Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tues - Weds

I forgot that over the weekend I recycled a glass jar and a plastic food container and lid. And on Monday I recycled an empty plastic spice jar.

Tuesday's Declutter: I took out the recycling and did another load of dishes - before going to work, I might add :) ALso put aside a muffin tin and a pie pan to sell/donate.

Wednesday's Declutter: I took a food container down to the lobby. I also put away most of the clean dishes while on the phone with the IRS. Good use of being on hold :)

Results: Wow. Last night I went to hear a friend sing, and it was really fun. She and her band were great and I met a lot of her friends, including someone who did some remote healing work on my kitty! So that was super fun.

On the way home I decided to walk all the way over to my usual train, and walked through a park where I saw fireflies! When I got to the train, there was a piano out on the street by a little park that's there. This is a program that the city does in the summer, putting pianos in various public areas for whoever wants to to play. So I sat down and played a little of the Bach I've been practicing, and then played Chopsticks :) When I got home I practiced for about 20 minutes - I'm really improving!

Also yesterday I worked an hour longer than had been planned, so got paid more. Woohoo!

This morning I called the IRS about money they said they sent me by mistake. Turns out they sent it to me AND credited it to my current tax bill. But the woman who helped me said that because I had a good record with them, she could remove ALL the penalties from last year's late payments, so that I would owe only about $4. She said the interest on the penalties would then adjust also, so I probably won't owe them anything! That was so nice of her and what a surprise for me!

Today was payday. It was a small one but every bit counts. I had a very short workday and got back home around 12:30! This means I will get to do more cleaning this afternoon!

Oh, yeah, on Monday night I did about an hour of remote work for my friend.

Finally, five weeks ago I did a transcription test for a company that has you work on transcription at home. I should have heard from them within two weeks but didn't. I emailed and called them - no reply. So I finally called a little while ago to ask about it. The woman checked into it - I was on hold for a few minutes - and told me it was a fail and they had sent an email and didn't know why I didn't get it. She said they'd send it again. I said I wondered what I did to fail and she asked if I'd done transcription before, and said most people fail. I said I had done it before, but oh, well, and then she said "Oh, hold on," and stopped to listen to someone, then came back and told me the person said my test WAS a pass! and they didn't know why it was marked as a fail, but they'd send me the info for passes! I laughed out loud and said that sounded more like me! So hurray that I never got the FAIL email, because I would never have followed up and found this error. Another job I can do from home, hurray! It will require a lot of time and won't pay much at first but as I get faster it will work out to more per hour so it's well worth my time to develop the skill.

And now I must get on some more cleaning and decluttering! My new friend that I met last night had interesting things to say about the roach problem, and I've taken her advice to heart so we will see what happens with my efforts going forward.

Monday, June 27, 2011


Today I didn't declutter anything. Wait, I recycled an order form for the tackiest knick-knacks I have ever seen.

Results: Good work day. I got up early despite not enough sleep and was at work on time for a change. Then I was a little late for the next job because the first one always has too much to do :) But it was OK cuz I had all afternoon for job #2 and got all caught up! I got paid too!

I'm a little frustrated with my kitchen because the roaches are still running around in the drawers. There's nothing in the drawers to attract them and yet...I just don't get it and I'm about ready to buy roach traps out of desperation (I don't do poison normally - had boric acid for years and never opened it). But then I'd have poisoned roaches running around for my cat to eat. Not cool. So I gotta figure out another way. The sonar thing used to work but it's not anymore. Maybe I need a new one or a different one, hmmmm.

Oh, well. I got to sit across from the cutest baby on the train this morning. That was fun. And I felt good after a BED breakfast. Had some pep in my step and I felt thin and young, haha!

It was a good day!

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Today I put away my vases - culled three to sell or donate - and a bunch of the spices, tea, and baking ingredients. I had to clean them up first as they were grubby. Also cleaned off my cookbooks and am going to put them in the now-doorless cabinet instead of the one next to the stove. I put the blender there instead and will put the thermos and coffee go-cup there too. Did a bunch of dishes - mostly stuff to recycle. And I put away a few more miscellaneous kitchen items. Finally, I deleted 3 emails and cleaned the catbox.

Results: I finally feel that I've turned a corner with the kitchen :) Even cooked some amaranth this evening - a little something from the candida diet. I had a long talk with a friend about what's been going on in our lives. And the virus is under control and I have internet access again, so I got some remote work done.

Forgot that I also got a little work done yesterday for another job.

