Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday (and Leftover Sunday)

I did a little filing Sunday VERY late, just before going to bed.

Today I dumped some dead leftovers and immediately changed the trash bag. Took it out on my way to do TWO loads of laundry. I rarely dry my laundry unless I have two loads because two loads of wet laundry is too much to carry and my drying rack won't hold it all. So I dried these for 20 minutes, and what didn't get dry is on the rack now. I thought I was going to wash my rug, but it's apparently not washable, so I have to just vacuum it. Might beat it over my fire escape first, it's pretty dirty.

I also paid a bill and recycled its envelope and four others (one was an insert). Dishes and making soup are next! Oh yes, I also did some tapping on abundance, with an interview that I got a link for today! Good timing :)

Did the dishes and got the soup cooking, and then I swept and mopped the kitchen, took my rug out to the fire escape and beat it over the railing, swept and mopped my room, swept the cat area, and vacuumed the rug. The broom, mop, and dustpan are soaking in soapy water to get clean, and I'm eating soup.

Results: I found a ladybug on my coffeepot! :) I think they are considered good luck in some Asian tradition, maybe feng shui. I just really like them - they are pretty and are good for gardens :)

It's an amazingly beautiful day - sunny and warm, with a breeze, the perfect weather and just the kind that causes a feeling of well-being :)

My soup is good, and it was pretty easy to make - the hardest part is all the chopping of veggies.

Finally, I'm feeling good!

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