Sunday, September 27, 2009


Saturday: Paid another bill and recycled the envelope/inserts.

Sunday: Recycled a newspaper.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Thursday: I recycled a jar. I'd been using it for salad dressing but the thing just leaked or something. It was always greasy on the outside. I originally got it at the farmer's market - it was canned veggies. Makes me wonder how good the seal could have been on it. I also threw away a pair of pantyhose after wearing them and putting big holes in the toes. WHY doesn't anyone sell reinforced toe pantyhose anymore? I guess I could find them online and stock up ahead of time...

Friday: I don't think I actually decluttered anything today. Oh, wait, yes I did. Inadvertently and with much annoyance. I had to throw out my snap beans, which grew mold overnight somehow. Threw out the remaining lettuce I had as well, and some old grapes that were going bad.

I was actually going to eat the beans and lettuce, so I'm feeling like tossing them doesn't exactly count. Never thought that before.

Results: Wow, I worked most of the week! Made a lot of money and will be working again next week. I really like the new people I'm working with and for. It's so nice to be appreciated. I'm doing what I do best: catching up a backlog. There's a bit of cleanup involved too, also my specialty. It's fun! I could do it all day every day and be happy as a clam.

Hmmm. Reminds me of what Raymond Aaron says about doing only what you love. I guess I love doing cleanup bookkeeping! And I don't love having a title but no authority, or being given too much responsibility. I'm not ambitious, I don't need a position of power, I just want to do what I do best in a friendly and appreciative environment. So hooray! I get to do that now.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Tuesday's clutter: I recycled a newspaper.

Wednesday's clutter: I paid four bills and recycled their envelopes and inserts.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Last week

Last week I spent Tuesday thru Thursday dealing with a cold. I don't get sick often, so you could say I was due for it. Despite having a fever (which hasn't happened since something like nine years), I got over it pretty quickly WITHOUT the lingering hack that I usually get. I cured the cough before it got bad by several doses of propolis tincture and another tincture called Wellness Warrior, which is made by my friend Stephanie's company, Bioray. Two days of this was all it took to keep the cough relatively shallow.

Anyway, I don't remember what, if anything, I decluttered last week. Certainly some mail and papers went into the recycle bin, but that's about it. I was just resting a lot. Regardless of that though, I got results!

Results: The accountant I reached out to for referrals found me some part-time work! I'm going in this week to start. And, I got the role I auditioned for a week ago! Very very excited! I got to spend Saturday and Sunday with great friends, and met some cool new people, and one of them gave me a way to market my T-shirt!

Starting today, I'm recommitting to decluttering one item a day. I recycled some papers today so that is handled. I'm working three days this week, but I'm going to make sure I toss something each day.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Sunday: I threw away a snaggy pair of pantyhose. I am FLOORED by how many of these I've tossed over the last few months. Every time I look for pantyhose to wear I seem to find yet another pair, but I swear I haven't bought any new for awhile! Funny. Oh, I also paid three bills and recycled their envelopes.

Monday: Today I changed the cat litter and took out a bunch of recycling, but I haven't actually decluttered anything yet. But the night is young! I'll probably recycle a newspaper or three.

Results: One of the people I sometimes work for emailed me today asking if I could come in this week! Yes I can, hooray! Also, I got cat litter and cat food on sale yesterday, and my neighbor gave me a bunch of his organic veggies today!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Saturday the 12th

On Saturday I took a velveteen jewelry pouch down to the lobby. My mom had given me some earrings in it for my birthday, but the pouch had dirt stains. So after an unsuccessful attempt to clean it, I took it down.

Results: I had the best thing happen just now. People can be really kind sometimes. I got my cell phone bill, and I had gone over my minutes for the first time ever. The bill was huge, $97 higher than normal. I was like, how can I pay this?

I decided to call AT&T and ask if they could help at all. I called and told them I was throwing myself on their mercy. I said I'd never gone over my minutes, I'm unemployed, I didn't know 800 #s were charged airtime although I've now seen it's in my contract, and I asked if there was anything they could do to help me.