Tonight there was a beautiful sunset and someone was grilling, and I felt transported back to my childhood in the 70s. The internet is fun, but I'm so glad that I grew up in the years before computers. I have felt so nostalgic for the 70s the last couple days, but only in a happy sense. I loved my childhood in California - it was beautiful there and life was simple. I played outdoors and walked to school, and rode my bike around the neighborhood with my playmates, my neighbors Frank and Kevin. I was a tomboy and loved to play in the mud and pop wheelies and shoot bb guns and ride horses. We had a lot of fun and the scent in the air tonight reminded me of all of it. I feel so lucky and blessed to have had such a wonderful time as a child. :)

It's been a weird couple of days, I spent too much time wasting time and felt restless while doing so. But now I feel good again. I got things done, and I feel the accomplishment, and I've watched a couple of fun movies, and I just feel like whatever was askew the last couple days has been put right again. Goodnight!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

More Saturday

I deleted 53 more emails - one was full of photos and it actually reduced how many kb I'm using - and cleaned up my blender and put it in a cabinet. Not sure I'll leave it there as it's really high and awkward to get in and out. But we'll see :)

Oh, and cleaned the catbox.


Today I washed a bunch of vases and bottles and spice jars for the kitchen. I also deleted 38 emails. And I recycled a couple of envelopes.

Results: I'm frustrated with putting stuff back in the kitchen. It's all so dirty! The food containers are grubby, the vases were's slow going and I just want it done.

But anyhow, I got the virus contained last night, I think. I have to keep doing a fix over and over to keep it that way but it's no big deal.

I'm really sleepy and in a rut with eating sugar again. These aren't the greatest results. I guess I'll chalk it up to the chaos I created when moving all this stuff out of the kitchen.

Oh, but, my pepper seeds finally sprouted with all the rain, so that's good!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday and More Thursday

Thursday: I deleted 13 emails after my post last night.

Friday: I deleted 27 emails and did some more dishes, including the wired part of the crock-pot, which was surprisingly gunky considering I'm always wiping the grease off. I'm eliminating that problem though, by putting it in a cabinet from now on. It's been sitting on the stove up to now and that just doesn't work well. I've got a HUGE enamel soup pot that I rarely use, because I seriously don't have enough containers to store that much soup in. You could fit three whole chickens in this thing EASILY. So that's going on the list of things to sell/give away. A yard/sidewalk sale may be in my near future.

Anyway, so many of my dishes feel sticky or have ground in gunk on them, that washing them is pretty important to keeping the kitchen clean and bug-free. I had to do some stuff today that I'd thought was clean. My soap doesn't seem to be getting the job done despite very hot water, so I dug out some of that liquid scrub stuff to work on it.

Oooh, I also got rid of the virus on my computer - or anyway got it under control. I'm hoping it won't come back every time I turn the computer off. Easy enough to fix now, but it's somewhat annoying. Anyway, though, I think I can use the internet now - my browser came up without any weird warnings or odd-looking pages telling me the internet wasn't working.

Results: I talked with the vet this morning about how to proceed with the kitty, and he was so astonished by her improvement that he felt it would be best to leave her on the same dose despite her thyroid still being slightly hyper. He thinks the most important thing at this point is that her appetite continue to be good, and since all her tests came back really good, his gut feeling is not to mess with it. I'm OK with that - the guy's been doing his job a long time and I think his instincts are pretty good. Meanwhile, I'm just so happy my boo is better :) She even bit me today, which she hasn't done in some time but which was a regular thing with her, so I know she's feeling more normal, haha!

I got rid of the virus! It qualifies as a result AND a declutter :)

Saw my guy for a couple hours. He gave me the best laugh I've had in weeks with a random curse he made up! Couldn't stop - it was SO funny :) He also made a yummy salad. MMMMM!

Talked to my brother about the virus. He thought it would be best just to reinstall Windows, but since I don't have a disk I wanted to try the other stuff first. I may have to reinstall down the road. But at any rate it was nice to say hello and chat for awhile - he said he's had no time and likes to be able to just talk a bit while he's working or whatever. And he loved that I had a problem that needed to be solved, cuz that's what he likes to do :) So everyone was happy!

I'm beat so it's off to bed for me. Goodnight!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Today's declutter: I paid off a debt that had some emotional drama attached to it. Wrote a letter to go with it, and sent a different letter on the advice of a friend who read the first one. The one I sent expressed appreciation. I feel light as a feather - and I now have an extra $300 a month to spread around! Some will go in savings, some will go toward other debts, and some will be spent in order to enhance my life :)

Also started putting things back in the kitchen again. And cleaned up cat barf, cleaned the catbox, and swept the catbox area. Swept the kitchen, too - amazing how you can get dirt on the floor even when nothing is in there.

