Thursday, December 30, 2010


Tuesday's declutter: I took out the garbage.

Wednesday's declutter: I changed the cat litter and threw the old out, recycled a newspaper that had no puzzle (grrr), and gave away two body butters that don't seem to agree with my chemistry.

Thursday's declutter: I shredded 16 papers at work.

Results: I spoke with the friend who wants me to do some work for her, and I'm going upstate this weekend to get started! Will probably work next weekend up there as well. I love that I get to go out of the city for a couple days. Miss the country when I'm here too long. My friend also gave me a referral for more work - I am going to call the lady tomorrow, have not really had time.

I hung out with friends Tuesday night, which was fun :) Then on Wednesday, I got a call on the apartment. The lady saw it today, and she liked it! I have begun her credit check - I'm sooooo relieved to make some progress on this. Hopefully I'll have a new tenant by next week or so. That's really all I need to get me out of my debt hole - having to pay half the mortgage out of pocket has made paying the other bills excessively difficult. With the apartment rented, it will be covered and that money can go toward other bills and my quality of life, haha!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Sunday and Monday

Forgot that I recycled a newspaper on Sunday.

Today's declutter: I threw away an out-of-ink pen.

I also called three credit cards to ask about hardship programs. I got reduced payments on two of them - for the third they actually referred me to a debt management company to come up with a plan. Well. I can figure out a plan on my own so that was not the most helpful idea. But these folks have an in with the bank so know who to contact to get a plan submitted. So it might be useful down the road.

Results: I got reduced payments on two credit cards!

I'm just hanging out today, finishing up Christmas presents and otherwise doing pretty much nothing other than those calls. :) Tomorrow I'll get some work done around the house. I'll be getting antsy by then, wanting to clean.

Oh! I also just got an email answering a query I made about a prize I won! It's getting processed now! Yay!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas and Sunday

Friday: I cleaned up the place in anticipation of dinner with my boyfriend, and then went over to his place instead! So the dishes got done and the papers and TV tray and other clutter got put in the closet and drawers. I brought out candles and lit them and it looked really nice in here.

Saturday: I got up early and scanned all the purchases I'd made in the last couple weeks, so I was able to recycle three or four papers after that (had to hang on to the UPCs till I could scan).

I also gave people Christmas presents! One of them was a regift, something that I really appreciated but was unlikely to use. It was something the recipient loved, so that makes me happy and I feel it's a good way to honor the person who gave it to me as well. I also continued working on the handmade items for several people - they got IOUs along with another small gift each.

Sunday: I got up early today, and despite the forecast of a big storm, there was no snow yet, so I did the laundry! It's drying now on the rack and radiators, which makes the house smell really good.

Results: I Spent Christmas Eve with my guy, having a delicious dinner that included a mix of yukon gold and sweet potatoes that we both really liked and will make again! I spent Christmas morning with good friends, and received some really nice gifts - among them a beautiful pashmina, some wonderful soaps, and a donation in my name, which makes me happy cuz I didn't get to donate much this year. When I got home, my honey had left me a very sweet message that made me happy.

Today I had the enormous realization that happiness is the goal of everything we do. All the things I want in life, I want because I think I'll be happier with them. So if I could just be happy, I would have achieved the end result, and none of the stuff that I think is important would need to happen! It's not the first time I've realized this, but it struck me very strongly this time. Think about it - if one can be happy no matter the circumstances, one has pretty much mastered life. And I think that's the point at which everything I have ever wanted will come to me. When this revelation happened, I was focusing on my heart's desire, a dream that has felt less and less possible as the years pass, and it suddenly felt like a sure thing.

It's hard to put into words, but it was a huge thing to understand, and I've felt really good ever since. :)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday's declutter: I shredded papers at work but spaced on how many! It's either 13 or 20. Weird, I know.

Thursday's declutter: I shredded 40 papers at work.

