Sunday, July 17, 2011

Another Week Blows By

I don't remember most of my decluttering this week. I'm not sure I DID anything before Thursday. Let's see...OK.

Sometime this week I think I deleted 37 emails. Could have been last week though.

Monday or Tuesday: I recycled the box my cat's medicine came in. I deleted seven emails on Tuesday also.

Wednesday: I deleted either nine or 15 emails.

Sometime before Friday: I recycled a container lid. I also put my thermos away in the cabinet with all the go-cups.

Thursday: Did a lot of VERY DIRTY dishes.

Friday: I cleaned the remaining shelf supports for the now-doorless cabinet so I could put up the second shelf. I think I also put them in the cabinet later. I also deleted 16 emails.

Saturday: I took food scraps and dead flowers to the compost pile at the farmers' market. I paid three bills and recycled the envelopes and inserts. Also recycled a fourth envelope, and the food container I used to wash those roachy shelf supports. I deleted 14 emails. And I washed all the stray cat food cans along with a few dishes, and sprayed the kitchen floor and wiped up the cat food spills.

Sunday: I deleted three emails, paid two more bills, filed a pile of bills, paystubs, statements, and letters, and recycled nine envelopes (three with inserts), five papers, 11 post-its, a menu, and a brochure.

Results: It's been an up-and-down week. Still struggling to get the kitchen stuff done, though yesterday I made a little progress. But work is coming in! I had another transcription job assigned to me Wednesday, and I got a couple of referrals for bookkeeping jobs Wednesday also. Spoke with one of them and he sounded like someone I'd like working for. It will be minimal work each week but every extra hour helps and I'll be able to fit it in to my existing work days.

On Saturday I got a rush transcription job, and that was exciting! Unfortunately I bit off more than I could chew and didn't do the job well. I continued working on it after the deadline and sent them my revised copy in anticipation of being told what I'd sent wasn't acceptable. I haven't heard anything yet and am hoping that means they needed it that night so they could get it out Monday morning, and thus would have time to look at the revised copy. I imagine I'll find out tomorrow.

I also got paid on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday :) Lots of money came in, just in time for the bills.

Took the cat to be weighed and she is gaining, though more slowly.

I stopped by my man's place after work one day and got surprised with a nice massage! That was awesome. And I had fun all day Friday, first at my soap's 43rd birthday fan party, and then hanging out with an old college friend who was in town! The weather was perfect and it was a great day!

Finally, today I was in a PMS mood, and then I got an email from a friend asking what was going on that I was so out of sorts lately. So I got to vent about the clutter stuff, and pretty soon I was feeling better enough to do that filing I mentioned, and now I'm feeling really good again. So nice to have thoughtful friends :) And that's my week in review!

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