Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday, April 2 - Shoulder Pads

Today I took a cue from my April Fool's post and dug out a bunch of shoulder pads that were stashed in one of my sewing drawers. I found five pairs that I will attempt to sell with other sewing stuff, and 9 single pads.

How do I have so many shoulder pads? Well, I am a petite woman with football shoulders. OK, they aren't that bad. But they are large for a small woman and they are very square. So when shoulder pads were in back in the 80s, I didn't need 'em. I ripped them all out of the clothes I bought, and then the packrat instinct took over and I kept them. I've hauled those things around with me coast to coast for who knows how many years. I actually have found uses for them, such as lining a too-revealing bra.

A few years back I sewed a bunch of shoulder pads together for fun. Made a goofy wall hanging out of it, and then I think I gave it away after awhile. It would have made a fun pillow. As a result of that random sampling of shoulder pads, there were 9 left without mates.

So those 9 loose pads went down to the lobby. Maybe there's another creative sewer in the building who will think "Jackpot!"

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