Results: Computer at work lost its network connection and would not get it back. When I tried to call the IT people, their phone kept hanging up as soon as they answered. I tried to call on my cell phone - same thing. So I went home and will try again tomorrow or Monday since I'll be down there then.

I did finally hear from my bf, and he has lots of info on viruses so might be able to help me. But he hates them, so might not want to, haha! I also heard from a friend I hadn't been able to reach for a week. She said her emails to me are bouncing back!

So. I vegged out awhile when I got home, and then got busy on the kitchen putting-backing, because I'm sure all the computer issues are a result of the energy I'm moving around with all the cleaning. It's slow going but enough is going back to hopefully quell the IT issues. I'm actually hoping that the anti-virus software I have that scanned the computer last night took out the virus when it shut the computer down.

While I was feeding the cat tonight a bird landed on the bars of the kitchen window. I got close enough to take a look and as it moved to fly away I saw it had a red head! and red back or wings! I can't recall ever seeing a bird that looked like this one. So pretty! It was a sweet moment.

Ahhhh. It's dinnertime. Gotta cook tonight or I'll be eating the lemon squares my neighbor brought me for the rest of the night - they are SOOO good! Hey, that was a result from yesterday - my neighbor brought me lemon squares!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wicked Wednesday

Wednesday's declutter: I took out a couple bags of trash from my kitchen cleaning. Well, it was one bag inside another.

Results: Oh, snap, I got a computer virus! All this shifting of energy via cleaning, and moving furniture...I probably should have expected it. I also could NOT reach my IT expert bf all day. He hasn't called me back either, so my guess is he left his phone somewhere. It's very annoying trying to reach someone who doesn't have a landline and checks email once every couple of days. I could go bang his door down but it's too late.

I even had a monitor issue at work, though that was quickly fixed. Interestingly, I didn't lose my cool over either computer problem.

So. I've obviously been stirring things up! I did get paid today, and I saw a friend this evening who I'd been out of touch with (because I had a bf and he wished I didn't), and it was really great! We just went to a park and talked awhile, and are going to try to get together on a weekend soon.

Also heard from my Atlanta friend, who is moving forward on branching out to NYC! I'll be seeing her more often, woo!

And the best news: I got a message from the vet about the kitty's blood levels and her thyroid dropped from over 24 down to 7! He wants it to be between 1 and 4, so 7 is REALLY GREAT! I will talk with him tomorrow about it.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Monday, Tuesday

Monday: I don't remember if I decluttered anything as I went to work and then to a rally to save the canceled soap operas. By the time I got home I was totally wiped out, could barely move from standing all afternoon, and vegged out before going to bed early. I might have recycled a paper bag or something, but really am not sure. Oh, I did delete a couple of emails.

Tuesday: I finished cleaning the kitchen, then cleaned the etagere and moved it back in. I recycled an envelope and piece of paper, and deleted 129 emails. I'm in the process of cleaning everything of dust and moving it back into the kitchen, but I'm decluttering stuff as I go. I've recycled two jars so far, and a bottle from dinner (I ordered in tonight). Will be taking some cat treats downstairs since I'm no longer feeding the cat cheap food. Also stripped the herbs I was drying and put them in jars. The cat food mat is clean and in place as are the food and water bowls. I'm pretty pooped but will attempt to put a few more things away before going to bed tonight.

Actually just had to clean up a big mess - I dropped my take-out containers and spilled soy sauce all over the floor and the power cords :) Such fun. So I threw all that away and put the metal containers in the sink to be washed, which I just did, along with most of the stuff that was in the sink.

Results: I was telling someone in this Just an Hour group that I think if I change one thing, i.e., declutter, everything will change. I saw that in action today. Got an unexpected email from a, I thought, former friend, who had been through something scary but is OK. So I wrote back to ask what happened and say I was glad he was OK. He called me and we talked a bit and refriended each other on FB, and are going to hang out for awhile tomorrow evening.

A little later, my bf called wanting to come over, and I told I wasn't feeling great about us and told him why, and he surprisingly said he'd try to fix it! I didn't expect that. The upshot was he can't be sure of fixing it, but he did promise me another long-standing issue would be taken care of by mid-July! So I felt happy and he came over for awhile and then drove me and the cat to the vet.