The rep, Arlene, took a few minutes to look over my account. She saw that I had never gone over my minutes and usually didn't use that many. And she removed the entire overage for me, which put my bill back to normal. I almost cried, I was so touched by the kindness she showed me.

So remember: It never hurts to ask! Thank you Arlene, and thanks AT&T for hiring her!

Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11th

I've been down today - for a couple weeks, really - and wondered how much of it had to do with today's anniversary. Then I saw a news brief about it and broke down. For me, September 11th was a wake-up call for love and peace that our country failed to heed.

I hope the sacrifice of those who died is one day honored by peace among nations and peoples. We will never forget you!

Tuesday - Friday

Tuesday: I paid a bill and recycled the insert.

Wednesday: I found a small shopping cart and took it home - just the right size for things like groceries, which hurt my arms to carry home! I recycled another insert from a bill.

Thursday: Recycle, recycle, recycle. I bought a pot pie and recycled the package. Kinda cheating I guess...

Friday: Paid a bill and recycled the envelope.

OK...not a big declutter like I planned for the week. But I've been so down about things, feeling sad and wondering what's it all about, Alfie.

So. I did get results, though! I have another shot at auditioning for a role in the next opera, and I finally got ahold of my former boss and let him know I'm looking for work. He's going to keep his ears open, which is all I can ask. I hope he ends up needing me himself, cuz he's the best! I also got my first unemployment deposit today (they do direct deposit now - sweet!), and I got a line on a possible job also. Things are happening!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Saturday - Monday

I took another break from decluttering this weekend. Went to the beach on Saturday. It was beautiful there, just what I needed. I'm sure I recycled some stuff, cans and papers, etc., but I didn't keep track.

This week is declutter time. I've got stuff to list on craigslist for sale, and the whole year's worth of bookkeeping to catch up on in Quicken. Also housecleaning. All this while I look for work!

Results: Actually am having good results with paper trading again. I got out of two trades today at a profit. When I get 10 in a row it's time to use real money!

Friday, September 4, 2009

September's Here!

The weather has been lovely and cool this week. Too soon for me, I'm not ready for fall yet!

This week's decluttering:

Tuesday: I threw away a facial scrub bottle that was empty. Or maybe I recycled it.

Wednesday: I think I poured some very old milk down the drain. Might have been Thursday. It was surprisingly un-soured. Didn't smell bad at all.

Thursday: Paid a couple bills online and recycled the envelopes.

Friday: I cleaned my fridge! Tossed out old broth, an old onion, and old cottage cheese. Also froze a bunch of things and picked through some aged cilantro to get the good stuff out before tossing it. It looks good in there!

Results: I had a burst of energy yesterday like those I used to get at least once a month. It's been MONTHS. I guess the stress of the job was wearing me out. I've also been actively paper trading. It's frustrating when it goes wrong, but I'm learning. That's why you start on paper and not with real money!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What IS that? Sat - Mon., end of August

On Saturday I continued decluttering by throwing some baking soda and vinegar down my bathroom sink. It was draining very slowly. Unfortunately this only jammed it up worse, so I had to take apart the plumbing and dig out the muck. Pretty gross, but I got it cleared. Then I tried the kitchen sink.

It also clogged completely, so on Sunday, I took that plumbing apart. The sludge I dug out of there was like nothing I've ever seen. I can't describe it. It had to be grease and other stuff, but for the life of me I can't figure out how so much grease could get down that drain. I haven't changed my eating habits a lot in the last year, but the sink is regularly clogging up where before it used to drain fairly well most of the time. Two pipes were completely full of whitish sludge. I had to throw it down the toilet, and I was afraid it would clog that.

I also got rid of two partially used bottles of Amway stuff, and a partially used bottle of pet stain remover. My cat doesn't leave stains cuz I have hardwood floors! :)

On Monday I think I tossed an envelope from some piece of mail.

So much letting go and shifting around right now that I'm freaking out. Also feeling sad, like life is passing me by. All the important things in life, at any rate. Fall weather tends to make me see that, whatya know, I'm still in the same rut I was in a year ago, and the year before that. It's a bit of a downer. But this, too, shall pass.