Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!

Friday's declutter: I took a container to the lobby. Didn't need it. Got a few more I think I'll get rid of.

Saturday's declutter (so far): I did another EFT session this morning. It was GREAT. I have been doing a bit of housework since as the session took us to my clutter and mess as part of my blocks to success in business. So far: Cleaned the catbox. Put a pile of recipes in a big binder, and put the binder and some more loose recipes and cooking magazines away in the kitchen cabinet where they live This gave me a ton of table space, and the awareness that I need to clean the table. Recycled four paper bags and a chopstick, and put some cold remedies and vitamins away. Stacked the dirty dishes, then opened a package of chicken breasts I bought Thursday and wrapped and froze two of them. The third is getting cooked for lunch and dinner. Oh yeah, and I took the two weeks' worth of compost stuff to the farmers' market early this morning.

Results: I was back on the down side of the roller coaster Friday. Finally took care of it by writing an email to the person I was bumming out over. I felt better once I wrote it, tweaked it some, and actually did send it. And now I feel free of all the angst and pain that was expressed in it.

The EFT obviously worked because I'm inspired to clean up the messes around here today.

Finally, it's my birthday! and I'm getting a ton of Facebook posts. I feel really loved and appreciated! It's truly a happy birthday!

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