We got there early, which was good, cuz the cat freaked out at being in a car. She didn't like that AT ALL. So we had a good 20 minutes to wait and that gave her time to stop freaking out so much. Anyway, the vet says she still has some kind of growth happening that's big, but it didn't seem any bigger than a month ago when he first felt it. Meanwhile, she has gained half a pound, which he said was equivalent to gaining ten pounds for a human. In other words, it's a very good thing. And he thought she was doing well generally - he said she seems happy. The blood tests will tell us more, but hopefully I won't have to take her back in for awhile.

I also found out that I had been expected to work today at one of my jobs! I apologized for the misunderstanding cuz I didn't think we'd scheduled anything, but anyway it's good news that they want me in every week :)

And that's it!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday Was a Fun Day

Oy. My kitchen was so dirty. It took an hour to move everything out of there. Then I cleaned for four hours before getting ready to meet my friend. I didn't finish! I can just IMAGINE how much longer it would have been if I'd had to clean around stuff. I went a little overboard, though - wasn't planning on wiping down walls or trying to clean the ceiling, for instance. So I probably would have gotten done if it hadn't been for that. All that's left is finishing the walls, sweeping/mopping, and washing a couple of light fixtures and two of the stove plates - the others got washed before I stopped for the day. I'm also going to try to lighten the linoleum with a baking soda scrubbing.

I also took out the garbage when I left. And I recycled eight paper bags when I got back.

Results: It was soooooo great to see my friend! We had a great dinner and talk, and my bf joined us for awhile - they had been acquainted more than 20 years ago, and spent some time trying to remember each other :) I had a great time. She bought dinner, which was awesome and unexpected. And she brought my check with her so I got paid! I had been hoping someone would think of sending it along :)

Kitty seems to be doing well. I can feel that she's heavier than when I took her to the vet, so I'm very hopeful that there will be other improvements at the next visit this week.

I talked to both my dads today for Father's Day. They sounded well and had had a good time on their day :)

I'm tired but it's that good tired you get from physical work. I'm ready for bed and expecting to sleep well. Goodnight!


I remembered what was missing from Saturday - not a result, but more cleaning. I swished the toilet before cleaning the catbox.

Sunday: Did laundry.

Today I am making a project of cleaning the kitchen. I decided to take everything out of the kitchen so that I could quickly wipe down all the cabinets inside and out, and not have to worry about cleaning up the stuff underneath. So all the furniture, dishes, and food are being moved to the living room while I clean. The cleaning should be fairly quick with the stuff out of the way, but we'll see. I think I'm going to leave the dirty dishes in the sink because they're dirty anyway so why not just wash them at the end?

Results: I'm gonna spend the afternoon with my friend from Atlanta! She'll be here for the day, has a meeting tomorrow morning and is flying right back out after. Woohoo!


On Saturday I avoided this all day. My clutter brain was running around shouting for security to stop the decluttering. I am sure it and my cave brain are cousins. I could hear them colluding against my higher intentions :) So I let them have their fun, then went to get ice cream and got on the decluttering.

First I cleaned out a binder of masters for a business I'm no longer actively doing. Many of these were obsolete, so I recycled 44 pages and eight brochures. I also took all the empty sheet protectors out of the binder to make room. Then I went through some drawers to dig out all the old looseleaf journaling pages I had in them, put them in chronological order, and put them in the binder. I have been wanting to do something with them for a long time. There are still a couple of years that are in a box somewhere, but this covered several years. The binder went into the bookcase and I was done for the day.

I also deleted 69 emails, and cleaned the catbox and put in litter from the new bag - I called them the other day because this new litter that I tried and loved had suddenly stopped working with the second bag. They told me they were getting a lot of complaints and sent me coupons for a free bag. They also told me where to find the litter in my nabe, and that there are both 7 and 8 lb bags (weird!) and to try the 8 lb since the 7 lb was the problem. I found an 8 lb at one of the local supermarkets, and it seems to be working better again! Yay!

I also - first thing I did actually - scrubbed down the tile in the shower while taking one. And the last thing I did was sort out a load of laundry for the morning.

Results: I think just doing this was a result, given the noise in my mind about it. It didn't feel like a big accomplishment and that also was just noise. I have room in one of my drawers now, so I can hide other clutter if I want, but the more important thing is that I organized these thoughts so I can read them if I want to. Or my kids can read them someday. It's actually huge. It's organizing, which I claim not to be good at. But it wasn't hard, so I might have to reassess my organizing ability.

I know I had another result but it has left my mind...I did get those free cat litter coupons in the mail on Saturday, but that wasn't it. Oh well!

