Saturday, July 23, 2011


Today I cleaned. I don't know what got into me, I just had cleaning energy all of a sudden. Before I cleaned I did other stuff. I cut up a lot of veggies that I bought at the farmers' market this morning, so they'd ready for cooking and salads without my having to put a lot of time in when I'm tired after work. Then I did stuff like clean the catbox and delete emails (did 24), and wrap presents for a group birthday party tonight (I'm one of the birthday people, so I'll be bringing gifties home too!). I got kinda creative with my wrappings - it was fun!

I goofed around a bit too. But then I saw a bunch of dust bunnies and thought, ugh, I've GOT to sweep! So I started with the kitchen, so I could finally put everything back in there. I swept the bathroom too, I think - might have done it before the catbox, actually. Then I grabbed the pail and a scrubber, and scrubbed the hell out of the kitchen floor with water and baking soda. Got the mop out to spread that around and pick up the excess water. Then I swept the living room and entry. When the kitchen floor was dry I swept it again, because there's always crap left behind. And then I cleaned the hell out of the kitchen table - legs and everything - and put it in the kitchen. Finally, I cleaned the seat and back of the remaining chair and put it in the kitchen. I had to reclean the chair that was in there too. I switched the positions of the table and cabinet, so the table is now across from the stove. We'll see how that goes. There are a couple of things left to wash and some cooking magazines to put away, but basically, it's DONE!!

I did some tapping on resistance today, and some yesterday too, in different areas. And I'm thinking that it spilled over into the resistance over finishing the kitchen cleaning, because the energy was there all of a sudden, after I did this tapping today.

Results: My living room is livable again :) I feel great that I got this done.

I also received the check I was expecting for my remote work. I like working from home. Hoping I can do more of that.

Life is good!

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