Monday, July 19, 2010

In Praise of Vinegar

OMG. I just scrubbed a bunch of crap out of my oven after letting it soak in vinegar steam for an hour or so. Let me tell ya, vinegar steam and a scrub of baking soda, salt, and borax are a good remedy for dirty ovens! I'm going to work at it piecemeal cuz my wrists can't take it, but with my new big oven brush (okay, it's just a utility brush but it does the job) it's a heck of a lot easier.

Made that phone call. There's actually no way for me to add a comment to that part of my info, unless I want to go to arbitration. No thanks. I'm actually glad to be done with it.

I also called a bunch of property managers' numbers that were given me by both my dad and by my current manager. Guess what? Those I could reach aren't property managers, except maybe one. They will get back to me with a yes or no. I left one message too. I'm a little surprised at my current guy - he said he could give me names, and then none of them pan out. I emailed him so he'd know they aren't good referrals.

Anyway, that's two more items off my list! So that's good. As for decluttering, I've been so amped about cleaning I've kind of let that one slide a bit. I did put some plastic bags aside for recycling yesterday. I'm cooking a crockpot dinner - got started a bit late, but it should only take a couple hours anyhow. I think I'll do a little more Quicken and then some filing, and then be done for the night.

Results: I have had my mind completely occupied and have not been able to worry about something that was bothering me! So that's good.

It's my sister's birthday! I am so lucky to have her in my life - she gets me better than almost anyone else on this planet, and it's wonderful to be such good friends with someone so close to you! It's also my oldest nephew's 18th birthday - how time flies! I remember when I held him as a three-month-old baby, and here he is a young man.

Sigh. Life is good!

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