Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Monday, Tuesday

Monday: I don't remember if I decluttered anything as I went to work and then to a rally to save the canceled soap operas. By the time I got home I was totally wiped out, could barely move from standing all afternoon, and vegged out before going to bed early. I might have recycled a paper bag or something, but really am not sure. Oh, I did delete a couple of emails.

Tuesday: I finished cleaning the kitchen, then cleaned the etagere and moved it back in. I recycled an envelope and piece of paper, and deleted 129 emails. I'm in the process of cleaning everything of dust and moving it back into the kitchen, but I'm decluttering stuff as I go. I've recycled two jars so far, and a bottle from dinner (I ordered in tonight). Will be taking some cat treats downstairs since I'm no longer feeding the cat cheap food. Also stripped the herbs I was drying and put them in jars. The cat food mat is clean and in place as are the food and water bowls. I'm pretty pooped but will attempt to put a few more things away before going to bed tonight.

Actually just had to clean up a big mess - I dropped my take-out containers and spilled soy sauce all over the floor and the power cords :) Such fun. So I threw all that away and put the metal containers in the sink to be washed, which I just did, along with most of the stuff that was in the sink.

Results: I was telling someone in this Just an Hour group that I think if I change one thing, i.e., declutter, everything will change. I saw that in action today. Got an unexpected email from a, I thought, former friend, who had been through something scary but is OK. So I wrote back to ask what happened and say I was glad he was OK. He called me and we talked a bit and refriended each other on FB, and are going to hang out for awhile tomorrow evening.

A little later, my bf called wanting to come over, and I told I wasn't feeling great about us and told him why, and he surprisingly said he'd try to fix it! I didn't expect that. The upshot was he can't be sure of fixing it, but he did promise me another long-standing issue would be taken care of by mid-July! So I felt happy and he came over for awhile and then drove me and the cat to the vet.

We got there early, which was good, cuz the cat freaked out at being in a car. She didn't like that AT ALL. So we had a good 20 minutes to wait and that gave her time to stop freaking out so much. Anyway, the vet says she still has some kind of growth happening that's big, but it didn't seem any bigger than a month ago when he first felt it. Meanwhile, she has gained half a pound, which he said was equivalent to gaining ten pounds for a human. In other words, it's a very good thing. And he thought she was doing well generally - he said she seems happy. The blood tests will tell us more, but hopefully I won't have to take her back in for awhile.

I also found out that I had been expected to work today at one of my jobs! I apologized for the misunderstanding cuz I didn't think we'd scheduled anything, but anyway it's good news that they want me in every week :)

And that's it!

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