Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Tuesday's declutter: I recycled three or four envelopes, including one for a bill I paid, and their inserts. Also, I recycled four paper bags, I think on Monday.

Wednesday's declutter: Did some more tapping on abundance - cash flow became a trickle this month so I need to work on it.

Results: I made money yesterday working two jobs. Also was supposed to talk about an upcoming job today, but that didn't happen due to schedule changes. Oh well. That's happening next week - they are busy people!

I DID have a major brainstorm today about where to find some money - family. I haven't borrowed money from family in years, and it never occurred to me till today that I probably could. The tapping worked. Anyway, I thought that before I did that, I would do a balance transfer from my credit card to my checking account, so I could pay the debt payments I have due next week - it's just transferring debt, not new debt so it would have been OK. I had planned to do it to pay off another debt with a high payment so I'd have more cash to work with each month, but figured, do it now instead. But the funniest thing happened. It wouldn't give me the option to transfer into my checking account. When I called, the representatives didn't get that option either. After about two hours on the phone, a supervisor said he'd request an investigation and give me an interest credit for my trouble. That was pretty nice!

So I ended up making the call. And my family was happy to help me. I got off the phone and cried - the Universe always comes through for me. ALWAYS. I have family! As long as I have family I will never have to worry. They will always be there for me in whatever way they can be. I am so blessed to have so many people in my life who love me and won't let me go hungry or be homeless or have to deal with any of the terrors of poverty. I'm finally breaking out of my past of deprivation and asking for - and accepting - what the Universe has to give me, through other people. This is a moment to remember the next time I feel anxiety about money - I always have enough. Somehow, I always have enough! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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