Results: When I got to work Wednesday, I found a Christmas gift waiting for me from a co-worker! So nice of her. I also got unexpected free time Wednesday afternoon when my afternoon work appointment got canceled, so I used the time to get do a little gift shopping, and got myself some new gloves and a lunchbox! Then I went to spend the afternoon with my guy. When I got home, a Christmas card was waiting for me, with a gift card for Barnes & Noble inside!

Later that night I got a call on the apartment. The girl was going to see it this morning, and I'm waiting to hear how it went. I felt encouraged that she wanted to see it even though it's Christmas Eve.

Thursday morning I started knitting a gift on the way to work. Then after work, on my way to play D&D with friends, I found another gift at the grocery store, for the person I have the hardest time finding good gifts for, so that made me pretty happy. I got stuff for Christmas Eve dinner, and had fun playing the game.

When I got home after the game, my dad's Christmas card was waiting for me, with a check inside! And this morning I went to pick up a package that my sister sent me. I have such generous people in my life. I'm very lucky, and very grateful :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Winter Solstice

Today's Declutter: I shredded 21 papers at work.

Results: What a crazy good day! I meditated first thing this morning, to a recording about relationships, and that plus Thomas Dolby on my iPod put me in an excellent frame of mind for having people be nice to me all day :) I got a lot done at work with minimal stress, I got paid, and I got some major good deals on groceries - most of the stuff I needed was on sale, and I mean SALE. I bought hamburger at a price I haven't seen in ten years!

When I got home I opened my email for the first time all day, and there was yet ANOTHER job referral! Looks like my off week is going to be occupied by some work days. That's OK with me, money is GOOOOOD! I was planning out how I'd really clean house and declutter during the week between the holidays, but making money is a very good way to spend it too! And there will still be mucho time to get the place in better shape.

I am on a major positive roll, and it feels great!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Sunday Addendum, and Monday

I forgot that on Sunday I took a postcard of pizza coupons down to the lobby.

Monday's Declutter: I took 13 bottles and cans to the store to get the deposit back.

Results: Things are moving and shaking in the money department! I spoke with a new client about working this week - will be starting Wednesday :) I also got another call on the apartment and set up an appointment for showing it today. I've since received another call, and am waiting to hear about the showing to see if I have an application to submit. I got my credit check service application in, so that won't be a problem.

I also listened to a replay of the most recent trading class that I'm subscribed to today, and did a trade based on that class. I made $20! First profitable trade in many months so I'm thrilled. It's a small win, but it's a win! I'm just going to go with the class ideas for now - my subscription runs out in January, unless the teacher cancels classes, so I've got to use them while I can. I plan on watching some old ones just to see what I can learn about charting, until I run out of time.

I even saw my boyfriend today :) Finally, when I got home from the store, a refund check was waiting for me in the mailbox, for an item I bought and returned! I have recycled the envelope.

It's been a very good day, after a very good weekend - things are definitely looking up!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Today's Declutter: I did the dishes first thing this morning. Then after some goofing off, I cleaned the bathroom, and swept the whole apartment (except my room).

Results: I woke up to find an email work request! I'll be speaking with them tomorrow. I also got a call about my apartment. The interested party didn't make it to the appointment, but will try again tomorrow. So things are starting to move again!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Today's declutter: I did dishes first thing this morning. I also took a coupon down to the lobby, took out the garbage, and threw dead flowers into the empty lot to become fertilizer.

Results: I continued catching up on the internet marketing webinars, and got a really good idea for an ebook! It's something that's needed and will help people, and I think it has a shot at being chosen for promotion by the people running the webinars! It's so nice to have ideas popping for me at last :)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Monday - Friday

Monday: I don't recall if I decluttered anything Monday. I worked, but stopped for my replacement knitting needles on the way, and took a walk part of the rest of the way. It was a nice brisk day for walking. When I got home I started knitting a sleeve for the sweater I'm making.

Tuesday: I shredded 25 pages at work. I also went to visit my friend and former boss, which was really nice.

Wednesday: Shredded 20 pages.

