By Shelly Lefkoe
What would it take to have a clutter free life? Lots of experts will tell you how to get the clutter out of your garage, basement, attic, kitchen, or bedrooms. If you were able to follow their advice, get rid of clutter, and stay decluttered, great. If not, you may need to learn how to de-clutter your mind BEFORE you can declutter your life.
Did you ever notice the voice that talks to you all day? It’s the voice that says “Oh, you're so stupid,” when you make a mistake. Or “Don’t say that, nobody cares,” when you want to speak up. Or “I’ll never get this job,” or "I’m just not good enough.” You get the idea.
These thoughts come from our beliefs about ourselves and our lives, most of which are unconscious. We don’t even know that we have them, but they clutter our heads all the time. These beliefs determine what we do, how we feel, and ultimately what shows up for us.
Let’s use an example. If someone has the belief “No matter what I do it will never be good enough," that would lead to procrastination, because every time you think of beginning something, that unconscious belief stops you. This belief could keep you from cleaning out the clutter in your house. Or it may keep you from starting and finishing other projects.
Most people are walking around with tons of negative self-esteem beliefs cluttering their heads, leading to clutter in their lives. These beliefs are "I’m not good enough, I’m not important, I’m not worthy, I don’t deserve, and what makes me good enough is having others think well of me."
If I told you that Bill Gates had the belief that money is scarce and hard to get would you believe me? Of course not! Or that he had no confidence? No again.
Two of the most common beliefs I help people get rid of in my practice are “Mistakes and failure are bad,” and "If I make a mistake I’ll be rejected.” Could you possibly be a risk taker with these beliefs? Could you invent an iPhone or iPpod without failing?
When these negative beliefs disappear you will have the freedom to speak up in life, to have the confidence you want, to do things you want (including getting rid of the outer clutter).
For the past 20 years we have been working with thousands of individuals helping them quickly eliminate these negative beliefs that clutter our heads and daily lives. Now for the first time we have been able to make this available to millions of people in an interactive online program called Recreate Your Life. You can eliminate 19 self-esteem beliefs and the belief that results in your concern with what others think of you.
When I eliminated the belief “What makes me good enough is having other people think well of me,” my life changed profoundly. I always say that I had to keep looking in the mirror to see if I was the same person. The voice in my head that said “Did I say the right thing?" or "What did they think about what I just said?” STOPPED. I was able to be fully authentic and I felt a freedom that I had never known.
As a gift to Judy, for the next two weeks we are allowing you to experience this amazing process for free by going to . Then if the spirit moves you, the 19 beliefs are only a click away.
Get rid of the clutter in your head so you can get rid of the clutter in your life.
Create your life every day!
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