Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sun - Thurs

Another week flies by! I got a lot done, though.

Sunday: I deleted 12 emails and changed my sheets and put them in the laundry bag for Monday. Also chopped up a ton of veggies for the next couple days on the diet.

Monday: Did laundry first thing in the morning. I put away some clothes, and in doing so decided to mend one item. It turned out I already did, but it was dingy (white shorts) so I decided to wash it. Then I washed four more hand-wash items! After that I did dishes. All of this happened before 10am :) I also deleted seven emails. Probably cleaned the catbox at some point too.

Tuesday: Deleted 102 emails and cleaned the catbox. Also chopped up more veggies.

Wednesday: Deleted 15 emails, paid three bills and recycled the envelopes and inserts, ran some shopping errands after work, and took out the recycling. Also made fermented coconut!

Thursday: Chopped up more veggies, and threw out some moldy thyme (I screwed up when I stored it - got it wet). Also deleted nine emails.

Results: I am raking in the bucks. Got my rent payments this week, worked extra long on Tuesday for a bigger check, and worked extra long on Thursday too! AND I put in about three hours for my remote job, which means a check next week. I'm putting in extra work next week too. Finally, I found a quarter on the walk home from the train tonight! Someone in front walked right over it and I stopped to pick it up!

I had incredible dreams last night, all about my progress in moving forward! They were soaring, exhilarating dreams, shifting from past fearful dreams, and full of good things and fun! Abraham-Hicks says dreams are an indicator of which direction you're going - either toward or away from your desires in life. I like that, and I like what my dreams have told me about that lately!

Right now I'm listening to a teleclass that is really great. It's another perspective on prosperity and I really like it.

Finally, I had a great day at work, got a lot done, and came home to a sweet message from my guy. I'll be calling him back shortly :) Goodnight!

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