Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Today I did some tapping on decluttering, because I am feeling SO MUCH resistance to it the past couple days. I decided I could at least put things away, even if I didn't get rid of them right away. I can put them in a drawer or closet and deal with them a bit at a time. So I picked up a bunch of plastic sheets I had used to cover my windows in the winter, and put them in the closet. Instant difference.

I also paid three bills when I got home, and recycled the envelopes and inserts.

Results: I made some money today. Got paid at one job and the other I'll be paid next week since the boss is on vacation. But it was more hours than I expected, so that's good. I also received a check I was waiting for. It was a couple days later than usual, but it's here now.

I am back on the BED today. Ate really delicious meals - I got some fish at the store after work, and OH MY, it was so yummy! I want more!

I am making my way through my former neighbor's boxes of books, and this weekend I pulled out Moby-Dick, which I've never read before. Holy cow, it is GREAT! I'm really enjoying it.

It was a good day, nice and relaxed. I did have to hurry this morning because I was late, but after that, no rushing around, just a nice transition from one job to the next, and then grocery shopping and an easy trip home.

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