Saturday, July 31, 2010


On Friday I did diddley-squat regarding clutter. And enjoyed it :)

Today, I remembered my textile donation! and took it to the Farmers' Market. The guy wasn't there yet! But there was someone who was taking the donations for him so I got to leave the stuff.

I also have been cleaning up a storm cuz I was coughing and realized it was probably due to the fact that my fan was filthy and was blowing dirt straight into my lungs. So I took it apart to clean the blades and then cleaned the grates too (grilles?). I was using one of the microfiber cloths I bought a couple weekends back, and discovered that microfiber traps dirt, but doesn't absorb it, so when you rinse the cloth off it's clean again! So I went a little nuts and started cleaning my bathroom sink, then wiping all the cat hair off my vanity and bathtub, then wiping down the bathroom door and walls. The cloth has two small stains after all of this. Pretty cool.

I also put additional potting soil in my plant containers. The one outside REALLY needed it cuz the plants were flopping around. The peppers, btw, have become hugely bushy!

Finally, in searching for a bill I found some papers to shred and recycled an envelope and a post-it.

Results: Oh, life is so good! I'm getting rid of mental clutter too, and it makes it so much easier to just enjoy what life gives me. So many worries that aren't worth worrying about. They just keep you stuck in the place that created the worry. I'm doing my best to stay out of the stuck places - when something bugs me, I'm trying to turn my attention to what wouldn't bug me instead of dwelling on the thing that bugs me. It's a much happier way to live.

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