Thursday: Took a small food container to the lobby (it's hard to get the lid off), and shredded 16 pages at work.

Friday: I advertised my apartment for rent. It will be a relief to get that done. Too bad I picked the week before Christmas to do it - could take a little while :)

I also had to move some boxes to get into the closet, and the bottom of one fell out, so I looked into it, and found three or four notes to recycle, and about 30 photos and an envelope - shoot, I counted the photos but forgot how many there were!

Results: OMG, I got inspired today. FINALLY! I decided to catch up on internet marketing webinars cuz I'm so broke I need to try whatever I can reasonably do. In watching one I explored a website for outsourcing called, where you can find all kinds of services and items for $5! As I browsed through the ads and various categories, I realized I could do some of this stuff! I can write cute poems using people's names. I can also knit and sew and got inspired to think of things to do with that.

I ended up getting out a pile of fabric scraps that I've had forever, and started making a potholder out of fun fur! It looks kinda crappy now I've done some work on it, but I'll get it right and post an ad. I already posted an ad for the poems. I am just so happy that some ideas finally surfaced - I've felt ideas coming on for a long while but they finally popped! I'm going to use up fabric scraps and yarn remnants, and make money in the process!

Oh, I also was reminded today that I won a cash prize in this internet marketing challenge and have written to them asking about the check!

Finally, I found an old workbook in that broken box, that I got at a seminar on wealth. It's 90 days of mental conditioning for wealth, so I thought, what the heck, I'll do it again. I remember it working fairly well in the past. I have a copy of it on my computer that a friend emailed me, so I'm using that.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday Final Post

Sunday wrap-up: I dusted most of the furniture, and vacuumed up some cat hair cuz my honey was coming to see me and he's allergic. I also put away all the clothes that were out, as well as some towels that I had piled on the dresser.

I also looked up sewing machine repair places - I think I'll go in to one and find out if I can get a replacement bobbin hook if I don't sell my machine.

Results: I got to see my honey! He asked me to cook for him, which I love to do, and then we watched a football game together. It was a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon :)

Sunday Decluttering

OK, so far I have done the dishes, filed the bills I paid (mostly - gotta make a new file for one), and posted an ad on craigslist for my sewing machine, which needs service.

I found a sewing machine at Target for just $80! I want to get it so I can get some creative stuff going! That's what the knitting needles are for also - I started a sweater months ago and want to finish it. It's definitely an experiment. I'm trying intarsia knitting for multiple colors, and also have been knitting it in the round. I want to make the sleeves and then do a yoke if I can figure it out :) I started the ribbing with the wrong size needles so I'm now I'm stuck with that size for the neck and sleeve ribbing as well.

OK, what else? I am thinking about straightening and then dusting and sweeping the entire place. It really needs a good dusting. Oh! And I have microfiber cloths so, hurray! The dusting will be easy!

Sunday update

Michael's is going to replace my lost knitting needles! That's what I call customer service!

The Rest of the Week

It's gonna be a little sketchy cuz so much has happened this week and I don't remember all of it.

On Tuesday, I lost a glove at Target. Inadvertent declutter.

On Wednesday I forgot to take my shreddables to work. I had a massive headache but after working I got together with a friend I hadn't seen in a couple years, and we talked for hours! It was wonderful, and lo and behold, my headache was gone at the end of it :) She needs some help so I will likely be doing some work for her in the near future.

On Thursday I forgot my shreddables again. I went straight home after work and didn't do much that I recall.

On Friday I paid four bills and recycled the envelopes and inserts from two of them. I moved some money around and got a balance transfer to pay down another debt before I close all my accounts and go on hardship programs preparatory to determining my own debt repayment schedule. I have to open a new bank account soon because Chase is going to start charging an exorbitant fee and is making it impossible for me to avoid it. Not impossible for others, but for me it will be pretty much impossible. So I have to pay off my taxes before I close the account because it took them forever to get me on an auto-payment schedule and I won't be able to just switch them over. Hence the balance transfer.

