Monday, August 22, 2011


What a weekend!

Friday's declutter: I deleted 50 emails, did half the dishes (they really pile up fast), cleaned the catbox, and swished the toilet. Oh, yeah, and I put my dead orchids :( in the compost container. Finally, I took some change to the bank for one of my savings accounts.

Saturday's declutter: I took out garbage on my way to the farmers' market. Also took the compost to the collecting station. I chopped up a lot of zucchini and lettuce for sauteing and salads. Also did some tapping on money stuff.

Sunday's declutter: I deleted one email, and put the pile of yard sale/craigslist stuff away in a box and in the closet. Two declutters at one blow! (Box and stuff). I also put a few more knickknacks and cards in drawers - didn't dust them this time, hmm, maybe I'd better do that. I also threw away a card that I didn't need and that wasn't serving a purpose for me. Did tapping on various negative beliefs and resistance.

Oh, and I've been making my bed every morning since Thursday. It's nothing but pulling up the sheets and a blanket and plopping the pillows on top. Very minimal bedclothes in the summer :) In winter it will be a bit more challenging with bedspreads, unless I get a comforter.

Results: Damn. I had the best weekend :) It started kinda rocky, as my transcription wasn't acceptable and I had to go through it again on Friday or get only half the pay. Probably should have elected to do that as I ended up making about a buck an hour on it, haha! But it was a good experience in how to adjust the volume to be able to pick up low voices and such. And it passed muster when I'd finished.

I decided to adjust my diet to allow for some sugar. It's been too hard to stick to it, and the guilt of cheating feels crappy. So I just decided to allow some fruit and some chocolate, and pick up again later when I've worked on discipline and resistance some more.

And then, I got another assignment! Woohoo! It was a nice long one, almost an hour, due the next day late. So I took my time on getting started, which wasn't the smartest move. There was a HUGE thunderstorm that evening and their system was down so I couldn't get some info that I needed. Also, no one was answering my emails. I kept trying and managed to download what I needed, thank goodness! Turns out their entire system got knocked out by the storm, so no one got my emails.

Anyway, I was just getting into it when my honey called to invite me upstate to his folks' place! WHAT?? I was thrilled, even though it's been something that was going to happen soon. It was just so unexpected. He was coming up to see me, so we were gonna discuss it then, as I had to work on the assignment and thought I could only go up on Sunday. By the time he got here it was too late to go, though - the subway was a mess cuz of the massive rainfall. And he had wanted to go that night for an event in the morning, so ended up not going up this weekend. But we had a fun night.

On Saturday, I got out early into the beautiful morning, just enjoying the clean air and the mist - there was even a hint of rainbow in the park near the farmers' market. I started my transcription when I got home. It was a nice clear easy one. My honey left early to go make more decisions on the decor stuff - he had been out looking at lighting the night before. I got the transcription done in less than four hours, which is faster than ever before. It took another couple hours to proof it, but I still made the most money yet on it. It had a discussion guide which helped greatly with some of the terminology that I couldn't quite hear.

On Sunday, I went to look at lighting with my honey, who was treating it like a decision we should make together, as if I were moving in. I liked that :) I also went by Borders for their going-out-of-business sale, to find a book I need to get for a friend, and also see if I could find a good atlas at a discount. Well, I did find an atlas. It's not all that I want in an atlas, but the price was definitely right - $4! It was only $8 to begin with so I could have bought it anytime up to now if I'd thought of it. But so what? I finally have an atlas! I'll get a really good one some day, when I find one that fits my criteria. I also found a gorgeous calendar for next year, and a fun one that I picked up for a friend.

Sometime during the day I decided to further modify my diet by taking an herb called gurmar, which helps with sugar cravings over time. Also helps metabolize sugar so you don't convert as much into fat. I also decided that I will buy Body Ecology's sugar substitute so I can have something that actually tastes like sugar and can be used in baking like sugar - stevia doesn't work for that.

Then last night, I started feeling restless and grumpy. It's like I can't allow myself to stay happy for long - it seems to freak me out. So I went on a walk in the rain - it was after 8pm and dark out - and yes, MORE RAIN! It's rained every evening for about four days now. Crazy and I love it! Anyway, I went on a fruit run. And then I changed my mind and decided to go to Target for ice cream. But Target has turned into my local bodega with its lame-ass Ben and Jerry's flavors. Hello, Target, not everyone wants ten versions of dulce de leche! So by now I was really cranky and went back to my original plan, making my walk a half hour longer than I had thought of in the first place. But whatevs. I crossed the street and walked into a sea of water, and started laughing, cuz what else can you do at that point? I had my umbrella and rain slicker, but they weren't keeping my feet dry anyhow.

And it all worked out - the store with the fruit is open till 11:00 every night! I had thought they'd be closed, so I was thrilled. And I got some strawberry shortcake ice cream at the grocery store as well. Target didn't have that either or I'd have bought it.

I did my tapping on the way over and on the way home cuz I was in such a funk. And then when I got to my street, the quiet overtook me and I just stopped and listened to it, to the frogs and crickets and the silence. And I felt the humidity and warmth, and was transported back to my childhood in small-town Illinois, where the summer nights were just like this after a rain. I was in paradise.

Got home and ate some of the ice cream with the last of my red wine, a surprisingly perfect combo! And then I went to bed, later than I'd hoped but relatively happy. Slept very well and it's a new beautiful day! See ya!

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