Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mon - Thurs

Holy cow, it's been longer than I thought!

Monday's declutter: I paid a bill and recycled the envelope and inserts.

Tuesday's declutter: I think I did dishes and cleaned the catbox.

Wednesday's declutter: I shredded I think 62 papers at work.

Thursday's declutter: I shredded 91 papers at work, and did dishes when I got home.

Results: I worked two jobs on Monday and got paid both places. Also worked SEVEN hours at my regular job on Wednesday - business is picking up again! And then I worked at a second job after that. I am working a couple more hours there next week as well.

I got to see a movie I'd only seen the end of as a kid, Pit and the Pendulum. For years I wondered what movie it was, and I finally got the answer! It was sooo bad, but so fun!

Got my phones back, and the display on my original phone works again, yay! There was a slight snag for me because they changed the face of the phone and I didn't want that changed. But I called them today and they said if I brought it back they would try to put the old face on again or swap out the one from the second phone. Both faces are cracked so they might not be able to use them, but will if they can. They won't charge me extra for it. I was happy I called, and now am feeling maybe I can live with the new face since it's quite a trek to go out there, and other things could go wrong. I may call again tomorrow to find out specifically if all the parts are integrated with the face, cuz if so it won't be worth it to go back.

I felt really really good on Tuesday. It was an absolutely gorgeous day and I was just happy to be where I am in life. It's good to feel so good! When I went to bed that night I thought that it really doesn't matter if I get the things I want in life - happiness is the only thing that really matters. I have been striving to be happy in order to have a vibration of allowing, when what really makes sense is to strive just to be happy for its own sake. This is something I have heard many times, but I only just GOT it.

Today I woke up in a grumpy mood. I felt the need to be home doing things to beautify my place. But as the day went along and I got absorbed in work, I found my mood lifting. There were some irritations but overall felt much better at the end of the day. I got a lot accomplished at work. Toward the end of the day I was feeling this happiness that my on-hold bf loves me. I don't know how things will turn out for us, but it was nice just to be glad for him and his love.

After work today, I went to the grocery store and got free butter when I let them know that it is frequently rancid! Got it home and so far it tastes really good, not rancid at all this time. :) I had already called the company who makes the butter to let them know of the problem, and they are sending me replacement coupons!

Finally, tonight I went to my gym to ask about a charge that was supposed to have been waived, and they refunded it. Tomorrow is another work day, at a place I really like working, so it will be a fun day, and then I can work on my place over the weekend, get it spiffy so it's a nice place to live.

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