Saturday, July 3, 2010


Last night I continued my efforts with filing. I had piles of bills and pay stubs that needed to be filed, and in the process of filing them I also opened some mail and recycled some stuff: Two envelopes, a newsletter, inserts from one statement, 10 post-its, and a couple of pieces of paper. Also put a few more items in the shred pile.

Today I paid three bills and recycled envelopes and inserts, did laundry, and returned a library book (the score to the opera!). Oh, and I planted two of my organic peppers and some arugula seeds in a windowbox planter! I took the empty potting soil bag down to the trash when I went out to do the laundry.

Results: I just created my own reality twice today! This morning on my way home from the Farmers' Market, I decided I wanted to find some broken crockery to put in the bottom of my planter for drainage. I threw some broken dishes out last year and now could use them. So I didn't find any but when I went to plant my plants, I broke an already partially broken fired pot that I'd had since the end of 6th Grade. It was part of a going away present from my friends (I moved to another state), and I'd been planning all these years to superglue it back together and plant something that could trail over the broken spot. But today I dropped it and it broke into a few more pieces, and I decided, well, there's my crockery! My friends' gift will be remembered as part of my veggie garden. So I got out my hammer and broke up the part that was still intact.

THEN, when I went to return the library book, I was thinking, "Wouldn't it be nice if the library was open today?" See, for some unfathomable reason, the library has always been closed on the Saturday before a Monday holiday. I guess getting Monday off wasn't good enough! So I was thinking this, and I turned the corner to the library, and it was open! First time ever! They must have gotten comments about it. But I was very excited to have something I wanted happen almost instantly - I'm practicing being happy so as to allow the things I want to come to me, and when it's stuff that I don't have a lot of disbelief around, it manifests right away like this did. Pretty cool!

OH! I got a letter from the lawyers about my aunt's estate. The change in executor was granted and the will has been submitted for probate. I thought this was happening in July, so I'm very excited that it is a month ahead of when I thought.

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