Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Today's Declutter: I shredded 29 papers at work. I also paid two bills and recycled an envelope and inserts. And I deleted 16 emails.

Results: OMG, yesterday was such a good day! I just felt so good all day, and toward late afternoon, I got another transcription job! It didn't take me as long this time, and this morning I went through it again and got most of what I missed. It is so exciting to be able to make a little more money from home :)

Then today I worked and there was much more to do than I had expected, so I made more money. It's good timing - there are groceries to be bought this week, as well as birthday presents for a gang birthday party, about six of us! I'm one of the six, and I've already bought one present, so that leaves four to take care of.

After work I took a long walk to the store where I buy coconut water, because I need to make more of it. It's really good for the thyroid and mine needs it! It was a beautiful walk - it's super hot this week but today was less humid and I really didn't feel it that badly. Walked on the shady side of the street most of the way. But the things I saw were just wonderful - rooftop gardens, buildings and streets I'd never walked by before - it was really cool. I kinda had a meltdown when I got home, but oh, well, these things happen.

Right now it's a bit after sunset and the sky is this odd blue - looks like a rainstorm blue - with white clouds. It's so pretty, and so surprising because it's 8:45 and I can still see some daylight! Anyway, I think it's time for some veggies and then maybe an early night - I have had a headache all day and sleep usually helps. Goodnight!

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