Friday, July 23, 2010


I think I did some other cleaning thing on Thursday, but I forgot what it was. Oh, well.

Today I haven't decluttered anything. I did plant the tomato with the peppers in the peach basket - the bag of potting soil didn't go very far though. It looks like I didn't add any at all! I'll have to get some more I think. Anyway, they are about ready to go on the fire escape, yay!

It's been a weird day. I seem to be having a visit from the past in the form of virulent PMS. I've been hit by momentary waves of depression a couple times today, which I haven't experienced since my 30s. And I've had a headache pretty much all day. That could be due to a lack of sleep - my mind got going last night when I had a coughing fit right before drifting off, and then I was wide awake for a couple hours. It sucked. I ended up sleeping on the couch cuz the living room had nice cool air coming in from outside and it was just more comfortable.

Oh, well. Every day can't perfect or we'd never realize it when we did have a perfect day. So this is just one of the not-perfect days.

On the plus side, I did call a couple of my credit card companies and ask them to reduce my interest rates and/or payments. I started crying on the first call (OH. PMS again) when the guy said he couldn't help me, and I got to a supervisor who did lower the rate a couple points. The second company said I could get a hardship program that will cut my payment AND my rate in half. So I'll keep an extra $140 or so each month as a result of these changes. That will ease the crunch considerably - it's surprising how little money it takes to keep one in the black. I was told years ago that $250 was the difference between making ends meet and bankruptcy for the average person.

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