Friday, June 17, 2011


Today's declutter: So far, all I've done is delete 63 emails. I meant to take a bunch of stuff to shred with me to work but forgot. And since getting home I've been vegging out on the computer, avoiding cleaning, cooking, piano...the only thing I have done is feed the cat. But I think I'm ready to stop being lazy and get on it!

OK. I recycled 149 papers, five brochures, eight envelopes, and a sticky note. Most was real estate related, from teleclass notes to info on deals that fell through. Some banking info too. I have about 50 more pages to shred, of contracts and bank statements. I freed up four file folders and found a bunch of business cards I'd printed when I was actively working on RE investing. Could use them again, you never know.

It didn't feel as rewarding as I thought it would at first - probably because I didn't just chuck the stuff without looking through it a bit. Except I did for the most part - only kept the notes from the one coach who I actually learned from, and didn't look at the others. Still, I feel like I could do so much more.

Results: Last night I FELT my cash flow get faster in a positive direction, after making the decision to chuck some class notes. And today I did get paid, and also found out there may be more work for me going forward. At any rate I got in more than the usual hours today and will be working extra hours next week too!

Also got a call about work for next week :)

I am feeling gypped that I was more excited about chucking this stuff last night than I am now that I've done it. I wonder if that's a defense mechanism to make me stop. If I don't give myself credit for my efforts, maybe I won't be encouraged to continue. Hmm. OK, clutter habits. Thanks for the feedback. I'm now going to give myself some kudos! Good job, Judy (patting myself on the back)! Tomorrow I'll go through some non-real estate class notes! There are plenty of those too!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday Take Three

I like alliteration :)

This evening I decided to clean out a peach basket full of papers that has been sitting in my kitchen for probably a year. I was sure it was full of mouse crap, so had been putting it off. But as I went through it I didn't see any mouse muck in it so I recycled a bunch and saved a bunch, and sprayed the keepers just in case. Good thing too, cuz I just remembered that these papers came from my other peach baskets, which I used for my container garden last summer, and they WERE full of mouse crap. So, not sure the stuff is really clean after all. But it's now in a shoebox in any event, so I can go through it later.

Meanwhile, I recycled 32 papers/envelopes, six brochures, seven business cards, a paper bag, and a hanging file folder. Also recycled a lotion container I've had since 2005. All I had to do was copy the product info off it. Ditto with the paper bag! I also put several more papers aside for shredding and will be checking on a large booklet that I think has been replaced by a newer version. Just checked it, it is a duplicate, and it has been recycled along with an outdated catalog!

Results: Satisfaction that I finally did this. It's really not a lot when I realize how much paper I KEPT, but thinking about the mouse junk I may throw half of what's left out too. I mean, I really don't need about half of it - notes from teleclasses that I've never looked at again, for instance. Hell, half my clutter is notes of that kind - real estate classes mostly. I could throw it all out without another look and not miss it ever.

And that's something for me to think about as well. I've been feeling satisfaction with the new thinking that is taking place as to what cleaning and decluttering really means in terms of self-worth. I may not like cleaning or be very good at it, but I AM worth the trouble it takes to get it done. And that could very well include just chucking stuff I never look at, that I saved just in case I'd use it one day. I'm not gonna use those class notes!

This evening I was thinking that I could take everything out of the kitchen so I could hose it down, so to speak - just a good scrubbing with a bucket of soapy water and a Dobie pad or the like. Then when it's done I can put everything back. I'm not just talking dishes and food, I'm talking furniture. Seems to me a good way to get it done right.

Then the rest of the house gets done the same way - except I can't really move the piano out of the living room, lol! I can move it away from the wall, though.

But I think tomorrow my goal will be to recycle some old class notes that I haven't looked at in awhile. This thought produces tremendous anxiety. I can feel that I'm hanging on out of a need for security, but security isn't in the stuff or the notes or the junk drawer. Security has to come from within me. I have to trust that the Universe is a friendly place, and no amount of stuff is going to make that happen. This could be a turning point - I've said that before, so we'll have to see. Clutter is a big crutch for me, but I deserve better. Today I got an email with this subject line: Income Rarely Exceeds Personal Development. It's time I faced my fears and moved to a new level of being and wealth both. I have it in me.

Thursday Take Two

I took those cabinet doors down to the street, and took out a bag of recycling. I also entered my cash expenses into Quicken and recycled 48 receipts and one piece of paper that had the cash expenses I didn't get receipts for.

