Thursday, December 3, 2009


What a week. I can't remember what I decluttered but it's been CRAZY.

I had a lovely Thanksgiving with my guy, then went to Delaware the next day for voice lessons. First I went shopping for costume fabric, though, and found a gorgeous blue that was only $2 a yard! Looks like silk but it's polyester so it can be washed.

Had two lessons. The second was terrific and put me in amazing voice. Then came the setbacks. First, Greyhound bumped me to the next bus out because the idiots don't tell you that, in Wilmington, DE, online tickets have to get checked in and get boarding numbers. Without that, you're bumped. The next bus was going to make me a little late, but still okay. Then when it came, we discovered that two of us had boarding # 7. The bus driver wasn't gonna let me on for a minute, even though the woman who was right in front of me in line told her I definitely had a 7 cuz she was there and got a 6. Then someone else came up with another # 6! So the bus driver stopped loading and went indoors to find out what the hell was going on in there. She came out and said she was boarding for that bus only, but when I told her I'd been bumped from the earlier bus, she let me on. Needless to say, I will NEVER take Greyhound again. And I'm gonna call them and tell them I want my money back.

Phew, I made it on the bus! But then, on the way through NJ, we hit massive traffic. We got in an hour late and meanwhile I had developed a terrific sore throat. I went to rehearsal, and they had started late so I was just in time. Sang then went home and tried to do various things for my throat. Throat got much worse the next day and I had a fever, so I didn't go to rehearsal cuz I was worried about others getting sick. I made it to the next two rehearsals and sang mostly fine despite developing a cough. Went out Tuesday night with my guy and lost my voice the next day. I can talk but not sing. Same today, so the director of the company made other arrangements for my part for opening night tomorrow. The theater was freezing - 50 degrees or so - for all our rehearsals, which only exacerbated my cold. I even told the owners of the theater I was sick and could they please give us heat, and they didn't. So they'll be getting a bill from me for the stuff I had to buy to kill this bloody cold.

Bottom line: I don't get to sing tomorrow, and unless I'm much better I won't sing Sunday either. Next weekend I should be fine for the final two shows. I may have to go to the doctor though, cuz it's not normal to have a sore throat for five days.

Now, I believe that we create our own reality by the way we think about life and our general attitude. I've been working on a positive attitude and things have been going my way, so I'm really wondering why I created this particular reality, this week of all times. I wasn't thinking about being sick, and was feeling pretty good about my voice although I had been worried when we first started rehearsals. This cold just came out of nowhere to sideline me, so I gotta wonder if it's self-sabotage or something.

There were good things this week, too, which makes it even crazier that this happened cuz I'm still on a roll with the positivity! I found out I qualified for the trading program guarantee, so I'm getting an additional year of classes twice a week for free! That is major good news. I was a bit worried that I wouldn't get them. Maybe the worry showed up as laryngitis. I have to say, I'd rather have a couple days of laryngitis than miss out on a year's worth of classes that could help me make enough money to retire!

Enough said. Back to decluttering.

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