Sunday, May 22, 2011


I don't remember what I decluttered Friday. Probably recycled an envelope or two. I did listen to quite a few audios to declutter my mind, which helped me stay in a good mood.

On Saturday I made up for Friday by taking two weeks' worth of food scraps to the Greenmarket for composting, along with a bag of old clothes and rags for the textile recycling program! I had been digging through a bag of sewing projects and decided to recycle: A pair of holey knee-his, 2 torn pillow covers (I kept the batting to make into new pillows), a pink flowered shirt with a tear in the seam, a white long-sleeved shirt that was yellowed, a white sleeveless shirt that was also yellowed, five pairs of holey socks, two mismated socks, a pair of black running shorts in which the elastic was rotting, a pair of torn black jeans, a pair of white elastic-waisted shorts (stained), and a white sheer cardigan-style cover-up. I also took some dead plants out and threw them into the vacant lot next door. Later on I paid a couple of bills and recycled a bill insert, and cleaned the catbox.

Today I did dishes and put away the sewing projects that remain.

Results: I took the cat to the vet on Friday - have wanted to do that for awhile just to get her checked out since she has had what I thought were minor problems for years, and then recently started losing weight, which was more of a worry for me. Turns out she has hyperthyroidism that is off the charts, and it almost certainly has affected her heart. So I'm starting her on medication on Monday and will be getting her checked out again in a few weeks to make sure she's doing OK since other problems could arise once the thyroid is under control. I'm SO grateful that I had the money to do this because she appears perfectly happy and healthy apart from the weight loss. Thanks to that loan, my kitty will have a shot at getting healthier again.

I also worked and got paid on Friday, then walked to the health food store to get a discount on coconut water, which I split with my limbo man. He and I had a nice time hanging out and I am feeling the love and still not thinking about the future. He's giving indications of moving toward being on the same page as me, which tells me that focusing on my happiness is definitely the way to go :)

On Saturday I got an impromptu invitation to play cards and eat food with my D&D friends. So I went and it was really fun :) On the way I stopped at a crafts store to look for paints so I could finish my painting and hang it. I was only looking for a few colors, but found a set of 18 in the tiny paint-by-number paint pots that included what I was looking for and a few others that might be useful. I had a 40% off coupon, and it was only $3.99 to begin with, so I felt good about buying it! I really hope the paint is a similar finish to that of those which came with the painting. When the party was over I found out one of the group lives up in my neighborhood, right near where the Greenmarket is! So she gave me a ride home in a cab so I wouldn't have to be on the train for an hour, and she wouldn't let me pay her for it since she would have taken it anyway! That was nice of her :)

Saturday also happened to be a BEAUTIFUL day. I went to a couple of thrift stores looking for a sewing machine since mine isn't working. Also found some places to call regarding repairing it or buying a used one. I went to the library and paid off a fine, and got out a pile of interesting books.

Today has been a very mellow day. It's cloudy and I have been lazy all day, and a little gloomy. I am listening to more audios and am currently eating a big salad to get myself back on the BED after a week of sugaring out. I started a large batch of coconut water kefir, and am excited to try making coconut pudding tomorrow! That will address one of the hardest aspects of the diet, which is the craving for creamy foods like ice cream and chocolate. I think it will be good with stevia. It might be the missing piece to helping keep me on the diet!

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