Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas and Sunday

Friday: I cleaned up the place in anticipation of dinner with my boyfriend, and then went over to his place instead! So the dishes got done and the papers and TV tray and other clutter got put in the closet and drawers. I brought out candles and lit them and it looked really nice in here.

Saturday: I got up early and scanned all the purchases I'd made in the last couple weeks, so I was able to recycle three or four papers after that (had to hang on to the UPCs till I could scan).

I also gave people Christmas presents! One of them was a regift, something that I really appreciated but was unlikely to use. It was something the recipient loved, so that makes me happy and I feel it's a good way to honor the person who gave it to me as well. I also continued working on the handmade items for several people - they got IOUs along with another small gift each.

Sunday: I got up early today, and despite the forecast of a big storm, there was no snow yet, so I did the laundry! It's drying now on the rack and radiators, which makes the house smell really good.

Results: I Spent Christmas Eve with my guy, having a delicious dinner that included a mix of yukon gold and sweet potatoes that we both really liked and will make again! I spent Christmas morning with good friends, and received some really nice gifts - among them a beautiful pashmina, some wonderful soaps, and a donation in my name, which makes me happy cuz I didn't get to donate much this year. When I got home, my honey had left me a very sweet message that made me happy.

Today I had the enormous realization that happiness is the goal of everything we do. All the things I want in life, I want because I think I'll be happier with them. So if I could just be happy, I would have achieved the end result, and none of the stuff that I think is important would need to happen! It's not the first time I've realized this, but it struck me very strongly this time. Think about it - if one can be happy no matter the circumstances, one has pretty much mastered life. And I think that's the point at which everything I have ever wanted will come to me. When this revelation happened, I was focusing on my heart's desire, a dream that has felt less and less possible as the years pass, and it suddenly felt like a sure thing.

It's hard to put into words, but it was a huge thing to understand, and I've felt really good ever since. :)

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