Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Tuesday's clutter: A fabric pouch thing went down to the lobby. I really don't know what it was. It was about a foot by six inches, and had a flap and velcro closure. It could be a makeup bag, maybe.

Today's clutter: A New Year's Eve noisemaker went to the lobby. It was the kind you twirl on a handle that makes a grinding noise. There are kids in the building so I figured they might like a toy like that.


  1. Hey Judy!

    So, yesterday, I had a HUGE decluttering event! I took the entire day to declutter my bedroom from top to bottom. When I was done, it felt SO GOOD. My bedroom feels like 3 times as big! I'm also going to take the tips from Raymond Aaron and others on how to maintain this clean and pristine space. Thank you for inspiring to declutter my life!

  2. Hooray, Andrea! Isn't it a terrific feeling? I'm so glad you were inspired to take a whole DAY to declutter - WOW!

    I'd love to hear how much stuff you took out, and what you did with it - donate, trash, sell?

    After reading this, I'm for sure taking that bag of clothes to the thrift store today. You inspired me!

  3. P.S. You can follow the blog and I believe that you'll get the updates that's on the sidebar below the events.
