Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Monday - Tuesday

Monday's declutter: I cleaned up three takeout bags by recycling the paper bags and putting the plastic bags aside for recycling at the store. Also did laundry, though I don't really count that as cleaning. But I did throw vinegar and baking soda down my kitchen sink to keep it running clear, so that counts.

Tuesday: I was upstate working, and didn't do a declutter. But I did quickly clean the hood over my stove when I got home. It's a goofy fake hood that isn't secure on one corner. There's no fan. I hate cleaning it, but I saw the greasy dirt just sitting there while I was on the phone, so I took a few swipes and got rid of it.

Today I had an inadvertent declutter. Rushed off the subway cuz the next stop was going to be the last, and I knew I didn't have everything, but couldn't figure out why I felt that way...until I was on the next train approaching my stop, and found my gloves were missing. Sigh. That's the second time I've dropped them on the train. First time this year though, and this time they were only $1 gloves! I have another $1 pair in a different color, so no biggie! Still feel dumb though, cuz I could have waited one stop and gotten everything together before getting off.

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