Monday, July 5, 2010

Monday Dejunking Continued

After the last post I tossed two used candles. I was hoping to reuse the wax, but that's just crazy at some point. I tossed one yesterday too that I forgot about. Then I did five items of hand wash, and then got the bug to go through some drawers. I threw away 34 photos, a couple of plastic bags/sleeves, and five pieces of old credit cards, and I put a book of old deposit slips in the shred pile.

But the recycling is where the clearout really happened. I recycled 27 pages of inventory from a job I quit in 2007 or so (!), eight post-its, five notes, nine advertising flyers, four envelopes, and ten random pieces of paper/brochures/programs. Oh, and I found two old eyeglass lenses, which I put with my planters for the next container I plant! Did two drawers and they are nice and organized now with room left.

I think if I do a drawer or so each night after work, then maybe more on the weekends, I can really declutter a lot, without overwhelming myself. One item a day is still a good way to do it - that's the whole premise of this blog, after all - but I'm at the point where I want to ramp it up and have a neat and clean and SPACIOUS house. It feels really good to chuck stuff - especially papers that have lain around for years!

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