Results: It feels good to get those receipts into Quicken. I've got a bit of the cleaning bug. I listened to a teleclass today about cleaning and clutter and the relationship between that and the money flow in one's life. The coach giving the class equated cleaning your house with self-love, and I've been thinking about that all day. Same thing with what one eats - junk or healthy food? So it's on my mind that I really want to show my self-love by cleaning up around here! and getting back on my candida diet.

Going to do some tapping now - another teleclass!


Today I finished deroaching that cabinet. I was horrified last night to see a roach crawling on the CLEAN DISHES on top of it, so it had to be done. I think I got them all, but I'm throwing the cabinet doors away so they can't keep house in the hinges (so gross) anymore. The bottom shelf is now going to belong to the cat. She will very likely inhibit the roaches. I'll have to be a bit more careful about cutting up veggies on the top (it's where I keep my cutting board), so that food doesn't end up inside the cabinet, but I'm happy to make the effort if it means being able to keep light on the damn thing so the bugs can't get a foothold.

In any event the cabinet doors are going out on the street. I hope someone will pick them up for salvage, I hate sending stuff like that to a landfill.

I've also re-washed many of the dishes since they were contaminated. Yuck. And I wiped the roach speck out of the silverware drawer - thankfully it was confined to a corner nowhere near the silverware.

The rest of the deroaching happens in my head - I am going to think about how nice a clean, neat apartment will be, instead of constantly ragging on myself for not cleaning.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Today I did another half hour of cleaning - really consisted only of the dishes and the catbox, plus cleaning up kitty's barf - she's throwing up pretty much daily now. Sigh. This could be an effect of her medicine, though there have been times before that this happened. She has hairballs every time, it's not like she's just barfing to barf, so that's good.

ANYWAY. I also cleaned the coffeemaker since I bought some coffee today :) And I deleted 38 emails. I should do a bunch every day until there are no more extraneous emails in my inbox. I wonder how many I'd have to get rid of before I'd make a difference in the storage used...these are the questions that keep one busy doing stupid stuff.

Oh yeah, I also paid a bill and recycled the envelope and insert(s).

Results: Today was payday! I had a short day at work so I stopped to see my honey on the way home. And tonight I heard from my friend in Atlanta, and she'll be here next Monday and is trying to get a flight for Sunday so we can hang out! Woohoo!

Also took a look at some prosperity coaching info that a friend sent me. The newsletter she sent me was really negative, but the stuff the coach teaches as far as dealing with one's money beliefs actually makes a lot of sense to me. It's given me stuff to ponder and I think I'll use it as a jumping-off point for some tapping tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday And An Hour of What I Want To Do

Yesterday I joined a group which encourages taking an hour a day to do something you really want to do, and mine was going to be practicing piano, since I've felt inspired to play the last few days. But a whole hour of practice is more than I feel I have focus for at the moment, so I decided to split it between piano and cleaning.

I don't really WANT to clean, but at the same time, I want to develop the discipline to keep up with the cleaning around here. For me it's a good way to dedicate some time - piano for fun and cleaning for satisfaction.

So this morning I did a little over a half hour of cleaning. I had to clean up after the cat, who made a few messes in the night. This has me slightly concerned, but I hope it's about having switched her over to canned cat food, and not the medicine she's on. Anyway, that took a good ten minutes since she also threw up yesterday and that had to go. After that I cleaned her box and swept the area around it. Then I put away the dishes and did the ones that I'd left soaking overnight, plus a couple of cat food cans. :) I swept the kitchen floor and got the garbage ready to take out. And I recycled a postcard. I feel like I've accomplished so much, and really like that this is part of my hour. And I still have time to practice piano before going to work!

Results: Today is free bagel day at the gym, so I went to get a bagel and coffee - the coffee was what I really wanted! Kitty woke me up at 5:30 and I was very tired when I finally got up. I also figured out that as long as I don't close the page that my workshop replay is on, I can keep watching it past the deadline :) So I put it on to listen while I cleaned. Yay!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday Again

I did some more of the roachy dishes, then did regular dishes. Got more dishes soaking. It's amazing how fast they pile up - especially when you stop feeding your cat dry food. The cans, oy vey!

I also recycled a paper bag.

Sunday - Monday

Sunday: I began de-roaching a freestanding cabinet in which I keep some fancy, seldom-used dishes, as well as baking dishes, pans, food storage containers, etc. Got through two loads of the dishes and one shelf wiped free of blech.

