Sunday, July 18, 2010


Sunday is a fun day! I got home from the party at about 5am, crashed for four hours, then got up and started thinking about what I'd do today. I decided to go buy cleaning supplies at Target, cuz I needed several items I've never had. So I did that and ended up also buying some of their house brand v-neck tees, which were in yummier colors than I've ever seen. My colors don't come around every year, so I took advantage of it and got three. They go with everything and last a long time.

I came home just pleased as punch with my purchases - I got five microfiber cloths for $3.99 in the AUTOMOTIVE DEPARTMENT! Just to name one great deal. When I got home I sat around for a bit and then planted my other two pepper plants in the now-clean container, which I set in the bathtub till I can get a saucer for it. The container is a peach basket inside another peach basket (trying to keep them from rotting through good drainage), so it's about 14" wide at the bottom. I didn't have enough potting soil to put the tomato in, but at least the baskets are out of my kitchen for the first time in months.

Then I swept the living room floor cuz I dropped a lot of dirt - I brought in the bulbs I planted a few weeks back to get the stones in the bottom for the peach baskets. The bulbs were looking pretty dead anyhow. I'll throw them over the fence to the empty lot and see if they grow next year. I've got the old potting soil in a bag to pitch - I don't think it's any good for planting anymore. Maybe I'll throw it over the fence too - not sure how but I might be able to figure it out.

That's all I've done so far but it feels like a lot! Sweeping really gives you bang for your cleaning buck. I'm surprised that I have the energy still to do anything at all - it comes and goes so fast with me. It could be the result of letting go of that job last week. I've found that my energy improves when I'm not stressed out.

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