Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday's Clutter

Today I took an old hard plastic cup down to the lobby. It's cracked in a couple places, but I liked the color and thought I could put a plant in it or something. Needless to say, this didn't happen, so it's outta here!

I also listed a sales program on craigslist. It's called Sales Dogs and it's a Rich Dad Advisors product. Probably should have posted it to a real estate club bulletin board. If it doesn't sell, that will be next.

Also took out the garbage and paper recycling. It's always so nice to take out a big bag of paper to the recycling bins. There's this sense of space left behind.


  1. The challenge in my town suddenly seems to be getting the sanitation department to pick it up from the curb. I've spoiled them because I don't generate a lot of glass/cans/plastic bottles. I called about the first missed pickup 2 weeks ago, but since it was a question of less than half a container I let it slide. But when they missed the next scheduled pickup this past week, I filed a formal compliant. The supervisor came herself with her plastic bag to haul away the evidence in her pickup. Next step is to wake up the crew.

  2. Wow, that's dedication! Good luck getting them them on board - let me know what happens.
