Saturday, August 6, 2011


Today I deleted nine emails, did some dishes, and changed the cat litter (also cleaned up the area around the catbox). I did some EFT this morning, and later tried out another process called ZPoint. I made a bunch of sauerkraut and tore up some lettuce for salads in advance. And I figured out from a blog why this blog had been logging me out in Firefox and fixed it!

Results: It was a really good day! The EFT came about as a result of some not-good feelings, but apart from some major impatience a few times today, I just puttered around and did things I needed to do, and watched a live video class, met a few chatters and friended them online, and listened to a replay of a great teleclass from the other day. I bought a program from that class and just finished listening to the first part of a four-part series. It's about personal mojo and magnetism, and the woman who developed the class is a delight to listen to! Even if I can't put it into practice, she's so fun that it will be a pleasure to go through the course.

I chatted for a few minutes with the friend who introduced me to ZPoint, just to get clear on a couple of points. The doc she sent me got mysteriously messed up - she said her laptop was deleting things and blamed it on Mercury retrograde. Well, I buy that. My computer's been uber-slow for a week, or crashing and freezing and all kinds of crazy stuff. I did my first ZPoint exercise on my temper when this stuff happens, 'cuz I start yelling at the computer every time. What can I say, I've never been patient.

Anyhow, it was really nice talking with my friend :)

As a result of the friending today, I may be getting access to info on real estate investing which I was unable to buy myself! Most of what they were selling wasn't new to me, but there were a couple of parts that I need in order to get in on the RE market, so I'm glad for this partnership that is in the works.

And I'm just really excited about my experiment with cultured veggies (sauerkraut)! I used radishes in one, and curry in another. My kitchen still smells like curry :) I did NOT use the starter culture, but rather used leftover juice from several jars of veggies that I had eaten. The cultures don't go bad and they don't stop growing, so with any luck they will ferment the cabbage nicely. I used my new mini-grater which I got for four bucks, and it was just the perfect tool! So everything about the process pleased me :) The curry jar has less liquid than the others because I made it as an afterthought and had used most of the juice already. But I think it will be fine - I read today that the key to fermenting veggies is to make sure they are in liquid. Well, grating them released liquid, so we're good! Anyway, I'll know tomorrow.

Last of all, it was a cool day, with rain late in the afternoon and into the evening. For August, this is incredible. It's WONDERFUL.

And it's my bedtime - and time to meditate before I crash. 'Night-night!

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