Saturday, May 15, 2010

Saturday and the 2nd Annual North American Declutter

Today my neighbor and I had our first yard sale of the year, and while we didn't sell much, it was just nice to be outside all day hanging with friends. He had an old friend stopping by, who just happened to be a past tenant of MY APARTMENT! So we all hung out from about 9-5. I sold several books and a tape set for a total of $5.50. It was supposed to be $5.75, but the guy who bought the books neglected to pay for the magazine he took. I may see him around though, and he knows I expect my quarter!

My neighbor sold a few more items than I, and made at least $12, and possibly $15.

Interestingly, when I came home, there was a bunch of stuff on the sidewalk next to the building, with a note that said "FREE." Inside the building was a sign saying someone was GIVING AWAY a Stairmaster! She's moving and can't take it. So I said I'd take it! My gym's been on the fritz and I need to WORK OUT! But anyway, the declutter spread to a third person. Oh, and the guy who bought my books also donated a kid's sled to the sale.

I had decided that this time I wasn't going to hang on to all the stuff that didn't sell. So when I got home I left the following in the lobby: A top and a nice shirt, two books, a package of elastic, some loose elastic, two packages of binding tape, a clothing label, an embroidered initial patch, a sewing pattern, two packages of craft feathers, three Irish whisky goblets, a Guinness paperweight, a spongy green apple, and a skein of peach colored baby yarn. The pattern went right away, the goblets ten minutes later. Who knows about the rest? I may put it out with the other girl's stuff.

Results: I made $5.50 and scored a Stairmaster! I also grabbed some picture frames the girl had left on the free pile. And I spent several hours knitting a blanket I'm making for a charity for babies with AIDS. I thought I'd get farther along with it, but I made dumb mistakes twice and had to unravel and the yarn is slippery so the unraveling was SLOW. I have lots of time tonight to knit, though, so I'll get much farther before the end of the day. Lastly, I got sun! My wrists are sunburned, haha!

If you had a yard sale today, or cleaned your garage, or just decluttered anything, please post about it here!

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