Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday March 29

Today I threw away two Almay makeup items that I was going to send back for a refund about 4 years ago. I don't know why I never returned them, much less why I hung on to them for so long thinking I'd return them. I actually feel quite free just from throwing them in the trash. Who knew something so small could be a burden?

Oh, I mentioned a few days ago that I'd be posting photos of the lobby decorations done by my tall neighbor. Alas, I waited too long to take a picture of the Chinese character - it was gone a couple days ago. But I still have the cat mask and the pretty paper garland, so here they are:

It's a little weird how these are formatted. I couldn't figure out a way to get them side-by-side. But I figured how to type in between without knowing that's what would happen. Cool! Maybe I should try to learn html - I seem to have a knack for it. That's something that I can thank an eBay expert's template program for. I learned quite a lot from using that program to do my listings. I list stuff on craigslist nowadays. It's free and you don't have to worry about getting negative feedback without being allowed to respond.

Final thought for this post. I need tips on how to promote this blog. If anyone out there has been inspired or helped by the blog, I'd appreciate it if you'd tell your friends. And if any of you know how to do internet promotion, I'd appreciate any tips you can offer. Thanks!

P.S. Now that I've posted it, I see the formatting IS side-by-side. You can't tell from the compose window.

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