Sunday, May 2, 2010


Well, I did do more decluttering today, but at a slower pace as I was losing energy. I forgot that yesterday I recycled six newspapers and some other papers, which was part of one of my declutter items, "put away or recycle papers," so that was another incomplete one.

Today's declutter:

1. Continued with the putting away/recycling of papers: Several post-its, a few envelopes, some random pieces of paper. I was considering this part of the filing, but I think I am more or less done with that, and this goes with the paper put away instead. This is still incomplete.
2. Tossed some dead flowers.
3. Put away a box of books for the yard sale.

The papers actually took a lot of time - many went into the info file - so I accomplished more than it seems. I also put some books away, which was NOT on the list, and put more items in the boxes for the yard sale. And I took a recipe down to the lobby.

Today's cleaning:

1. Changed the cat litter.
2. Did what I could on the oven. It's such a mess I'm going to have to do it in sections. I got some grime off at least.
3. Cleaned the silverware drawer, which had a few roach bodies from winter (I haven't seen a roach in weeks so I think that huge cleanout and borax sprinkling has worked) so I could put away the can opener, measuring cups, and other stuff that belongs in there that has been sitting out. My hope was to get to all four drawers, but one at a time is better than none! So this is incomplete.
4. Dusted, vacuumed, and swept my bedroom. I also swept the hall near the catbox. The bedroom is clean, the chores are incomplete.
5. Watered plants (I actually did half of them yesterday).
6. Took out trash and all the recycling (second week in a row!).
7. Swished the toilet.

The place looks a bit better, but these papers! Argh. They are the biggest problem. I really don't know how they get to be so piled up. Probably cuz I don't know what to do with some of them. The info file will help.

Results: My room is clean!

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