Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday and More Thursday

Thursday: I deleted 13 emails after my post last night.

Friday: I deleted 27 emails and did some more dishes, including the wired part of the crock-pot, which was surprisingly gunky considering I'm always wiping the grease off. I'm eliminating that problem though, by putting it in a cabinet from now on. It's been sitting on the stove up to now and that just doesn't work well. I've got a HUGE enamel soup pot that I rarely use, because I seriously don't have enough containers to store that much soup in. You could fit three whole chickens in this thing EASILY. So that's going on the list of things to sell/give away. A yard/sidewalk sale may be in my near future.

Anyway, so many of my dishes feel sticky or have ground in gunk on them, that washing them is pretty important to keeping the kitchen clean and bug-free. I had to do some stuff today that I'd thought was clean. My soap doesn't seem to be getting the job done despite very hot water, so I dug out some of that liquid scrub stuff to work on it.

Oooh, I also got rid of the virus on my computer - or anyway got it under control. I'm hoping it won't come back every time I turn the computer off. Easy enough to fix now, but it's somewhat annoying. Anyway, though, I think I can use the internet now - my browser came up without any weird warnings or odd-looking pages telling me the internet wasn't working.

Results: I talked with the vet this morning about how to proceed with the kitty, and he was so astonished by her improvement that he felt it would be best to leave her on the same dose despite her thyroid still being slightly hyper. He thinks the most important thing at this point is that her appetite continue to be good, and since all her tests came back really good, his gut feeling is not to mess with it. I'm OK with that - the guy's been doing his job a long time and I think his instincts are pretty good. Meanwhile, I'm just so happy my boo is better :) She even bit me today, which she hasn't done in some time but which was a regular thing with her, so I know she's feeling more normal, haha!

I got rid of the virus! It qualifies as a result AND a declutter :)

Saw my guy for a couple hours. He gave me the best laugh I've had in weeks with a random curse he made up! Couldn't stop - it was SO funny :) He also made a yummy salad. MMMMM!

Talked to my brother about the virus. He thought it would be best just to reinstall Windows, but since I don't have a disk I wanted to try the other stuff first. I may have to reinstall down the road. But at any rate it was nice to say hello and chat for awhile - he said he's had no time and likes to be able to just talk a bit while he's working or whatever. And he loved that I had a problem that needed to be solved, cuz that's what he likes to do :) So everyone was happy!

I'm beat so it's off to bed for me. Goodnight!

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