Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Catchin' Up

Well, I did not declutter on Saturday. I forget why :) I did sleep in, in an effort to kill this bug I've had. It was freezing outside so I didn't budge from my apartment all day except maybe to check the mail.

Don't think I decluttered on Sunday either. Maybe a receipt or an envelope recycled...I did do some cleaning, but I don't remember what! DOH!

On Monday, though, I decluttered the ream of paper that was a photocopy of a tax lien book. Didn't need that. That was on my way to the acupuncturist, who I saw in the hopes of killing this bug as well. It had been three and a half years, and it was nice to see him. He gave me a bunch of stuff to use at home for the cough and throat thing, too. Then I went to get a few groceries, and get an overcharge refunded. And I bought some Vitamin B12 WITH a $2 off coupon. Deal of the century - the vitamins cost $3.39 and then I got two bucks off! Oh, my rent check arrived too!

Slept really well Monday night, got up early Tuesday to mail a bill, and decided to do laundry while I was at it. I got home and started to watch the option I'd bought on Friday that had gone down Monday after a spike up. It kept going down until I couldn't stand it anymore, even though it was at a point where it was likely to bounce up (support), and sold it. Of course it did bounce up at the end of the day, so I bought a different option on the same stock in my cash account thinking I could watch it Wednesday. I returned some library books and deposited the rent check, and I paid a couple of bills and recycled the envelopes and inserts. Then I headed upstate on the train to work Wednesday. On the way out the door I took six of the books my neighbor gave me to the lobby. I'm going through them slowly.

Today I worked and completely forgot to check how my option was doing. I had had an awesome dream this morning, and got to work feeling good. Got home around 7:30 and decluttered an advertisement, an envelope from a coupon I got, and a couple other pieces of paper.

Results: I got to see my man yesterday, which was lovely :) The option I bought yesterday and forgot to check was up $380 as of today's close! HOLY COW! And I got dinner last night and lunch today on the house. AND, I got to talk with my sister tonight for an hour and a half, which was great as always! What a terrific day!

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