Monday: Wiped off the top shelf of my dish cabinet so I could put those seldom-used dishes up there instead of in the freestanding cabinet. The top shelf normally held only my mixing/salad bowl, so the roaches hit it first since there's not much going on up there. I also took out a bag of recycling and threw dead flowers over the fence into the empty lot for fertilizer.

Results: Got more great insights in watching the replay of the workshop, and then this morning I had some major coincidences just happen that indicated to me that I'm moving in the right direction as far as manifesting what I want. I had goosebumps and cold chills as all these amazing connections were being made! Pretty great!

I also was awakened for the third day in a row by kitty cuddles :) It doesn't get much better than that! She was cuddlesome during the day too, just letting me butt heads with her and pet her and listen to her purr. Love my boo!

I was inspired to play some piano this weekend, and to start practicing daily. My skills are beyond rusty, and it suddenly occurred to me that practice helps! Haha! I joined a group dedicated to doing an hour a day on something that you want to do, which was a part of the coincidental stuff that was going on in the morning. That should keep me on task. Think I will split it between practice and cleaning, just so I don't get bored.

And that's it for today!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


On Saturday I took a coupon down to the lobby (that might have been Friday, actually) and took five plastic bags to the store for recycling.

Results: Another great workshop! I really had some Aha!/Doh! moments.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Still Friday :)

Just paid another bill and recycled the envelope and inserts, and the insert from the bank statement. I also returned two books to the library on my way to meet my new friend.

Results: I DID get my check today! And I just spent a few hours with my new friend from up the river. We had a good time wandering around a nearby neighborhood that is full of forested areas and really very beautiful. It has been a good day!

Friday Again

More declutters: I did some tapping on resistance to change. Seems good :) Also did some on clearing clutter, haha!

I've also cleaned the catbox, swept the area around it, and mopped up some spilled coconut water in the kitchen. I did some filing and recycled three more envelopes. And I balanced my checkbook and filed the statement.

Results: The clutter clearing tapping was surprising. You're supposed to ask yourself when the clutter problem started, and there's usually some trauma associated with it. Well, I couldn't remember when it started, but I came up with two possibilities - when I moved out of my parents' house, and when I moved away from the west coast. I was surprised to note that both were VERY traumatic for me, and moving away from the west coast was a 10 on the 1-10 scale of emotion. Turned out it was really about leaving my boyfriend for good. The feelings that came up over this tapping session were intense. This was 11 years ago, and it was still bothering me, and I had no idea. The funny thing is, he had a lot of clutter. So anyway, a lot of charge got released for me.

Going to meet a new friend today! And hopefully my latest check will arrive in the mail. Oh, and when I balanced my checkbook, I discovered that I hadn't written in a deposit made Tuesday, so I have more money than I thought!

Thurs - Fri

Thursday's declutter: I shredded 94 papers at work, and sold two CDs at my local FYE. Nice! Oh, yeah, and gave a neighbor a coupon I couldn't use for free cat food.

Friday's declutter: I swished the toilet, paid three bills and recycled the envelopes and inserts, and did dishes.

Results: Made $2 from the CDs! And had a nice time with my guy. I have three more CDs I think I'll sell. And the kitty seems to be doing better :)

Oh, yeah, and I got my balance transfer already! So I'll be able to pay off one debt this month and eliminate a LARGE monthly payment. Yay!

I also moved a dollar into my savings account. I think even a dollar a week gets a person into the habit of saving, and the habit of saving improves the vibration of abundance, so then more money can come in! I feel good about that - and I was actually surprised to find that I HAD a little money saved that I'd completely forgotten about!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mon - Weds

On Monday, I recycled four or five envelopes and a couple inserts. Paid two bills also. Think there was something else too, but I guess not.

On Tuesday, I shredded 18 letters (they were returned to me YEARS ago when I was doing a business venture, and were taking up space in a drawer) and 16 pieces of paper at work. I also threw away dead chicken (my fault this time).

On Wednesday I took out that dead chicken garbage (I stored it in the fridge overnight for fear of the smell), and shredded 14 papers at work.

Results: Wow. On Monday I was trying to watch the workshop replay again before it was done, and was having some issues again. The techies had said we'd get extra time to watch after they figured it all out. But in the meantime, they gave me a refund! Pretty cool!

I also got more work lined up for this week. And I got an email about a healing circle this week, so I contacted them with an issue I have, and also a request for my cat!

Then Tuesday I went to do a balance transfer to pay some other debts, thinking I'd have to request a check because for whatever reason the credit card wasn't accepting my current bank account as an option for ACH deposit. And when I went to do it, my bank account was there! I am SO in the Vortex this week, everything is just working out easily, and I'm getting solutions for things I didn't even consider problems at this point!

