's silver :) Even more excited when it's paper, haha!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Weds - Thurs

Wednesday: Today my declutter was mental. I did tapping on something that used to really bother and worry me, that I thought I felt better about. Turned out that I didn't. The emotions I felt were very intense and upsetting. So it was good to tap on them. I think I also recycled an envelope or two as well - something got recycled.

Thursday: Woke up depressed and did some tapping on that and the feelings that were coming up. I know it's in part due to the sugar I've been eating and in part due to PMS. Then I went about my day, and it was so nice out that I gradually got to feeling better. Also drank some St. John's Wort tea. I shredded 27 papers at work, and have recycled two candy wrappers, a piece of foil, a couple of plastic bottles, a vitamin bottle, and a plastic wrap box and roll. And I did dishes tonight also.

Results: My taxes are done, except for one thing I forgot to make a call about today, doh! So I'm printing everything and that one thing will get printed tomorrow. And I guess I'll have to stand in line at the PO since I didn't get this done today!

I worked yesterday and will work tomorrow, so the bills I have due are taken care of (though the taxes will not be - new debt, mah!) I got ahold of my friend regarding the business, and he promised to watch the webinar last night. Checked in today and we will talk about it tomorrow. And that will give me an in to talk about it with the lady I'm working for, who has family in a state where they could be my customers! Since I'll be calling while I'm there, and she already told her Philly friends about it, I'll be able to ask her about her family.

I'm really noticing that the Universe is bringing opportunities to me with the business. Another such was an email I received today from a friend who just moved back east, and is in another of those states where I can provide service! He emailed with a request for me, so I said sure and could you help me with this? I had been thinking about how and when to approach him, and he came to me!

I think if I could take the evidence of that and apply it to the areas of my life that feel stuck, I'd see evidence that the Universe is on my side there too. I am going to give that a go tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tuesday Decluttering

Hey, I forgot that I recycled a couple of envelopes on Sunday, and maybe an insert or two along with them. I also recycled a newspaper last night.

I also forgot to mention a result from yesterday - I'm fitting into a pair of white pants I couldn't zip a year ago! Thanks Body Ecology Diet (which I'm totally cheating on till after my birthday)!

Tuesday: Today I did some tapping on my relationship which was very good. I also worked on finding out why I'm doing the business I'm doing. If you have a compelling reason, you will find a way, and my reasons needed to be stronger. I think it's a process, but I definitely got closer!

I cleaned the tub, tile, and shower curtains while in the shower, then did dishes. I cleaned the toilet and sink a bit later, then cleaned the catbox. I put away most of the laundry (I think some is still damp). And the thing I'm proudest of: I scanned a bunch of recipes from some old magazines so I could give the mags away. They have been sitting in my living room for at least two months, waiting for me to figure out whether to save the whole mag or rip out the pages. This way, I get the recipes, take up no space, and get to pass the magazines along intact. :)

There are six magazines so far, and I'll be taking them to the lobby in a few minutes. I'm so excited about this I may take ALL my recipe pages from the last 25 years and scan them. Or not, but at least I have the option now. Gotta think of how else I can use computer storage, it's a tool I hadn't really considered before.

Finally, I was going to do my taxes today. Was going to do them yesterday too. So now the plan is to do them tonight. I won't have time again till Friday, and postage rates go up on Saturday or Sunday, so I'd like to send them out on Friday morning so I don't have to wait in line for an hour. Going to go buy some Ben & Jerry's and start downloading forms and getting started.

Results: I am feeling good. I've got work lined up for the next two weeks, and an interview for a new job next week.

I called back my friend regarding referrals for my business, and he's not in today - that's what I get for not calling yesterday! But I'll try his cell later. I also heard back from a friend who's interested in the business but has been swamped with all the things she has to do. She's got it on her list for next week, so we are progressing. :)

My apartment has retained the warmth it acquired during yesterday's amazing day in the 80s and I'm very comfortable. It's really nice!

My honey is hoping to come over later, and I think I'll feel much closer to him thanks to the tapping I did this morning.

Finally, I am really loving the accountability partnership I've developed with some business associates I met in PA a few weeks back. We are sharing our goals and tips and working through issues together and it's been really great. I feel supported and am getting great hits from their ideas that are helping me move forward. For me, the business is about being the best I can be. Forming associations with like-minded people is a part of that.

Monday, April 11, 2011

More For Monday

Since I got the OK to cash my check, I went to the bank to take care of it. I paid a bill and dropped it in the mail on the way, took out the paper recycling (so I got it ALL done today) on my way out, and took a bag of bottles and cans with me to return to the grocery store after the bank.

Results: It feels great to get so many little cluttery things taken care of. :) And when I got home there was an email asking if I could work on Wednesday. The work is flowing in all the time. Now if I could just see that happening with my energy business!

More tapping tonight, at least I think so - I haven't been able to get on the interviews till afterward but hopefully it will be live tonight.

Wow, Monday!

Today I took out the plastic/metal recycling on my way to do laundry. Also took 40 plastic bags to recycle at the store while the laundry was going. Then I did a little tapping on clutter and fear of success during the final spin cycle. It's a beautiful sunny day in the 70s (!), so the laundry is drying on my laundry rack up on the roof.

Results: At the laundromat I picked up a dollar that it looked like another patron had dropped. I gave it to her, she said thanks, and then she said I could have it!

On the way home I checked my messages, and there was one from my bookkeeper friend who has been getting me work, with a new potential job for us both. She seemed very upbeat about it and about working together, wants me to set up an appointment with them once she sends me the info :)

Finally, I had sent an email earlier about cashing a check, and when I got home, there was the answer - yes!

