Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday Times Three

Last one for today, I'm pooped! I updated my checkbook, and recycled a letter, a candy tin, and a brochure. I also deleted 10 emails and took 18 plastic bags to recycle at the store. I took out the rest of the recycling on my way to the store.

When I got back I dusted most of the rest of the living room - table, filing cabinet, and coffee table still need it - and swept it completely except under the couch, which I'll get to tomorrow. I saw that my bookcase had considerable empty space and lots of books on top of other books, so I put quite a few away. I pulled out some ancient master copies of sales materials and recycled two pieces of paper and a brochure from that (yep, most of it is still usable!). And I put my Monthly Mentor binders on the bottom shelf after removing a VERY incomplete herbal reference guide that I will probably get rid of.

I did most of the remaining dishes and left the rest to soak, and cleaned the stove thoroughly as it also apparently had some mouse muck. I'm really not 100% convinced it's mouse muck, because I had flowers that were shedding over there for awhile and the leaves were very small and the same shape. Also, my cat has terrorized the mice away. She's caught two in the seven years I've had her. I think mice usually stay away from houses with cats. But, better safe than sorry.

Results: I got a good deal on a bottle brush - it wasn't on sale yesterday but today it is! And I've needed one for awhile. Also - this actually happened yesterday - I found my cat's food at the cheapest price I've ever seen, in MY NEIGHBORHOOD! It was the store near the farmers' market yesterday, but there's one next door to the vet also, so totally close by! It's just a little Mom & Pop store, not a big chain, and they are cheaper than the chains! LOVE THAT!

There were technical difficulties with the Abraham replay, so we are getting extra time to watch them! That's really great!

And I think that's it for tonight :)

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