Saturday, August 29, 2009

Weds. - Sat.

Wow, end of August already. Time just flies when you're gettin' old :)

I don't believe I decluttered anything the last three days. Maybe some pieces of papar. I was busy with learning some things and also just decompressing from the stress of the ex-workplace. I'm so glad to be out of that situation - there is nothing worse work-wise than working for someone who doesn't want you there and is actively seeking your replacement. I'm amazed it took me five months to screw up, as stressed as I was. Am also glad that it was a fixable screwup.

Anyway, today I have decluttered. I paid a bunch of bills and recycled the envelopes and inserts. There may be more decluttering today, we'll see! But in any event I'm back on the decluttering track!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Friday - Tuesday

Well, I've let the time slip by longer than I planned, and didn't realize Friday's declutter wasn't up here! Grrr. Thank goodness I posted what I planned to declutter on Friday!

Friday: I took those shoes down to the lobby.

Saturday: I don't think I decluttered anything today.

Sunday: Not sure I did any declutter today either. My goodness!

Monday: I paid a bill and recycled the envelope.

Tuesday: Big declutter today. My main job went away. I'm not sure yet if I decluttered it or if it decluttered me. At any rate, I did something incompetent and got fired. I've known it was coming for months and I think the stress finally got my brain and made it stop working.

Results: My neighbor gave me some yummy veggies from his organic garden! I also received an email this week about auditioning for a small role in the next BRO opera.

And getting fired is also a result, because the stress was not good for me. So although I didn't want it to be this way, it's for the best. As one of my friends said as he bought me a drink last night, when a door closes a hallway opens (never heard that version before, didja?). And one of his friends asked me to send him my resume, so you never know.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Monday - Thursday

Monday's clutter: I recycled a shoe box, and took a black swivel chair (with no back!) down to the lobby. It was serving as a piano stool, but I now have a bench thanks to my friends, and I really couldn't think of a reason to keep the chair. Also didn't have a place for it.

Tuesday's clutter: I recycled an envelope (wowee, what a big declutter!).

Wednesday's clutter: I shredded some stuff at work.

Thursday's clutter: No declutter today that I can think of. I did shed some fear and begin paper trading in my virtual account via Think or Swim. There's a pair of shoes I might get rid of and I could take them down tonight...will post if I do.

Wait, I recycled a newspaper. So I did my declutter and can do the shoes tomorrow if I decide to.

Results: I had a checkup and I am healthier than the last time I went for one, which was two or three years ago! Just have a couple of vitamin deficiencies - B12 and D. I had read that Vitamin D deficiency was becoming very common due to the paranoia about sun damage and skin cancer. I've never been afraid of the sun, but for whatever reason I'm not gettin' enough of it! The doctor said this could explain my general tiredness, and also my itchy skin! So I'm taking my vitamins religiously and if I don't feel better soon I'll get the ones he recommended.

I also had a dentist appointment, and had my first fillings. It's official, I have cavities. I guess it would have been hard for me to get through life with no cavities at all, but 44 years is a good long stretch! Technically, I've had one of them awhile, but it wasn't bad enough to get a filling when it was first discovered. It was sort of a pre-cavity, so the dentist put a sealant on it. Anyway, though, the fillings took about 10 minutes, no novocaine needed, barely any drilling. I don't know, I've never had a bad experience at any dentist's office, I don't really get why people are so afraid of dentists!

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Weekend

Saturday's Declutter: I paid a couple of bills and recycled the envelopes and inserts.

Sunday's Declutter: The roach problem is not quite resolved, though it's better since the rain has let up. I recycled a bunch of aluminum foil that I was going to reuse, that was in a newly-infested drawer. Yuck.

I read that catnip or bay leaves are good natural roach repellents. Tried catnip. Didn't work. I've now bought bay leaves and will scatter liberally in my silverware drawer as I give another shot to putting my kitchen back together. I think I'll crush them so the odor is nice and strong. This time I'm only putting the silverware organizer and a few spoons and knives back in, so that if they come back I won't have to wash every single utensil I own again.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

This Week

Well. I seem to have fallen off the rails with the decluttering this week. I've done some, but not kept track, with the result that this post will be somewhat thin.

I forgot that last Friday I tossed three pairs of pantyhose. They seem to wear out faster than they used to. Maybe that's cuz you can't find reinforced toes in NYC. Stupid city. Supposed to be able to find anything here, and I can't find a damn pair of regular pantyhose with reinforced toes. What the heck?

So I don't remember what I did Sunday, other than grocery shopping. Probably tossed a receipt or envelope or something. Oh, I remember, I watched a movie that I had picked up in the lobby a few days earlier, and when I was done, I took it back to the lobby.

Monday I went to a friend's house and watched a trading class. I'm learning about strategies for the stock market, mostly using options. It was good and we spent a nice day together. I don't think I decluttered anything.

Tuesday I got rid of another pair or two of pantyhose. I keep finding more pairs, so I try them on for holes, and usually pitch 'em. I had to buy a pair that morning to go with my heels.

Wednesday: I recycled of a tiny piece of paper that came in something I bought. And then I found a couple more papers to recycle for good measure. I did lots of laundry too, a load before work and one after.

