Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sunday - Wednesday

Sunday declutter: I used a gift bag and some tissue paper I had for my friend's birthday gift. Also gave her the gifts, which I've had for some time!

Monday declutter: I donated almost a ream of card stock to the opera company - have had it for YEARS and no longer have a use for it. But they can use it for postcards and flyers and stuff :)

Tuesday declutter: I think I recycled an envelope or two when getting my shreddables ready to take to work Wednesday. Probably tossed a postcard too, sometime in the last few days. And some other random paper stuff. My main thing Tuesday was getting chores done when I got home: I made a list in the morning and did four items. I cleaned the catbox, copied a paper I needed (and changed the ink before that), did the dishes, and put away the laundry.

Wednesday declutter: I finally took my shred pile to work! I had about twenty pages of old bills and sensitive info. Also cut pieces off nine old credit cards and threw them away. And I recycled a postcard and a catalog. Also took out the recycling and did another of the items on my list, grinding oatmeal for a facial scrub.

Results: Today was payday! I have enough money to start saving to pay my unpaid taxes. I will get more money on Friday and possibly more tomorrow though I'm not counting on it. But at any rate the bills are taken care of and I've got 12 days before rent is due! There will be a few paydays by the 1st, so things are good!

I also had a great time with my guy last night. We watched TV on his computer, shows we'd missed, which we haven't done for ages as we've both been too busy. It was so nice :)

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