Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Today's declutter: I took the cat litter out to the garbage.

Results: I forgot to say that I got my first birthday card on Monday, from my great-aunt, great-uncle, and cousin. I had sort of forgotten about birthday cards - it will be a fun week as they trickle in :)

Woke up to kitty cuddles for the third or fourth day in a row. There is really nothing that compares with a kitty purring in your ear as you're dozing in the morning. It's so nice to feel that warm furry creature snuggling up to you, pet the silky fur, and hear the happy LOUD purring. My cat makes me happy every day, no lie. She is the cutest boo and I adore her.

Today I got to work and through the window I saw a sign that said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUDY!" And when I got in I saw there was a bouquet of flowers waiting for me from my co-worker. Awww! My boss said happy birthday and gave me a hug, and when I looked at the sign up close it actually had a tiny "early" in between the happy and the birthday. So cute!

I had spent the morning looking for things to appreciate, because I have been having a tough time the past few days with a couple of things. So I am making a conscious effort to think of things that will make me feel happy. When I feel happy, people are nicer to me, and things seem to go more smoothly. The last could be that I'm just happy so things that might bother me don't, but the first is definitely true.

So anyway, I had a good day at work - the amount of time I am putting in these days continues to surprise me. Things are picking up there and there is just more to do. Then I went to work my second job of the day, and got what needed to get done completed. It was work for me though - it was creating files and that's not really my thing. But I needed it done in order to continue with the bookkeeping so it's good.

Went home, didn't have to wait long for trains and didn't feel crowded. I made a call earlier to another EFT practitioner who offers a trial session, who I had been drawn to from the website where I first found him. Turns out he's from here, living where I grew up! and he's also a performer. Anyway, when I got home I hadn't heard back, so I emailed him and got an immediate response! We spoke and I have an appointment with him tomorrow night! So glad to be dealing with this stuff. I know EFT works.

This morning I also discovered recordings of Alison Armstrong on a radio show, and listened to one. Listened to a few more tonight. Very helpful in feeling out what I want to do in one of the situations I feel stuck in. In case I haven't mentioned her before, Alison is the founder of PAX, a company dedicated to helping women understand men, and vice versa. I've done many of her workshops, and have to say that what I learned has been so helpful in my understanding of men. Do I practice it all the time? No. But with these radio shows, hurray! I can have reminders handy.

Oh, yeah, almost forgot, today was payday! :) And the sun came out and warmed things up in the early evening. All in all, a good day!

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