Sunday, May 1, 2011

Friday - Sunday

Friday's Declutter: I did laundry and while doing it ran a bunch of errands - went to get my statement date changed at the bank, bought a bagel with lox spread, bought myself a new purse at Loehmann's - it has its own umbrella! - to take advantage of their 15% birthday month discount, and bought some ice cream. I cut pieces off of eight old credit/ID cards and threw them away. I think I recycled an envelope as well. And I cleaned the catbox.

Saturday's Declutter: I did dishes and I think recycled a couple of envelopes, unless that was Friday. Also recycled a tea box. Oh yeah, and I took the food scraps to the farmers' market for the composting program. I put some old veggies in the scraps for next week's compost. I returned a library book and took out the garbage on my way out. Finally, I scraped wax leavings from a bunch of used candles so I can recycle the metal.

Sunday: I put a new water filter in my pitcher. Put away most of the laundry and will finish that later. Paid three bills and recycled the envelopes and inserts. Also recycled 15 plastic bags at the store. Cleaned the catbox and plan to do dishes later.

Results: All the decadent food on Friday was because I realized that I hadn't been strictly on the diet and in fact had even inadvertently had sugar at lunch with my friend on Tuesday. I just found that out for sure today, but in any event I went off the diet for Friday and restarted on Saturday, and this time I'm not going to eat anything that's not strictly on it!

I participated in a GREAT live workshop Saturday morning from Abraham-Hicks. The workshop was in Texas and people from all over the world watched on the internet. There was a live chat too. It was SO FUN! And I got answers to my questions in the first hour from one of the Texas participants whose question was about the same relationship situation I'm in! I was awed by the synchronicity going on.

The weather has been beautiful and today I got out and enjoyed it - the birds tweeting away and the quiet of the neighborhood were so lovely I just stopped and soaked it up on my way home from the store. Found four pennies there and back too, which had me laughing in delight!

Finally, I just got friended on Facebook by someone I was thinking about a week or so ago, who I only met once and didn't stay in touch with. Quite a surprise!

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