I also had another inadvertent declutter in that a friend who wanted to be more dumped me as a friend. I was upset at first cuz he seemed so unreasonable - I told him I'm in a committed relationship, and he wanted me to date him anyway! I was not up for this, so he more or less accused me of leading him on, which I never did. I was interested at one point months ago, but decided against it because he couldn't answer a simple question about what he wanted from it. He disappeared for two months and then showed up still wanting this. When I told him my circumstances had changed, he basically blamed me for basically living my life in his absence. A little irrational, I thought.

It finally dawned on me that the poor guy must have been suffering from an extreme case of chemical attraction - the kind where you want someone so much you get a little nuts and pretty much scare the object of your attention off because they feel like you want to consume them. It feels really icky to be on the receiving end of that. And it feels AWFUL to want someone so much and not get anywhere, so I know what he's going through. It's a good thing that he doesn't want to be friends - he couldn't really be my friend with this going on anyway. His previous agreement to be friends was only in the hopes of something happening. It's always that way in these situations - I've had so many guys say they still wanted to be friends. One of them had used put-downs to try to convince me that I needed to be with him, and then said I should be his friend anyway! I asked him why he'd want to be friends with me if I was such a loser? That actually happened with TWO guys.

Anyhow, extreme chemical attraction = not a good place to go for romance! I learned that from PAX. Great company, really helpful in understanding the differences between men and women and how to make relationships better as a result. I highly recommend their workshops, and they have a free intro! Go here for more information:

On Saturday I deleted 24 emails. And I had yet ANOTHER inadvertent declutter. I bought knitting needles and they were lost before I got them home. I am hoping that either they will turn up at the apartment of the friends I hung out with before going home, or that the store - Michael's - will replace them since their cheap plastic bag is the reason I lost them - the package of needles actually slit the bag and fell out. There is a slit the exact size of the package. This is a seriously crappy bag and they are going to hear about it because that's $5 that is basically thrown away.

Today, though, I watched a video that elevated me to a state of feeling so good that the money troubles aren't bothering me, the knitting needles aren't bothering me, and the mess in my house isn't bothering me. I feel full of energy to get things done - especially weird because it's a rainy day and I usually just want to sleep on those days. I see the big picture and none of this little experiential stuff matters. I feel the power of who I am and there are no worries in that.

Results: I found a quarter and a penny last night and got a free ride home on the subway by someone who said he worked in the station (I'm not so sure about that now, he wasn't dressed like an MTA employee)! Also have been finding pennies almost daily this week. And of course I've had good times with friends this week :)

Time to do some work!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Today I unsubscribed from seven email lists and deleted 190 emails.

More Sunday, and Monday

The last stuff from Sunday: Three mail inserts and two envelopes.

Monday: I shredded 20 pages at work.

Results: Wow, on Monday I wanted to: Buy a book with a 33% off coupon; buy cat food with a 20% off coupon; get a few groceries. I was sure I'd have to make a stop on the way home, using an extra train fare, in order to accomplish the cat food part of these errands. But I checked online for the stores that had these deals, and lo and behold, there was a new, smaller version of Petco in the area I work in, a block away from Whole Foods! So all I had to do was call the bookstore and mini-Petco to find out if they had the items I wanted. They did, and I got all the shopping done in the hour after work, got on the train, and went straight home!

Then today I got a phone call from a friend I haven't talked to in awhile - it was a nice surprise and we might be able to get together tomorrow after work for a bit!

Finally, I just called one of my credit card companies to see about hardship programs. The lady wasn't able to tell me anything, but she did lower my interest rate by 4.25%! That will make a difference to my minimum payment for sure!

Side note about that call: When I got the initial customer service rep, I asked if I could speak to someone in the United States. It's my patriotic duty to support jobs in the US! Anyhow, she said yes and immediately transferred me. So if you are bummed about jobs going overseas, ask to speak to a rep in the US. It may be that the law requires that any US corporation must have some customer service reps in the US, I'm not sure. Whatever the case, you'll be supporting jobs in the US.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

More Sunday

I'm still decluttering! Just recycled four more newspapers, a flyer, a menu, a prospectus, two brochures, a post-it, and a coupon. I did more filing, and threw away ten pieces of credit cards/ID cards and a piece of plastic-coated paper. Finally, I recycled three magazines and a piece of paper.

