Friday, December 3, 2010

Thursday and Friday

Thursday's Declutter: I recycled a post-it and a postcard. Don't think I did anything else :)

Friday's Declutter: So far, I've recycled six postcards, three envelopes, five receipts, two menus, and 11 papers. I've also thrown away six pieces of credit/ID cards. I went through several old cooking magazines and found some recipes to rip out or copy, and two mags to take to the lobby. Finally, I'm taking two coupons to the lobby as well, when I go out to do laundry and mail a package. Oh, yeah, I paid two bills as well. They're going to the PO with me.

It's later and I did my laundry and took the stuff to the PO. I then recycled a mailer, letter, envelope, and insert from a free calendar I was going to return (it was sent as part of a donation campaign, and I felt bad) but couldn't since I opened it.

Results: I spoke with a friend yesterday who I'd been thinking of incessantly. I used to work for him and he is definitely one of the best bosses ever. It was SO NICE just to say hello - really made my day!

It also feels really good to get things done. :)

Oh, I also called the lawyer who handled my great-aunt's will to find out about advances on the inheritance. He called back to say none could be given till the period to submit a claim was over. I think that ends this month but I called back to verify it. If so, that's good news, cuz I don't think there have been any claims and that means I might be able to get some of the money and pay off some of my debts! That would be wonderful :)

Finally, I found 11 cents while I was out!

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