On Tuesday I also got work lined up for next week. Ditto for Wednesday though it's tentative. Work was good both days.

On Tuesday night I got to see my good friend Chuck in a reading of a new musical. I met a couple of famous actresses and had a good time with my other friends who were there! The show has great potential - looking forward to seeing it on Broadway in the future!

Finally, tonight I was treated to dinner by the gentleman I met on the train a couple weeks ago. That was quite enjoyable! When I got home I chatted with a neighbor for quite awhile, about some pretty deep stuff! You never know what's inside people - it was great! Then a second neighbor joined us and shortly after I headed up to my place.

Finally finally (haha!), I got an email about testing the replay to assist in getting it up and running for those of us who had issues. Just heard back from them and they were very happy with my notes on the subject. So I told them, BTW if the company ever needs a certain set of skills, I was the girl to call! I've called them before about work, and I figure, you never know! Goodnight!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Saturday Again, and Sunday

Forgot that I also did dishes on Saturday, and deleted 12 emails.

Today my limbo man helped me take the stairclimber from the hallway down to the street. It has been taken by someone already :) I also put away laundry and did mending on eight articles of clothing, seven of which had been sitting in the sewing basket for a couple of years. THAT felt good!

Results: Got my refund on that product today! Also thought about rechecking the calculation the IRS corrected, and they ARE right! I dinged myself $50, so that is actual money I don't owe. Whee!

I'm listening to the replay of the workshop and enjoying how it moves me into a better state of mind and feeling. Going back to it now. Bye!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Thurs - Sat

On Thursday I recycled a couple of paper bags.

Friday I took out some of the recycling and did laundry.

Saturday I took my food scraps to the farmers' market for composting. Also shifted my thoughts about some things to view them as experiments rather than problems.

Results: I got paid Thursday. Found a bunch of change Saturday morning immediately after shifting my thoughts. Then I got on my second Abraham online workshop in a row and it was mind-blowing - so good, so full of answers to my questions I was amazed! My mood of the past couple days had been up and down, but I shifted it right before the workshop and by the end I felt wonderful.

I got my rent payment from my tenant shortly after the workshop, and moved it over to my bank account. Then I got a call from my limbo guy and was ready to talk with him after several days of it not feeling good. I was even able to explain why I hadn't been taking his calls. And he said he wanted to make up his mistake to me so I said OK :) He brought me flowers and we spent the evening together. I felt my mood drop at one point but made an effort to shift to thoughts that weren't so negative and got it back up again.

Before he came over, I checked the mail and my check from my friend had arrived! AND, the IRS thinks I made a mistake on my taxes and owe them LESS than I calculated. Unless the instructions in question are outdated, they are incorrect, but it's nice to see a little extra money flowing my way even if I have to verify their error with them.

Finally, I made a bunch of new Facebook friends, and will be meeting a new friend who lives just up the road from me, from the workshop chat. So fun!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wednesday WOW

Today I recycled a flyer and a paper bag. Yep, that's it!

Forgot that esterday I did one more load of dishes - a few plates, a couple more bottles, and some vases. Then I bombed the sink - slow drain - with baking soda and vinegar.

Results: I also forgot to mention last night that I got a revised bill for my rental property mortgage. It was $20 lower thanks to my paying off the escrow shortage from the previous year!

Today's results have been astounding. OK, first off, I put myself in a good mood this morning by listening to the Abraham replay some more and by dressing in a pretty summer skirt - the one I just ironed, haha!

I put in seven hours again this month doing billing today! That is two months running and is very good news for my next paycheck :) Today was also payday. And we had delicious key lime pie at work too! Oh, yeah, and one of my co-workers said she loves Wednesdays, cuz I just add something fun (or maybe goofy!) to the mix. She made my day!

I heard back about a product I wanted to return and the answer was yes!

I got two emails regarding work - one is from a friend I've worked for from home, regarding a check she's mailing, what's been going on in her life, and the fact that she'd like to get us going to where I'm putting in some time every week! The other email was in response to my request for regular work days, and I am set up to work next Tuesday there!

And I had the SOARING (like Freddy in My Fair Lady - now I know what he meant!) feeling today again that my guy, who is currently on my do not call list, is the guy for me, and it feels really right. I have no idea how it's going to come about, but I could feel it and more in the works. It's a sure thing. :)

Finally, the kitty is putting on weight and her heart doesn't seem to be racing anymore!

Days don't get much better than today :)