Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Day and A Week of Catch-up

Whew! Another week gone and I don't believe I decluttered much of anything. Working so much that I don't have a life! But I'm finding the balance this weekend: Today I'm decluttering and tomorrow I'm cleaning. I wrote down all the declutters that need to be done before I can easily clean. It includes things like dishes and planting bulbs along with filing. Anything that's in the way of easy cleaning has to get done first.

So that's how I'm organizing the chores. It's really easy to clean when there's no clutter - takes only a couple hours to do the whole place. But with the junk in the way it just seems insurmountable.

Now, since clutter is my big problem, this is a challenge! But last night I just decided I had to do it. It will probably not be a complete declutter because I don't think I've ever done one of those. But if I get everything on my chore list done, I will have made a huge difference.

So this week. Wow. I have not been decluttering daily. I recycled one piece of junk mail yesterday, and I'm pretty sure that's it for the week. I did return the non-working computer and get my money back. Then my boyfriend brought me one, which also isn't working, haha! I don't think they told him there is no hard drive, DOH! I'm not worried cuz he can either fix it or go back to where he got it and ask where the boot disk is!

Anyway. No decluttering to speak of cuz work wears me out. There's a bright spot though. I'm REALLY loving one of my jobs, and that gives me energy rather than tiring me. And another job was put on hold, and it's one I feel may not be a good fit anyway. So things are going to work out fine.

Back to the decluttering!

Oh, yeah, I got some results! Great birthday presents Friday and Sunday from my parents and my friends. Lots of jewelry and lotions and fun stuff like that! And more birthday cake! And money!

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