Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tuesday Decluttering

Hey, I forgot that I recycled a couple of envelopes on Sunday, and maybe an insert or two along with them. I also recycled a newspaper last night.

I also forgot to mention a result from yesterday - I'm fitting into a pair of white pants I couldn't zip a year ago! Thanks Body Ecology Diet (which I'm totally cheating on till after my birthday)!

Tuesday: Today I did some tapping on my relationship which was very good. I also worked on finding out why I'm doing the business I'm doing. If you have a compelling reason, you will find a way, and my reasons needed to be stronger. I think it's a process, but I definitely got closer!

I cleaned the tub, tile, and shower curtains while in the shower, then did dishes. I cleaned the toilet and sink a bit later, then cleaned the catbox. I put away most of the laundry (I think some is still damp). And the thing I'm proudest of: I scanned a bunch of recipes from some old magazines so I could give the mags away. They have been sitting in my living room for at least two months, waiting for me to figure out whether to save the whole mag or rip out the pages. This way, I get the recipes, take up no space, and get to pass the magazines along intact. :)

There are six magazines so far, and I'll be taking them to the lobby in a few minutes. I'm so excited about this I may take ALL my recipe pages from the last 25 years and scan them. Or not, but at least I have the option now. Gotta think of how else I can use computer storage, it's a tool I hadn't really considered before.

Finally, I was going to do my taxes today. Was going to do them yesterday too. So now the plan is to do them tonight. I won't have time again till Friday, and postage rates go up on Saturday or Sunday, so I'd like to send them out on Friday morning so I don't have to wait in line for an hour. Going to go buy some Ben & Jerry's and start downloading forms and getting started.

Results: I am feeling good. I've got work lined up for the next two weeks, and an interview for a new job next week.

I called back my friend regarding referrals for my business, and he's not in today - that's what I get for not calling yesterday! But I'll try his cell later. I also heard back from a friend who's interested in the business but has been swamped with all the things she has to do. She's got it on her list for next week, so we are progressing. :)

My apartment has retained the warmth it acquired during yesterday's amazing day in the 80s and I'm very comfortable. It's really nice!

My honey is hoping to come over later, and I think I'll feel much closer to him thanks to the tapping I did this morning.

Finally, I am really loving the accountability partnership I've developed with some business associates I met in PA a few weeks back. We are sharing our goals and tips and working through issues together and it's been really great. I feel supported and am getting great hits from their ideas that are helping me move forward. For me, the business is about being the best I can be. Forming associations with like-minded people is a part of that.

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