Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July Dejunking

Forgot that the first thing I did today was move my cat's tent (yes, it is a tent for a cat, made by Ikea - it was a gift and it's SO cute when the cat goes in there) into my room where there's a bit of space for it. It's out of the way, which she will like, and it's not crowding my living room now.

I've been dejunking for a couple hours and wrote out everything I chucked/recycled, with numerous asides and explanations. None of these are necessary, so I'm going to just do the list now.

I got out a big plastic bag for junking stuff, and started in. There was more recycling than junking, but anyhow, I threw away: Three videos, three tapes, a piece of coal from a firewalk I did a few years ago (yep, I really did it and the reminder isn't needed), a cough drop I'll never use, a tiny plastic zipper bag that's got a hole, a dead pink Sharpie, a wonderful gift bag I've had for five years and used for my lunch bag till it was coming apart, an old cosmetic case, and 10 used mailers (bubble and regular).

Recycling: Ten more old price lists, 12 magazines, an info pack for a health product company I no longer belong to, 18 more brochures, and 27 random inserts, flyers, postcards, and so on, including a certificate of completion of a training class. I recycled eight more newspapers, my Series 27 manual, notes, and 82% score record (because I am never going to be a FINOP again, HALLELUJAH!), three arrows I broke with my neck (again, I did this, and I know it, and the reminders are not out on display so why keep them?), 11 post-its, two random pieces of paper, and a couple of glass bottles. I'm cleaning another glass bottle to recycle.

Giveaways: I took a shirt and some catnip down to the lobby while taking out the recycling, and took a lip-plumping system down to the lobby. And I'm getting a bag ready to donate - there's a booth at the Farmers' Market that takes textiles, including unusable stuff, which is great cuz I have a broken pair of earmuffs that I couldn't bear to throw out! Not to mention ripped up sweatpants :) I'm donating two pairs of slippers, a dress, the ripped sweatpants, a t-shirt, two old stained towels, and the earmuffs.

I also moved several piles of papers and miscellaneous stuff into the empty drawer (yes!), put away art stuff and knitting stuff, and took all my vitamins and supplements off the table and put them in the drawer where I keep the opened bottles. They don't have to be out for me to remember to take them. I put all the change and found money in the change jar and began cleaning the table. There are STILL pine needles from my Christmas tree on that table. I guess I've only spot-cleaned it since then. Oh, well. I unpacked my opera costume and other stuff and put away the suitcase. The dress needs cleaning but the rest is put away.

Took a couple breaks in all this to put away my laundry. The place is looking clearer. I'm actually really surprised it looks so good!

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