Thursday: I tossed an envelope and insert from a bill I paid online. Also tossed a defunct UPS deposit envelope from a bank that is also defunct. And I inadvertently decluttered my umbrella by leaving it at a party. I'm hoping someone found it and will get the email I sent out about it. But I got it free in the first place - brand-new umbrella just tossed on the street because it got blown inside out. Easy come, easy go!

Friday: Shredded an ancient deposit slip from the defunct bank.

Results: I went out all week! Tuesday night I went to a friend's fashion show. She sells gorgeous clothes from a company called CAbi. They are designed by a woman who knows how to design for women! So the stuff looks great on everyone no matter what size. Anyway, my friend had her samples from spring on sale half-off. There was a gorgeous jacket I had wanted back in the spring, and she had it in my size, so I got it. I wore it a lot this week too, but no one even commented on it, which I found surprising cuz it's SO flattering and pretty. But I guess people had other things on their minds!

I also went to an after-work get-together given by a friend of a friend. All the people there worked in a specific area of my industry, and everyone was so nice. One of the guys was sending another woman home in a stretch limo as I went to them to say goodbye, and he insisted on giving me a ride too! It was something! I lost my umbrella, but my goodness, was I ever spoiled!

Finally, last night I had my second date with that sweetie from last week. We went dancing and oh, my! It was fun, he's a doll, and I'm swooning!

I'll do better this week with posting and staying on top of the declutter. I guess I couldn't expect to keep it up forever, but I'm a little disappointed in myself all the same. So I'll get back on the horse and keep going!

Sunday, August 9, 2009


On Saturday I recycled a piece of cardboard. Whee!

Results: The roaches seem to be slowing down. It's been mostly rain-free this week, so maybe my kitchen will be normal again soon. I'm thinking of putting the silverware in the oven in the meantime. I think it's too hot in there for bugs to like it. I've got all my utensils stashed in a couple of vases right now.

Took lots of naps Saturday too. I always seem to be exhausted by the weekend, and I literally did nothing Saturday but eat, sleep, and read. And talk to friends on the phone. I don't think I've ever been quite so indolent - usually I find it too boring. But this was lovely :)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Wed. - Fri.

Wednesday: You could say that I was the clutter getting thrown out Wednesday instead of the other way around. Or at least, it appears that's what's going to happen in a certain area of my life in the near future. Anyway, I wasn't thinking much about physical decluttering, and don't remember if I did any. I was taken out for a drink by a good friend, who talked things over with me.

By Thursday afternoon I was panicking because everything seemed to be changing all at once, and I realized I'd have to let go (emotionally) of some old to make room for the new. So again, I was too upset even to think about decluttering and don't recall if I did. I was able to talk with another friend about it, who gave me a hug and some tea and listened to my panic. Then I was taken out to dinner by still another friend, and taken good care of, which made me feel much better.

Friday was better. I recycled a piece of mail. The panic receded, to be replaced by excitement, and I was able to think more clearly. I have many options and a tentative plan of action to make at least one of the changes blow up or go away.

Results: I had a DATE! with a real sweetie, which I enjoyed very much!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sunday - Tuesday

Sunday's Declutter: I threw out about five Ziploc bags. My kitchen is overrun with roaches due to the tons of rain we've had, and I didn't feel like rewashing a bunch of plastic bags.

Monday's Declutter: I paid five bills and recycled the envelopes and inserts.

Tuesday's Declutter: Recycled or shredded three warranties/instruction papers regarding an item I no longer own.

Results: WELL! On Monday as I went to the grocery store, I passed my local Conway, which had $2 clearance items on a rack outside. How could I not stop and look? I bought a $2 summer dress, perfect for running around on my day off and cute enough to wear out, and a $2 grey tank top perfect for working out at the gym - which I'm back to doing.

Then I saw some $5 pedal pushers and some $3 sleeveless shirts. I tried on the pedal pushers in the line. They seemed to fit but when I got them home they were too large in the waist (story of my life). But the sleeveless shirts, which I actually looked at after going to the grocery store, were PERFECT for work. I got four, two white, one ivory, and one that perfect blue that women's office work shirts so often come in. They are a perfect fit - I did NOT expect that in a $3 shirt! And they will work well in the office and just hanging around. I will try to take the pants back as they really are a poor fit. Should have guessed that pants in size SMALL would not be a good buy. Still, for $5 it's not bad. I'm thrilled with my new, very inexpensive, clothes.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Saturday's Declutter

Today I recycled my printout of the music from the opera I was in in June. I don't need it for anything, don't remember why I decided to keep it. Maybe to learn part of a role? No idea. It's gone.

Friday's Declutter

I was looking in my photo album for a specific photo, which wasn't in there, and realized I had a bunch of photos of dark sky and not much else. They were teenage attempts at photographing sunsets or something, but you couldn't tell. So I tossed them. There were seven. There's also a photo of pretty tree foliage that doesn't look so neat now. I'm going to scan it for a friend cuz of other items in the photo, then chuck it. I also took out three photos to send to a friend, since they are of her stuff. That's 11 photos gone altogether.