Sunday Continued

Since my other post, I've recycled two envelopes and three mail inserts, and taken out all the recycling and garbage. I've also done the filing - that's two more items off my list. And I've recycled five and a half (haha!) old newspapers.

I'm also working on paperwork for a claim to get money back from a Ponzi scheme I paid into. This paperwork is very detailed and I'm a little nervous that I won't fill it out properly. I don't what I expected - of course they want proof of my involvement in order to pay me. Anyway, I have some time to get it done but it will be good to do it as soon as possible.

I've also paid a bill and recycled the envelope and inserts.

Results: My bank is giving me $5 to go to paperless statements. So I did it. And I can't find any info whatsoever on the $5! Will have to call them tomorrow to see how long it takes to get it.

Saturday and Sunday

Saturday: I did not do a thing on Saturday. Except lose a glove at Target after going to the Farmers' Market.

Wait, I did declutter! I took my bag o' textiles to the Farmers' Market for recycling! THEN I did nothing.

Sunday: I've gone through another mag looking for recipes, and have recycled two postcards so far. I made a list last night of must-dos and have done one and a half of the items: Throwing away old food, and half of the dishes (there are a lot!). I feel energetic today so there will be more.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Thursday and Friday

Thursday's Declutter: I recycled a post-it and a postcard. Don't think I did anything else :)

Friday's Declutter: So far, I've recycled six postcards, three envelopes, five receipts, two menus, and 11 papers. I've also thrown away six pieces of credit/ID cards. I went through several old cooking magazines and found some recipes to rip out or copy, and two mags to take to the lobby. Finally, I'm taking two coupons to the lobby as well, when I go out to do laundry and mail a package. Oh, yeah, I paid two bills as well. They're going to the PO with me.

It's later and I did my laundry and took the stuff to the PO. I then recycled a mailer, letter, envelope, and insert from a free calendar I was going to return (it was sent as part of a donation campaign, and I felt bad) but couldn't since I opened it.

Results: I spoke with a friend yesterday who I'd been thinking of incessantly. I used to work for him and he is definitely one of the best bosses ever. It was SO NICE just to say hello - really made my day!

It also feels really good to get things done. :)

Oh, I also called the lawyer who handled my great-aunt's will to find out about advances on the inheritance. He called back to say none could be given till the period to submit a claim was over. I think that ends this month but I called back to verify it. If so, that's good news, cuz I don't think there have been any claims and that means I might be able to get some of the money and pay off some of my debts! That would be wonderful :)

Finally, I found 11 cents while I was out!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Tuesday's Declutter: I shredded 100 papers! Woo! Also took out the garbage.

Oh, I think I recycled a couple of store sale flyers on Sunday or Monday also, and I definitely recycled two newspapers on Sunday.

Wednesday's Declutter: I brought a few things to work to shred, and forgot to shred them! But that might be because while researching recycling programs for old office equipment, I discovered a recycling event that's happening Sunday, where a document shredding company will be offering FREE disposal of documents! So I'm thinking I'll take the remainder of my three reams of paper to that event - along with whatever else I can recycle that they will take. They take a lot of stuff! Maybe I'll use my shopping cart!

Anyway, so on Wednesday I almost recycled a post-it, haha :) I had it ready to recycle and then forgot until this morning. I did do most of the dishes - there's still some baked-on apple pie filling on my cookie sheet that is NOT coming off. The thing has been soaking for days. Eventually I'll get it off, but man!

Results: Yesterday was payday for two jobs. Oh, I also received my rent payment on Monday. And today is the beginning of four days off - just in the nick of time, I've been SO irritable! I'm not going ANYWHERE that requires the subway until Sunday.