I'm kinda floored - this morning I felt so stuck and now things are flowing again! I feel upbeat and full of possibility.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

More Sunday

Just deleted 369 emails, and sorted a bunch more into categories so I can find them :)

I feel invigorated by the EFT on clutter, sort of ready to start throwing stuff out.

Clutter Breakthrough

Just listening to an EFT interview about clutter, and I realized that my clutter is related to my fear of success. I don't know how, but thinking about clutter and why it's not safe to let it go looped right back into that fear of success issue!

Not sure what's going to happen next!

This Week

Don't remember all my declutters this week, but here's some: On Thursday I decluttered worry about my business. On Saturday I took food scraps to the Farmers' Market for compost, and recycled a brochure, and today I recycled six pieces of paper, and deleted five emails. I think I deleted some emails during the week too. Totally forgot to take my shreddables to work this week! Oh, yes, I paid a couple bills on Tuesday and another on Thursday, and recycled the envelopes and inserts.

I almost forgot, I also did an hour or so of Quicken on Saturday, and some filing.

Results: On Thursday, after giving up the worry, I got ahold of and went to see the person I'd been scared to talk to about the business. He agreed to take a look and we'll talk this next week. I also got a call from my customer that he was working on getting the accounts hooked up! That still hadn't happened as of Friday, but hopefully it will go through. I also found myself a bit afraid of succeeding at this business. Very interesting reaction and today I think I figured out what it's about, at least partially.

On Friday, I worked more hours than I expected, which was good for my bank account. :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday Mental Mucking

Wow, today I got hit with a real whammy that was unexpected. First, my declutters.

Today I took library books back and paid a fine - bigger than usual cuz one book was new and due back a week earlier than the others. D'oh! I often miss the due date by a day but this one was a week. I also recycled an expired coupon.

Oh, last night I also recycled a postcard I got in the mail. It was totally wasted advertising, for a mayor who is in his third term and presumably a lame duck. All I can say is, that better not be city money getting used for this.

Results: So today I got a call from someone who's been wanting me to come do some work for awhile, but due to various things we haven't been able to get together. She had emailed that she was in PA, and I'm looking to do some networking there for my business, so I mentioned it in my reply. So when she called that was the first thing she asked. Turns out her husband is from PA, and she said they'd be happy to send my website to people to check out being customers! So that was really awesome, especially since she only knows me through a referral. That's what I call above and beyond! Then we set up a time to meet this week.

I did some tax stuff that I needed to get done, so now I'm ready to file my taxes. And then it was getting to be time to follow through on the call I made last Wednesday. I found myself exceedingly nervous. Tried some different methods to release the feelings, and finally did some tapping on it. And the dam burst - all these upsetting feelings came welling up. I found myself feeling that I shouldn't be asking for help, that I didn't deserve help, that I was a taker and always looking for what I can get out of something, that no one would want to help me - so much weird stuff. I tapped for several minutes till it subsided a bit, and then I called my friend. He didn't answer so I left a message outlining what I wanted to do. Sometimes it's easier to leave a message with busy people - I don't feel like I'm imposing then and they can call me back at their leisure.

But I just found it very eye-opening to see what underlies my reluctance to ask people for help. I thought maybe I had some weird family independent thing, but it's really about deserving. So much comes back to that. It's pervasive and I bet people would be happier if they dealt with this one issue.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Wed - Sun and One Song

Whew! For a down week, I have to say I was very busy. I don't remember most of my declutters for the week - forgot to take shreddables to work so didn't do much there. I did change the cat litter and throw it away on the way out the door to go upstate Friday. And today I just recycled 11 post-its, a note, and an expired coupon. But mostly it's been brainstorming and mental decluttering. On Tuesday night I spoke with my sister and she gave me a piece of wisdom that really shifted me. There was one action for my business that I'd been putting off out of fear, and she told me if I just took that action, I'd be a winner regardless of the result, regardless of whether I got the extension I was asking for. Her words allowed me to really let it go, and I promised us both I'd take that action the next day.

Results: Got the call Weds a.m. that I would be given the extension! I also followed through on the scary action, and have to follow through further on Monday - the person I called requested that. But it felt great to notice that the Universe has once again come through for me, and I felt I had to do my part as well, especially since I promised. And this is someone who is always willing to help me any way he can, who told me he'd do whatever he could without even really knowing much about it. I'm a little scared still but only because he's someone I love and respect and it's hard for me not to feel like I'm imposing. I have to get over that, this is a service I'm offering and he's a friend who I'm asking for referrals, and it's just a simple case of using my network like any other business person would do.

Anyway. This weekend I worked for my friend upstate, which is helpful as rent is due. It was also a chance to do some brainstorming on the business, as we're in it together. I decided to call some acquaintances in PA, where we need to go to find customers. However, I felt funny about that, and felt much better with the idea of visiting the friends who signed up as my first customers, who are in another state. Their schedule is such that there are a few obstacles. I'm gonna let the Universe sort it out as it is bringing me new connections all the time.

I received my tenant's payment today, and have work lined up for Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm also discussing work tomorrow with someone new, who I just found out was in PA on Friday. This is one of those new connections. I'm getting ideas of what to do next, and these connections to follow, and I'm doing my best to see it as evidence that the Universe is working for me. It seems very obvious to me today. There are too many coincidences happening, including a book my friend lent me that is helping me SEE the guidance! So I'll just let One Song (Uni-verse) clear the way and follow where I'm led.