Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Ha! I'm decluttering early today :)

Monday: I paid a bill and recycled the envelope and return envelope (I pay online). Also recycled two additional envelopes. One of these days I'm going to have to switch to paperless billing to avoid getting the envelopes at all, but I really like my paper copies.

Tuesday: I opened a piece of mail and recycled the envelope and insert.

Results: OMG, last night when I paid my MC bill, I noticed my VISA minimum payment had decreased. I was mystified as to how this could happen, so I called Citibank. The wonderful rep I spoke to, David, was puzzled at first also. Then I hit upon the answer and he verified it: I had gone over my credit limit and made a payment to get me back under. The minimum payment on my statement included the amount I was over the limit. When I got back under the limit, Citi took that amount OFF my minimum! Who knew? I told David he made my day, and he said actually that my making that payment made my day! He said I was the first person he'd ever known of to call and verify that my minimum payment went down, much less ask why! He was a delight to talk with, and I hope he has nice bosses and a decent paycheck cuz you don't get fun reps every day!

But anyway, I'm a freaking money magnet! I have bills due this weekend, and the whole universe appears to be conspiring to help me pay them on time, when only Sunday I was calculating how much I needed to do it! That minimum payment reduction along with the second rent check (which was earlier than it's been in MONTHS) puts me in the clear. So, THANKS UNIVERSE!

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